249-250 | Introduction |
251-253 | Program |
255-262 | From classical dynamics to continuous time random walks | Robert Zwanzig |
263-271 | Stochastic flows, reaction — Diffusion processes, and morphogenesis | John J. Kozak, Michael D. Hatlee, Matthew K. Musho, Philip A. Politowicz and Cecilia A. Walsh |
273-283 | Fractal and lacunary stochastic processes | B. D. Hughes, E. W. Montroll and M. F. Shlesinger |
285-292 | Nonexponential decay in relaxation phenomena | A. K. Rajagopal, K. L. Ngai, R. W. Rendell and S. Teitler |
293-303 | Master equation techniques for exciton motion, relaxation, capture, and annihilation | V. M. Kenkre |
305-314 | Renormalization group approach to random walks on disordered lattices | Jonathan Machta |
315-334 | Theory of hopping and multiple-trapping transport in disordered systems | B. Movaghar, M. Grünewald, B. Pohlmann, D. Würtz and W. Schirmacher |
335-343 | Single and multiple random walks on random lattices: Excitation trapping and annihilation simulations | R. Kopelman, J. Hoshen, J. S. Newhouse and P. Argyrakis |
345-354 | Trapping of excitation in the averageT-matrix approximation | D. L. Huber |
355-362 | Diffusion in random one-dimensional systems | J. Bernasconi and W. R. Schneider |
363-372 | Random walks on inhomogeneous lattices | P. W. Kasteleyn and W. Th. F. den Hollander |
373-381 | Random walks on random lattices with traps | V. Halpern |
383-389 | Diffusion-controlled reactions among stationary sinks | Robert I. Cukier |
391-400 | Stochastic aspects of biological locomotion | Ralph Nossal |
401-412 | Physics of ligand migration in biomolecules | Peter Hanggi |
413-423 | Protein folding as a stochastic process | Nobuhiro Gō |
425-436 | From random to self-avoiding walks | Cyril Domb |
437-447 | Renormalization group description of polymer excluded volume | Karl F. Freed and A. L. Kholodenko |
449-456 | Self-avoiding walks with geometrical constraints | S. G. Whittington |
457-465 | Monte Carlo renormalization group Calculations for polymers | M. Muthukumar |
467-475 | On Pearson's random walk and some statistical properties of a quasiperiodic observable in a simple quantum model | F. T. Hioe |
477-485 | Random walk properties of lattices and correlation factors for diffusion via the vacancy mechanism in crystals | Masahiro Koiwa and Shunya Ishioka |
487-495 | Energy transfer as a random walk with long-range steps | A. Blumen and G. Zumofen |
497-507 | Random walk to and interaction with an impurity | Peter M. Richards |
509-518 | Diffusion in concentrated lattice gases | K. W. Kehr |
519-526 | Stochastic processes originating in deterministic microscopic dynamics | Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein and Joel L. Lebowitz |
527-535 | Random walk of dislocations following a high-velocity impact | Bruce J. West and Michael F. Shlesinger |
537-547 | Kinetics of adsorption on stepped surfaces and the determination of surface diffusion constants | C. H. Wu and E. W. Montroll |
549-559 | Equilibrium folding pathways for model proteins | Sanzo Miyazawa and Robert L. Jernigan |
561-562 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
433-450 | Velocity and diffusion constant of a periodic one-dimensional hopping model | Bernard Derrida |
451-465 | Localized excitation transport on substitutionally disordered lattices | G. Korzeniewski, R. Friesner and R. Silbey |
467-483 | On the relation between white shot noise, Gaussian white noise, and the dichotomic Markov process | C. Van Den Broeck |
485-497 | On the relationship between fluctuating irreversible thermodynamics and “extended” irreversible thermodynamics | Joel Keizer |
499-518 | What can we learn from homoclinic orbits in chaotic dynamics? | P. Gaspard and G. Nicolis |
519-563 | Coagulation equations with gelation | E. M. Hendriks, M. H. Ernst and R. M. Ziff |
565-575 | Kinetics of a finite one-dimensional mixture of hard rods with different masses | J. Masoliver and J. Marro |
577-616 | One-dimensional hard rod caricature of hydrodynamics | C. Boldrighini, R. L. Dobrushin and Yu. M. Sukhov |
617-621 | A note on the asymptotic master equations for systems with bound states | A. Di Prisco and G. Gutiérrez |
623-637 | On condensation in the free-boson gas and the spectrum of the Laplacian | M. van den Berg |
639-659 | A probabilistic approach to the models of spin glasses | András SütŐ, Tarik Yalcin and Christian Gruber |
661-670 | Study of Monte Carlo methods for generating self-avoiding walks | C. Brender, D. Ben-Avraham and S. Havlin |
671-678 | Geometry of equilibrium configurations in the Ising model | Joel Cohen, Loren Haskins and Jean-Paul Marchand |
679-689 | The decay of correlation of the two-particle distribution function in a phase-separating layer and the possibility of spatial phase coexistence | Manfred Requardt |
691-710 | A new proof of the Stillinger-Lovett complete shielding condition | Ph. A. Martin and Ch. Gruber |
711 | Self-diffusion for particles with stochastic collisions in one dimension | C. Kipnis, J. L. Lebowitz, E. Presutti and H. Spohn |
713-714 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
209-230 | Maximum entropy formalism, fractals, scaling phenomena, and 1/f noise: A tale of tails | Elliott W. Montroll and Michael F. Shlesinger |
231-254 | Derivation of the Boltzmann equation for a Fermi gas | N. M. Hugenholtz |
255-277 | Tagged particle fluctuations in uniform shear flow | M. Cristina Marchetti and James W. Dufty |
279-298 | Fokker-Planck and Langevin descriptions of fluctuations in uniform shear flow | Rosalío F. Rodríguez, E. Salinas-Rodríguez and James W. Dufty |
299-312 | Nonlinear quantum dynamical semigroups for many-body open systems | R. Alicki and J. Messer |
313-335 | Stochastic aspects in the theory of spectral-line broadening. I. Collision time statistics andN-perturber limit | Gerhard C. Hegerfeldt and Reinhard Reibold |
337-360 | Stochastic aspects in the theory of spectral-line broadening. II. Noncommutative cluster expansions | Gerhard C. Hegerfeldt and Reinhard Reibold |
361-374 | Critical behavior of a three-dimensional dimer model | Somendra M. Bhattacharjee, John F. Nagle, David A. Huse and Michael E. Fisher |
375-388 | On the mean field theory bound on the magnetization | J. Slawny |
389-405 | A Schwinger variational method for the Bloch equation | P. A. Whitlock, M. H. Kalos and G. V. Chester |
407-412 | Vanishing spontaneous magnetization for quantum mechanical models of a spin glass | Walter F. Wreszinski |
413-438 | Continuum fluids with a discontinuity in the pressure | G. W. Milton and Michael E. Fisher |
439 | A variational derivation of the velocity distribution functions for nonequilibrium, multispecies, weakly interacting, spherically symmetric many-body systems | S. Cuperman, I. Weiss and M. Dryer |
441 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
361-379 | Dynamics of self-organization in complex adaptive networks | D. d'Humières and B. A. Huberman |
381-398 | Magnetotransport in simple metals. An exactly soluble model | Herbert Oji and Henrik Smith |
399-426 | Kinetics of a first-order phase transition: computer simulations and theory | O. Penrose, J. Lebowitz, J. Marro, M. Kalos and J. Tobochnik |
427-450 | Diffusion on random systems above, below, and at their percolation threshold in two and three dimensions | R. B. Pandey, D. Stauffer, A. Margolina and J. G. Zabolitzky |
451-475 | Properties of fully developed chaos in one-dimensional maps | G. Györgyi and P. Szépfalusy |
477-495 | Long time tails in stationary random media. I. Theory | M. H. Ernst, J. Machta, J. R. Dorfman and H. van Beijeren |
497-537 | Nonequilibrium steady states of stochastic lattice gas models of fast ionic conductors | Sheldon Katz, Joel L. Lebowitz and Herbert Spohn |
539-556 | Some remarks on nonequilibrium dynamics of infinite particle systems | J. Fritz |
557-569 | On potential and field fluctuations in two-dimensional classical charged systems | A. Alastuey and B. Jancovici |
571-596 | Analyticity of the density of states and replica method for random schrödinger operators on a lattice | F. Constantinescu, J. Fröhlich and T. Spencer |
597-608 | Analyticity properties and a convergent expansion for the inverse correlation length of the high-temperatured-dimensional Ising model | Michael O'Carroll |
609-614 | Analyticity properties and a convergent expansion for the inverse correlation length of the low-temperatured-dimensional Ising model | Michael O'Carroll and Wilson Dantas Barbosa |
615-646 | Order and disorder lines in systems with competing interactions. III. Exact results from stochastic crystal growth | P. Ruján |
647-649 | Book review:Molecular theory of capillarity | J. K. Percus |
651-656 | Book reviews:Two from Sinai | J. Bricmont and Joel L. Lebowitz |
657-658 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
i | Meeting announcements |
659 | Foreword | Joel L. Lebowitz |
661 | Preface | D. J. Wallace |
663 | Committees |
664-666 | The Boltzmann award | Michael E. Fisher |
667-729 | Walks, walls, wetting, and melting | Michael E. Fisher |
731-761 | Critical behavior of two-dimensional spin models and charge asymmetry in the Coulomb gas | Bernard Nienhuis |
763-774 | Infinite conformal symmetry of critical fluctuations in two dimensions | A. A. Belavin, A. M. Polyakov and A. B. Zamolodchikov |
775-780 | Two-dimensional commensurate soliton structures | G. V. Uimin and V. L. Pokrovsky |
781-791 | Critical behavior and associated conformal algebra of the Z3 potts model | Vl. S. Dotsenko |
793-801 | Surfaces and roughening | D. B. Abraham |
803-815 | Surface properties of a classical two-dimensional one-component plasma: Exact results | B. Jancovici |
817-848 | Phase transitions in diluted magnets: Critical behavior, percolation, and random fields | R. J. Birgeneau, R. A. Cowley, G. Shirane and H. Yoshizawa |
849-862 | Random external fields | Yoseph Imry |
863-870 | The Ising model in a random magnetic field | Daniel S. Fisher, Jürg Fröhlich and Thomas Spencer |
871-881 | Spin glasses | A. P. Young |
883-893 | Some recent studies of liquid crystals: A review | S. Chandrasekhar |
895-930 | Fractals in physics: Squig clusters, diffusions, fractal measures, and the unicity of fractal dimensionality | Benoit B. Mandelbrot |
931-939 | Percolation, fractals, and anomalous diffusion | Amnon Aharony |
941-961 | A statistical mechanics view of quantum chromodynamics: Lattice gauge theory | John B. Kogut |
963-973 | Monte Carlo renormalization group | Robert H. Swendsen |
975-986 | Optimization by simulated annealing: Quantitative studies | Scott Kirkpatrick |
987-1000 | Special purpose computers in physics | H. J. Hilhorst, A. F. Bakker, C. Bruin, A. Compagner and A. Hoogland |
1001-1017 | Exact solutions of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation | Matthieu H. Ernst |
1019-1037 | The dynamics of random interfaces in phase transitions | J. D. Gunton |
1039-1045 | A thermodynamic variational principle in nonlinear systems far from equilibrium | Yasuji Sawada |
1047 | Experiments on the onset of chaotic behavior | A. Libchaber |
1049-1063 | The Taylor-Green vortex and fully developed turbulence | M. E. Brachet, D. Meiron, S. Orszag, B. Nickel and R. Morf, et al. |
1065-1074 | List of participants |
1075-1076 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
I | Announcement |
ii | Dedication |
iii | Preface |
519-539 | Squig sheets and some other squig fractal constructions | Benoit B. Mandelbrot |
541-543 | Comment on the equivalence between fracton/spectral dimensionality, and the dimensionality of recurrence | Benoit B. Mandelbrot |
545 | A new model of percolation clusters | James A. Given and Benoit B. Mandelbrot |
547-560 | Random walk statistics on fractal structures | R. Rammal |
561-577 | Fractal behavior in trapping and reaction: A random walk study | J. Klafter, A. Blumen and G. Zumofen |
579-589 | Single random walker on disordered lattices | P. Argyrakis, L. W. Anacker and R. Kopelman |
591-602 | Fractal chemical kinetics: Reacting random walkers | L. W. Anacker, R. Kopelman and J. S. Newhouse |
603-614 | Propagation and trapping of excitations on percolation clusters | Itzhak Webman |
615-624 | Transport in a disordered one-dimensional system: A fractal view | Robert J. Rubin |
625-637 | Levy (stable) probability densities and mechanical relaxation in solid polymers | John T. Bendler |
639-648 | Williams-watts dielectric relaxation: A fractal time stochastic process | Michael F. Shlesinger |
649-663 | Fractal structures in turbulence | Itamar Procaccia |
665-676 | Transfer processes in fractal media | Alain Le Mehaute |
677-686 | Transport and percolation in disordered systems—A self-consistent time-local approach | Johan Nieuwoudt and Shaul Mukamel |
687-697 | Is the dimension of chaotic attractors invariant under coordinate changes? | E. Ott, W. D. Withers and J. A. Yorke |
699-716 | Scaling behavior of surface irregularity in the molecular domain: From adsorption studies to fractal catalysts | Peter Pfeifer, David Avnir and Dina Farin |
717-733 | Monte Carlo studies of two measures of polymer chain size as a function of temperature | C. M. Guttman |
735-748 | Dynamics of fractal structures | R. Orbach |
749-777 | Patterns of energy levels and spectra for polyatomic molecules | William G. Harter |
779-786 | The fractal interpretation of the weak scattering of elastic waves | Bruce J. West and Michael F. Shlesinger |
787-793 | Hierarchical models and chaotic spin glasses | A. Nihat Berker and Susan R. McKay |
795-805 | Magnetic correlations on fractals | Amnon Aharony, Yuval Gefen and Yacov Kantor |
807-814 | On the Fractal dimension and correlations in percolation theory | A. Kapitulnik, Y. Gefen and A. Aharony |
815-826 | Percolation scale effects in metal-insulator thin films | Aharon Kapitulnik and Guy Deutscher |
827-830 | Partial dimensional sequences and percolation | Yuval Gefen, B. B. Mandelbrot, A. Aharony and A. Kapitulnik |
831-841 | Percolation on infinitely ramified fractals | S. Havlin, D. Ben-Avraham and D. Movshovitz |
843-860 | Application of fractal concepts to polymer statistics and to anomalous transport in randomly porous media | H. Eugene Stanley |
861-872 | Multiparticle fractal aggregation | Richard F. Voss |
873-879 | Particle aggregation versus cluster aggregation in high dimensions | R. C. Ball and T. A. Witten |
881-896 | Fractal dimension and grand Universality of critical phenomena | Fereydoon Family |
897-907 | Field theory, curdling, limit cycles, and cellular automata | Edmund A. Di Marzio |
909-916 | Stochastic model for dielectric breakdown | L. Pietronero and H. J. Wiesmann |
917-919 | Scientific program |
921 | Posters |
923-924 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
i-1 | Editor's preface | Joel L. Lebowitz |
3-9 | Ilya Mikhailovich Lifshitz | M. I. Kaganov |
11-24 | List of selected works of I. M. Lifshitz |
25-36 | Works of I. M. Lifshitz on disordered systems | S. A. Gredeskul and L. A. Pastur |
37-63 | Spectral characteristics of the impurity band in the structural disorder model | I. M. Lifshitz, S. A. Gredeskul and L. A. Pastur |
65-76 | Lifschitz tails for the Anderson model | Barry Simon |
77-87 | Localization effects and dispersion of the dielectric response function in one-dimensional metals | É. A. Kaner and L. V. Chebotarev |
89-95 | Interplay of localization and superconducting fluctuations above the critical point | Elihu Abrahams |
97-114 | On the stochasticity in relativistic cosmology | I. M. Khalatnikov, E. M. Lifshitz, K. M. Khanin, L. N. Shchur and Ya. G. Sinai |
115-124 | Exactly solvable XY model of the spin Peierls transition | S. Brazovsky and I. Dzyaloshinsky |
125-147 | Exact solution of the multichannel Kondo problem, scaling, and integrability | A. M. Tsvelick and P. B. Wiegmann |
149-160 | On the theory of the condensed states of heteropolymers | A. Yu. Grosberg |
161-182 | On the theory of liquid-crystalline ordering of polymer chains with limited flexibility | A. R. Khokhlov and A. N. Semenov |
183-190 | Crystal shape near the faceting phase transition point | A. F. Andreev and I. A. Grishchyuk |
191-205 | On the interface at the equilibrium crystallization | L. A. Bol'shov, V. L. Pokrovsky and G. V. Uimin |
207-215 | Domain growth of first-order phase transitions: An exactly solvable model | Kyozi Kawasaki and Paolo Tombesi |
217-229 | The relation between the velocity and mass distributions. The role of collisionless relaxation processes | L. I. Vinokurov, A. V. Kats and V. M. Kontorovich |
231-252 | The theory of Ostwald ripening | P. W. Voorhees |
253-266 | On galvanomagnetic size effects in metals | V. G. Peschanskii |
267-272 | Effect of impurity scattering of a tunneling electron on variable-range hopping conduction | B. I. Shklovskii and B. Z. Spivak |
273-312 | Effective interactions in dilute mixtures of3He in4He | Weichan Hsu and David Pines |
313-327 | Spontaneous symmetry breaking of optimum fluctuations in semiconductors | F. V. Kusmartsev and E. I. Rashba |
329-345 | Einstein relation for quantum systems | M. I. Kaganov and V. B. Fiks |
347-359 | Quantum field methods in the theory of diffusion-controlled reactions | A. S. Mikhailov and V. V. Yashin |
361-370 | Self-consistent diffusive kinetics and dissipative structures in a distributed cell system | A. M. Kosevich and I. L. Kruglikov |
371-391 | “Statistical” symmetry with applications to phase transitions | Joseph L. Birman and H. -R. Trebin |
393-404 | Methods of nonlinear dynamics and equilibrium structures of magnetoelastic chains | P. I. Belobrov, A. G. Tret'yakov and G. M. Zaslavsky |
405-411 | The quantum ground state of a Heisenberg ferromagnet with an “easy-plane” type anisotropy | A. A. Zvyagin and V. M. Tsukernik |
413-431 | Phase diagram of Cu-Au-type alloys | Joel L. Lebowitz, Mohan K. Phani and Daniel F. Styer |
433-434 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
i | Important announcement |
353-373 | Finite-size scaling and the renormalization group | Joseph Rudnick, Hong Guo and David Jasnow |
375-388 | Anderson localization for one- and quasi-one-dimensional systems | FranÇois Delyon, Yves Lévy and Bernard Souillard |
389-423 | Quantum tunneling with dissipation and the Ising model over ℝ | Herbert Spohn1 and Rolf Dümcke1 |
425-443 | The crossover from classical to quantum regime in the problem of the decay of the metastable state | A. I. Larkin1 and Yu. N. Ovchinnikov |
445-464 | Metastability for the contact process | Roberto H. Schonmann |
465-487 | The laplacian in regions with many small obstacles: Fluctuations around the limit operator | R. Figari, E. Orlandi and S. Teta1 |
489-496 | Properties of the skeleton of aggregates grown on a Cayley tree | Shlomo Havlin, James E. Kiefer, George H. Weiss, Daniel Benavraham and Yehoshua Glazer |
497-530 | Static and dynamic properties of XY systems with extended defects in cubic anisotropic crystallines | Yoshitake Yamazaki, Arno Holz, Moyuru Ochiai and Yoshiichi Fukuda |
531-551 | Stochastic analysis of a Hopf bifurcation: Master equation approach | A. Fraikin and H. Lemarchand |
553-579 | The Duffing oscillator in the low-friction limit: Theory and analog simulation | Leone Fronzoni, Paolo Grigolini, Riccardo Mannella and Bruno Zambon |
581-606 | Asymptotic properties of multistate random walks. II. Applications to inhomogeneous periodic and random lattices | J. B. T. M. Roerdink and K. E. Shuler |
607-619 | Approach to equilibrium in a one-dimensional, two-component gas of Maxwellian molecules | Ronald Dickman |
621-660 | Kinetic theory of long time tails in velocity correlation functions in a moderately dense electron gas | M. C. Marchetti and T. R. Kirkpatrick |
661-670 | Nonequilibrium real time Green's functions and the condition of weakening of initial correlation | D. Kremp, M. Schlanges and Th. Bornath |
671-684 | An iterated Mayer expansion for the Yukawa gas | G. Benfatto |
685-708 | One-dimensional rigorous hole theory of fluids: Internally constrained ensembles | Zeev Elkoshi, Howard Reiss and Audrey Dell Hammerich |
709-717 | Statistical entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole | Moorad Alexanian |
719-727 | On the time it takes a state vector to reduce | Philip Pearle |
729 | Statistical Mechanics Meeting Mathematics Department, University of Melbourne |
731-732 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-34 | Equilibrium polymerization in a solvent: Solution on the Bethe lattice | Jürgen F. Stilck and John C. Wheeler |
35-38 | More correlation inequalities for a class of even ferromagnets | Kei-ichi Kondo |
39-49 | The effect of an external field on an interface, entropic repulsion | Joel L. Lebowitz and Christian Maes |
51-66 | The direct correlation function of a one-dimensional Ising model | C. Borzi, G. Ord and J. K. Percus |
67-85 | The phase transition in a one-dimensional lattice of axisymmetric bodies | Jerzy Szulga, Wojbor A. Woyczynski, Bernard Ycart and J. Adin Mann |
87-98 | Problems of nonextensivity in hadron thermodynamics | J. Dunning-Davies and P. T. Landsberg |
99-110 | Exact treatment of mode locking for a piecewise linear map | E. J. Ding and P. C. Hemmer |
111-117 | Corrections to scaling for period doubling | Jian-min Mao and Bambi Hu |
119-133 | Analogy between the Lorenz strange attractor and a bistable stochastic oscillator | J. Kottalam, Bruce J. West and Katja Lindenberg |
135-146 | The variance of information loss as a characteristic quantity of dynamical chaos | F. Schlögl |
147-160 | Liapunov exponents in high-dimensional symplectic dynamics | Roberto Livi, Antonio Politi, Stefano Ruffo and Angelo Vulpiani |
161-177 | Optimal bounds for conduction in two-dimensional, multiphase, polycrystalline media | G. A. Francfort and G. W. Milton |
179-190 | Microscopic derivation of fluctuation formulas for calculating dielectric constants by simulation | J. W. Perram and E. R. Smith |
191-205 | A new method of analysis of the effect of weak colored noise in nonlinear dynamical systems | V. Altares and G. Nicolis |
207-216 | The exact probability distribution of a two-dimensional random walk | W. Stadje |
217-231 | Diffusion in a symmetric bistable potential: A variational approach | R. Phythian and W. D. Curtis |
233-248 | Geometrical derivation of the intrinsic Fokker-Planck equation and its stationary distribution | J. Masoliver, L. Garrido and J. Llosa |
249-254 | Quasistationary distributions for autocatalytic reactions | R. W. Parsons and P. K. Pollett |
255-272 | The propagation of infinitesimal disturbances in an ultrarelativistic gas according to the method of elementary solutions | A. Frezzotti |
273-281 | Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear boundary value problems in kinetic theory | Carlo Cercignani and Andrzej Palczewski |
283-302 | N-particle correlations in the McKean model | K. -J. Schmitt |
303-318 | Heat conduction in caricature models of the Lorentz gas | András Krámli, Nándor Simányi and Domokos Szász |
319-348 | Fluctuations in a fluid under a stationary heat flux. III. Brillouin lines | R. Schmitz and E. G. D. Cohen |
349-389 | The time-local view of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. I. Linear theory of transport and relaxation | R. Der |
391-424 | The time-local view of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. II. Generalized Langevin equations | R. Der |
425-432 | Book Reviews | Jonathan Machta, Daniel Ben-Avraham, Frederik W. Wiegel and Adrian Parsegian |
429-432 | Book Reviews | Frederik W. Wiegel and Adrian Parsegian |
433-434 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
957 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz and Gregoire Nicolis |
959-975 | Mechanism and nonlinear dynamics of an oscillating chemical reaction | A. M. Zhabotinsky and A. B. Rovinsky |
977-990 | A crisis in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction: Experiment and simulation | P. Richetti, P. De Kepper, J. C. Roux and Harry L. Swinney |
991-1004 | Distinctive sites in chemical waves: The spiral core and the collision area of two annuli | Stefan C. Müller, Theo Plesser and Benno Hess |
1005-1016 | Bistable and oscillating chemical reactions | A. Pacault, Q. Ouyang and P. De Kepper |
1017-1030 | Experimental study of traveling waves and target patterns in oscillatory reacting media | C. Vidal |
1031-1044 | The search for Turing structures | P. Borckmans, G. Dewel, D. Walgraef and Y. Katayama |
1045-1058 | Influence of frequency noise on nascent hysteresis in optical bistability | R. Lefever, J. Wm. Turner and L. A. Lugiato |
1059-1070 | The slow passage through a steady bifurcation: Delay and memory effects | Paul Mandel and Thomas Erneux |
1071-1090 | Intrinsic randomness and spontaneous symmetry-breaking in explosive systems | G. Nicolis and F. Baras |
1091-1107 | Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and the transport phenomena in magnetically confined plasmas | R. Balescu |
1109-1128 | Self-consistent Monte Carlo simulations of the electron and ion distributions of inhomogeneous liquid alkali metals. II. Longitudinal and transverse density distributions in the liquid-vapor interface of binary metallic alloys | Jonathan G. Harris, Jan Gryko and Stuart A. Rice |
1129-1146 | Statistical mechanical theories of freezing: An overview | M. Baus |
1147-1156 | Structural relaxation in dense hard-sphere fluids | Anthony J. C. Ladd, W. Edward Alley and Berni J. Alder |
1157-1186 | Correlation functions for simple fluids in a finite system under nonequilibrium constraints | M. Malek Mansour, John W. Turner and Alejandro L. Garcia |
1187-1201 | Order and fluctuations in nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of two-dimensional fluids | M. Mareschal and E. Kestemont |
1203-1211 | LocalH-theorem for the revised Enskog equation | J. Piasecki |
1213-1241 | Aspects of nucleation and drift processes in a one-dimensional model | Ken Sekimoto, Kyozi Kawasaki and Hideaki Ohta |
1243-1248 | Aggregation kinetics for a one-dimensional zero-degree Kelvin model of spinodal decomposition | Yves Elskens and Harry L. Frisch |
1249-1268 | Percolation in strongly correlated systems: The massless Gaussian field | Jean Bricmont, Joel L. Lebowitz and Christian Maes |
1269-1282 | Ergodic theory of the mixmaster universe in higher space-time dimensions. II | Yves Eiskens |
1283-1294 | The role of stable manifolds and information in the Prigogine theory of irreversibility | S. Martinez and E. Tirapegui |
1295-1320 | Fields as Kolmogzrov flows | B. Misra |
1321-1342 | Star-unitary transformations as a tool in single-atom pulse spectroscopy | F. Henin and J. Jeener |
1343-1361 | Vacuum subdynamics in large quantum systems | C. George and F. Mayné |
1363-1372 | The cometary cloud in the solar system and the Résibois-Prigogine singular invariants of motion | T. Y. Petrosky |
1373-1374 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
879-926 | Fluctuations in coagulating systems | P. G. J. van Dongen and M. H. Ernst |
927-975 | Fluctuations in coagulating systems. II | P. G. J. van Dongen |
977-992 | Nonlinear fluctuations, separation of procedures, and linearization of processes | Masuo Suzuki |
993-1009 | Learning and forgetting on asymmetric, diluted neural networks | B. Derrida and J. P. Nadal |
1011-1028 | A model of natural selection that exhibits a dynamic phase transition | Ed Weinberger |
1029-1042 | On the relationship betweenT1 andT2 for stochastic relaxation models | J. Budimir and J. L. Skinner |
1043-1051 | Tracer diffusion in concentrated lattice gas models. Rectangular lattices with anisotropic jump rates | Henk van Beijeren and Ryszard Kutner |
1053-1081 | Dynamic percolation transition induced by phase separation: A Monte Carlo analysis | S. Hayward, Dieter W. Heermann and K. Binder |
1083-1091 | Global existence of solutions for a model Boltzmann equation | C. Cercignani |
1093-1115 | A class of interaction-round-a-face models and its equivalence with an ice-type model | A. L. Owczarek and R. J. Baxter |
1117-1163 | Bethe ansatz calculations for the eight-vertex model on a finite strip | Murray T. Batchelor, Michael N. Barber and Paul A. Pearce |
1165-1180 | Directed compact lattice animals: Exact results | G. Forgacs and V. Privman |
1181-1190 | Lifschitz singularities for periodic operators plus random potentials | G. A. Mezincescu |
1191-1208 | Behavior at small distances and low temperatures of the ion-ion distribution function of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas | Michel Lavaud |
1209-1219 | Theory of surface tension and its application to simple fluids | V. A. Kuz, M. A. Vila, A. N. Garazo and G. J. Zarragoicoechea |
1221-1234 | On the orientational properties of some one-dimensional model systems | J. L. Lebowitz, J. K. Percus and J. Talbot |
1235-1254 | Ground-state and quenched-state properties of a one-dimensional interacting lattice gas in a random potential | Y. Fonk and H. J. Hilhorst |
1255-1256 | Book review:Evolution, games, and learning | D. L. Stein |
1257 | Book review:Statphys 16 | C. Domb |
1259 | Book review:The kind of motion we call heat, and fluctuation phenomena | George H. Weiss |
1261 | On the metric properties of the feigenbaum attractor | Erik Aurell |
1283-1284 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
853-878 | Liapunov spectra for infinite chains of nonlinear oscillators | Jean -Pierre Eckmann and C. Eugene Wayne |
879-896 | Common periodic behavior in larger and larger truncations of the Navier-Stokes equations | Valter Franceschini, Claudio Giberti and Marco Nicolini |
897-912 | On the stationary distribution of self-sustained oscillators around bifurcation points | Tamás Tél |
913-934 | Onsager-Casimir symmetry properties of the Burnett equations | G. F. Hubmer and U. M. Titulaer |
935-962 | Nucleation theory for a model bistable chemical reaction | D. Borgis and M. Moreau |
963-993 | On the wavelet transformation of fractal objects | Matthias Holschneider |
995-1020 | Fractal dimensions and homeomorphic conjugacies | A. Arneodo and M. Holschneider |
1021-1042 | Random composition of two rational maps: Singularity of the invariant measure | F. Martinelli and E. Scoppola |
1043-1068 | Local methods for constructing stationary distribution functions of systems of stochastic differential Langevin-type equations: Noise influence on simple bifurcation | I. I. Fedchenia |
1069-1087 | A first passage time problem for random walk occupancy | John T. Bendler, Menachem Dishon, Harry Kesten and George H. Weiss |
1089-1102 | Discrete versus continuous-time random walks | D. Maes and C. Van den Broeck |
1103-1109 | Measure of irreversibility and entropy production in open quantum systems | K. Lendi |
1111-1130 | Morphology of growing interfacial patterns | Debashish Chowdhury |
1131-1140 | Interface delocalization in the three-dimensional Ising model | G. Bilalbegović |
1141-1166 | Monte Carlo study of self-avoiding surfaces | U. Glaus |
1167-1177 | The supersymmetric transfer matrix for linear chains with nondiagonal disorder | F. Constantinescu |
1179-1200 | On a cluster expansion for lattice spin systems: A finite-size condition for the convergence | Enzo Olivieri |
1201-1220 | The equilibrium thermodynamics of a spin-boson model | J. T. Lewis and G. A. Raggio |
1221-1243 | The two-dimensional one-component plasma in a doubly periodic background: Exact results | Françoise Cornu, Bernard Jancovici and Lesser Blum |
1245-1253 | Oxygen-vacancy ordering in the YBa2Cu3Oz basal plane studied by the cluster variation method | A. Berera, L. T. Wille and D. de Fontaine |
1255-1262 | Critical properties of Rule 22 elementary cellular automata | John G. Zabolitzky |
1263-1269 | A percolation approach to the Kauffman model | P. M. Lam |
1271-1276 | On the field dependence of random walks in the presence of random fields | A. Bunde, S. Havlin, H. E. Roman, G. Schildt and H. E. Stanley |
1277-1279 | Book review: Les Houches 1984, session 43, critical phenomena, random systems, gauge theory | Harry Kesten |
1281 | Book review: Statistical thermodynamics of non-equilibrium processes | Irwin Oppenheim |
1283-1284 | Book review: Order within chaos | M. Gitterman |
1285-1286 | Book review: Chaos: Making a new science | Michael F. Shlesinger |
1287 | Editor's note | Joel L. Lebowitz |
1289-1290 | Program of the first meeting on the “statistical mechanics at the 45th parallel” 17 October 1987, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York |
1291-1292 | Future Contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-27 | Thermal fluctuations in some random field models | U. Schulz, J. Villain, E. Brézin and H. Orland |
29-56 | Exact critical behavior of two-dimensional wetting problems with quenched disorder | G. Forgacs, J. M. Luck, Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen and H. Orland |
57-76 | Renormalized cluster expansion for multiple scattering in disordered systems | B. Cichocki and B. U. Felderhof |
77-94 | A soluble random-matrix model for relaxation in quantum systems | Pier A. Mello, Pedro Pereyra and Narendra Kumar |
95-108 | Numerical integration of stochastic differential equations | A. Greiner, W. Strittmatter and J. Honerkamp |
109-134 | Generalized dimensions, entropies, and Liapunov exponents from the pressure function for strange sets | D. Bessis, G. Paladin, G. Turchetti and S. Vaienti |
135-178 | Scaling laws for invariant measures on hyperbolic and nonhyperbolic atractors | P. Grassberger, R. Badii and A. Politi |
179-194 | Constructive approximations to densities invariant under nonexpanding transformations | P. Góra, A. Boyarsky and H. Proppe |
195-203 | Results from the Holsztynski-Slawny reduction method for ferromagnetic Ising models | James L. Monroe |
205-214 | A law of large numbers and a central limit theorem for the Schrödinger operator with zero-range potentials | R. Figari, H. Holden and A. Tetab |
215-232 | First passage time problems in time-dependent fields | John E. Fletcher, Shlomo Havlin and George H. Weiss |
233-247 | On the asymptotic equivalence between the Enskog and the Boltzmann equations | N. Bellomo and M. Lachowicz |
249-273 | The Enskog repeated ring equations for tagged molecule motion and variational solutions | R. G. Cole and T. Keyes |
275-289 | The velocity correlation function for the Lorentz gas | R. G. Cole and T. Keyes |
291-297 | Small data existence for the Enskog equation inL1 | Carlo Cercignani |
299-307 | A microcanonical model for interface formation | Alastair Rucklidge and Stéphane Zaleski |
309-319 | Essay review: A physicists' philosopher-James Clerk Maxwell on mathematical physics | Menachem Fisch |
321 | Nonequilibrium second-order phase transitions in stochastic lattice systems: A finite-size scaling analysis in two dimensions | J. L. Vallés and J. Marro |
323 | Nonequilibrium discontinuous phase transitions in a fast ionic conductor model: Coexistence and spinodal lines | J. Marro and J. L. Vallés |
325-326 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-22 | Lifshitz tails and long-time decay in random systems with arbitrary disorder | J. M. Luck and Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen |
23-44 | Simulation of wetting and drying at solid-fluid interfaces on the Delft Molecular Dynamics Processor | J. H. Sikkenk, J. O. Indekeu, J. M. J. van Leeuwen, E. O. Vossnack and A. F. Bakker |
45-60 | A study of perfect wetting for Potts and Blume-Capel models with correlation inequalities | Joël Coninck, Alain Messager, Salvador Miracle-Sole and Jean Ruiz |
61-67 | On two correlation inequalities for Potts models | Roberto H. Schonmann |
69-98 | Interface sharpness in the Ising model with long-range interaction | Azer Kerimov |
99-112 | Potts model and graph theory | F. Y. Wu |
113-142 | Phase diagrams of lattice systems with residual entropy | Christian Gruber and András Sütö |
143-159 | On the finite-size scalling equation for the spherical model | Jordan G. Brankov and Nicholai S. Tonchev |
161-202 | Multiple phase transitions in the generalized Curie-Weiss model | Theodor Eisele and Richard S. Ellis |
203-236 | Distributions and moments of structural properties for percolation clusters | Avidan U. Neumann and Shlomo Havlin |
237-244 | Rupture of heterogeneous media in the limit of infinite disorder | Stéphane Roux, Alex Hansen, Hans Herrmann and Etienne Guyon |
245-257 | Growth and decrescence of two-dimensional crystals: A Markov rate process | D. J. Gates |
259-265 | Scaling laws for all Liapunov exponents: Models and measurements | Ricardo Lima and Stefano Ruffo |
267-285 | The one-site distribution of Gibbs states on Bethe lattice are probability vectors of period⩽2 for a nonlinear transformation | Eric Goles and Servet Martinez |
287-293 | A measure of the symmetry of random walks | George H. Weiss and Haim Weissman |
295-309 | On the scattering function of simple fluids in finite systems | M. Malek Mansour, A. L. Garcia, J. W. Turner and M. Mareschal |
311-330 | Acceleration transforms and statistical kinetic models | M. J. LuValle, T. L. Welsher and K. Svoboda |
331-355 | On the Boltzmann-Grad limit for the Broadwell model of the Boltzmann equation | Kôhei Uchiyama |
357-368 | Wild's solution of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation | R. O. Barrachina |
369-381 | Exact solutions of a Fokker-Planck equation | M. J. Englefield |
383-394 | Ion diffusion in a Coulombic field | Derek Y. C. Chan and Barry D. Hughes |
395-421 | Mean field kinetic theory of a classical electron gas in a periodic potential. III. The high-temperature limit in two dimensions | Angel Alastuey, Jean Clérouin and Jean -Pierre Hansen |
423-439 | One-dimensional harmonic lattice caricature of hydrodynamics: Second approximation | R. L. Dobrushin, A. Pellegrinotti, Yu. M. Suhov and L. Triolo |
441-446 | Precise calculation of the dynamical exponent of two-dimensional percolation | J. -M. Normand, H. J. Herrmann and M. Hajjar |
447-451 | Resistivity exponent of two-dimensional lattice animals | P. M. Lam and Alex Hansen |
453-461 | Ground states of two-dimensional quasicrystals | S. E. Burkov |
463-470 | Damage spreading in a gradient | L. R. da Silva and H. J. Herrmann |
471-477 | A remark on the KAM theorem applied to a four-vortex system | Alessandra Celletti and Corrado Falcolini |
479-487 | Possible generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics | Constantino Tsallis |
489-495 | An immune system model in discrete time based on the analogy with the central nervous system | K. E. Kürten |
497-502 | Macroscopic stochastic fluctuations in a one-dimensional mechanical system | Errico Presutti and W. David Wick |
503-507 | Potts ferromagnet: Transformations and critical exponents in planar hierarchical lattices | Paulo R. Hauser and Evaldo M. F. Curado |
509-517 | Percolation cluster numbers | Joan Adler and Amnon Aharony |
519-520 | Book review:The fluctuating enzyme | Noam Agmon |
521-524 | Book review:Renormalization group theory of macromolecules | Fereydoon Family |
525-526 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
527-569 | Presentation functions, fixed points, and a theory of scaling function dynamics | Mitchell J. Feigenbaum |
571-575 | The complex potential generated by the maximal measure for a family of rational maps | Artur Oscar Lopes |
577-594 | Chaos in discrete maps, deterministic scattering, and nondifferentiable functions | A. Okniński |
595-608 | The spectrum of a one-dimensional hierarchical model | Roberto Livi, Amos Maritan and Stefano Ruffo |
609-626 | Diffusion of directed polymers in a random environment | J. Z. Imbrie and T. Spencer |
627-638 | Energy gaps and elementary excitations for certain VBS-quantum antiferromagnets | Stefan Knabe |
639-667 | Free energy of the solvable chiral Potts model | R. J. Baxter |
669-678 | Magnetization of the Ising model on the generalized checkerboard lattice | K. Y. Lin and F. Y. Wu |
679-710 | Logarithmic corrections to finite-size scaling in the four-state Potts model | C. J. Hamer, M. T. Batchelor and Michael N. Barber |
711-726 | Correlation inequalities for two-component hypercubicϕ4 models | José L. Soria |
727-734 | A note on the cluster variation method | Guozhong An |
735-745 | Phase transition for a one-dimensional lattice gas with hard core | David Klein and Wei -Shih Yang |
747-773 | Fourier acceleration of iterative processes in disordered systems | Ghassan George Batrouni and Alex Hansen |
775-794 | Monte Carlo study of the critical behavior of pure and site-diluted Ising ferro-and ferrimagnets | P. Braun and M. Fähnle |
795-813 | Spin-spin correlation function in the two-dimensional Ising model with linear defects. I.Tc | Lee-Fen Ko |
815-827 | Spin-spin correlation function in the two-dimensional Ising model with linear defects. II.T>Tc | Lee-Fen Ko |
829-883 | Local state probabilities for solvable restricted solid-on-solid models:An,Dn,Dn(1), andAn(1) | Atsuo Kuniba and Tetsu Yajima |
885-896 | On nonlinear stationary half-space problems in discrete kinetic theory | Carlo Cercignani, Reinhard Illner, Mario Pulvirenti and Marvin Shinbrot |
897-949 | Construction of positive exact (2+1)-dimensional shock wave solutions for two discrete Boltzmann models | Henri Cornille |
951-978 | The projection approach to the Fokker-Planck equation. I. Colored Gaussian noise | Sandro Faetti, Leone Fronzoni, Paolo Grigolini and Riccardo Mannella |
979-1003 | The projection operator approach to the Fokker-Planck equation. II. Dichotomic and nonlinear Gaussian noise | Sandro Faetti, Leone Fronzoni, Paolo Grigolini, Vincenzo Palleschi and Girolamo Tropiano |
1005-1029 | A two-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation degenerating on a straight line | I. I. Fedchenia |
1031-1060 | Solution of the one-dimensional linear Boltzmann equation for charged Maxwellian particles in an external field | Otto J. Eder and Maximilian Posch |
1061-1068 | Long-time asymptotics in the one-dimensional trapping problem with large bias | A. Aldea, M. Dulea and P. Gartner |
1069-1095 | Fluctuations in a one-dimensional mechanical system. I. The Euler limit | C. Boldrighini and W. David Wick |
1097-1112 | Transitivity and ergodicity of quantum systems | H. Narnhofer, W. Thirring and H. Wiklicky |
1113-1118 | Arbitrarily slow decay of correlations in quasiperiodic systems | K. Golden and S. Goldstein |
1119-1127 | Immiscible cellular-automaton fluids | Daniel H. Rothman and Jeffrey M. Keller |
1129-1132 | Comment on a genetic application of square-lattice Kauffman models | U. Keller, B. Thomas and H. -J. Pohley |
1133-1134 | Book review:Introduction to modern statistical mechanics | Katja Lindenberg |
1135-1136 | Book review:Introduction to path-integral methods in physics and polymer science | Daniel ben-Avraham |
1137 | Book review:Instabilities and chaos in quantum optics | Paolo Grigolini |
1139-1140 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1141-1142 | Preface | William M. Gelbart and Joel L. Lebowitz |
1143-1155 | Adsorption and nucleation on smooth surfaces | Jin Sheng Sheu, Jer Ru Maa and Joseph L. Katz |
1157-1178 | Free energy models for nonuniform classical fluids | J. K. Percus |
1179-1195 | Dynamic and thermodynamic consequences of adsorbate lateral interactions in surface reaction kinetics | M. Silverberg and A. Ben-Shaul |
1197-1201 | Semiclassical description of inelastic atom scattering by surfaces | Walter Kohn |
1203-1220 | The statistical wave function | R. D. Levine |
1221-1232 | Quantum Monte Carlo study of a proton in an electron gas | G. Sugiyama, L. Terray and B. J. Alder |
1233-1245 | Anomalous scaling in systems partially controlled by diffusion | G. O. Williams and H. L. Frisch |
1247-1261 | Mobility fluctuations and electrophoretic light scattering from macromolecular solutions | J. B. Hubbard and D. A. McQuarrie |
1263-1283 | Monte Carlo analysis of the internal structure of light scattering particles with slit-scan illumination | R. Bhandari and M. Kerker |
1285-1305 | Depolarized light scattering from liquids: Rotations, collisions, and hydrodynamics | Daniel Kivelson |
1307-1313 | Liquid crystalline states of surfactant solutions of isotropie micelles | Carey Bagdassarian, William M. Gelbart and Avinoam Ben-Shaul |
1315-1324 | In search of the Griffiths shield region | I -Chien Wei and Robert L. Scott |
1325-1342 | Effective medium theory for elastic matrix composites containing dispersed particulates | Myung S. Jhon, Robert J. Metz and Karl F. Freed |
1343-1351 | Note on the interfacial tension of phase-separated polymer solutions | B. Widom |
1353-1358 | Monte Carlo simulation using the Fourier transform of the interatomic potential | Michael Plischke and Farid F. Abraham |
1359-1365 | High-pressure equation of state for solid krypton from interatomic potentials | J. A. Barker |
1367-1387 | Coincidence theorem for the direct correlation function of hard-particle fluids | M. S. Wertheim |
1389-1412 | The hard-sphere fluid: New exact results with applications | Yaoqi Zhou and George Stell |
1413-1421 | Is the percolation transition of hard spheres a thermodynamic phase transition? | Karl W. Kratky |
1423-1428 | On the long-tail solar wind electron velocity distribution | Michael F. Shlesinger and Michael A. Coplan |
1429-1445 | Nonlinear optimization simplified by hypersurface deformation | F. H. Stillinger and T. A. Weber |
1447-1459 | Computer simulations of the growth of breath figures | Daniela Fritter, Charles M. Knobler, Didier Roux and Daniel Beysens |
1461-1478 | Power law decay of correlations in stationary nonequilibrium lattice gases with conservative dynamics | M. Q. Zhang, J. -S. Wang, J. L. Lebowitz and J. L. Vallés |
1479-1480 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-15 | What do we know about self-similarity in fluid turbulence? | Mark Nelkin |
17-56 | Statistical mechanics of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. II. Mean field approximation | Joel L. Lebowitz, Harvey A. Rose and Eugene R. Speer |
57-79 | Exact results for correlations in a two-component log-gas | P. J. Forrester |
81-88 | Absence of symmetry breaking for systems of rotors with random interactions | Cezar A. Bonato and Massimo Campanino |
89-161 | Phase transitions in systems with a finite number of dominant ground states | J. Bricmont and J. Slawny |
163-170 | On the upper critical dimensions of random spin systems | Hal Tasaki |
171-190 | Block spin approach to φ34 field theory | Hiroshi Watanabe |
191-200 | Exact thermodynamic behavior of a generalized spin-isospin ising system on the Bethe lattice | C. Papatriantafillou, C. E. Paraskevaidis, C. Krikos and P. Panagopoulos |
201-219 | A numerical study of the phase structure of the q-state generalization of the hard-square model | Tobias M. Haas |
221-271 | Spatial fluctuations in reaction-limited aggregation | P. G. J. van Dongen |
273-313 | On the calculation of equilibrium time correlation functions in hard-sphere fluids | I. M. de Schepper, E. G. D. Cohen and B. Kamgar-Parsi |
315-329 | The friction coefficient of a Lennard-Jones fluid from the random force autocorrelation function determined as a memory function by molecular dynamics calculations | R. Vogelsang and C. Hoheisel |
331-360 | Linear radiation transport in randomly distributed binary mixtures: A one-dimensional and exact treatment for the scattering case | D. Vanderhaegen and C. Deutsch |
361-377 | Equipartition and rate of energy exchanges in a model of a radiant cavity | C. Alabiso, M. Casartelli and S. Sello |
379-403 | Dynamics of the current-driven Josephson junction | Thomas Unnerstall |
405-427 | Ground state of a spin-phonon system. I. Variational estimates | Eugene P. Gross |
429-436 | Ground state of a spin-phonon system. II. Adiabatic limit | Eugene P. Gross |
437-448 | Ground state of a spin-phonon system. III. Small-B limit | Eugene P. Gross |
449-475 | Thermodynamics and phase transitions in the Overhauser model | N. G. Duffield and J. V. Pulé |
477-493 | Graph optimization problems on a Bethe lattice | Mário J. de Oliveira |
495-514 | Local structure theory: Calculation on hexagonal arrays, and interaction of rule and lattice | Howard A. Gutowitz and Jonathan D. Victor |
515-529 | Fluctuations in Derrida's random energy and generalized random energy models | Antonio Galves, Servet Martinez and Pierre Picco |
531-537 | Power law scaling of the top Lyapunov exponent of a Product of Random Matrices | K. Ravishankar |
539-560 | Stochastic versus chaotic dynamics in a deterministic system | E. Gudowska-Nowak, A. Kleczkowski and G. O. Williams |
561 | Announcement |
563-564 | Computer simulations of the growth of breath Figures | D. Fritter, C. M. Knobler, D. Roux and D. Beysens |
565-566 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1111-1119 | External noise and its interaction with spatial degrees of freedom in nonlinear dissipative systems | Helmut R. Brand, Charles R. Doering and Robert E. Ecke |
1121-1131 | Deterministic and stochastic effects near the convective onset | Guenter Ahlers, Christopher W. Meyer and David S. Cannell |
1133-1152 | Structure changes induced by external multiplicative noise in the electrohydrodynamic instability of nematic liquid crystals | Shoichi Kai, Hidehiko Fukunaga and Helmut R. Brand |
1153-1172 | Noise-induced intermittency in the quasiperiodic regime of Rayleigh-Bénard convection | Robert Ecke and Hans Haucke |
1173 | The effects of colored quadratic noise on a turbulent transition in liquid4He | J. T. Tough |
1175-1188 | Noise and superfluid turbulence in He II: Theory | Werner Horsthemke and Mark F. Schumaker |
1189-1206 | A modified pitchfork bifurcation as a model of the TI–TII transition in liquid helium counterflow with external noise | Mark Schumaker and Werner Horsthemke |
1207-1215 | Bifurcations under weak noise | Robert Graham |
1217-1222 | Pseudo-regular oscillations induced by external noise | David Sigeti and Werner Horsthemke |
1223-1241 | Power spectra and spatial pattern dynamics of a ring laser | Anthony W. Yu, Govind P. Agrawal and Rajarshi Roy |
1243-1288 | Classical and quantum noise in nonlinear optical systems | Axel Schenzle |
1289-1308 | Langevin-like equation with colored noise | N. G. van Kampen |
1309-1320 | Colored noise in activated rate processes | M. M. Klosek-Dygas, B. J. Matkowsky and Z. Schuss |
1321-1352 | the distribution of exit times for weakly colored noise | Patrick S. Hagan, Charles R. Doering and C. David Levermore |
1353-1366 | Numerical simulations of stochastic differential equations | Ronald F. Fox |
1367-1380 | Escape driven by strongly correlated noise | Peter Hänggi, Peter Jung and Fabio Marchesoni |
1381-1382 | Holes in the probability density of strongly colored noise driven systems | G. Debnath, Frank Moss, F. Marchesoni, Th. Leiber and H. Risken |
1383-1396 | Effect of external fluctuations on the Fréedericksz transition in an analogue simulator | N. G. Stocks, R. Mannella and P. V. E. McClintock |
1397-1410 | Analogue simulation of quantum mechanical systems | N. G. Stocks, C. J. Lambert and P. V. E. McClintock |
1411-1423 | Analog simulation of a simple system with state-dependent diffusion | K. Sinha and Frank Moss |
1425 | Transport as a consequence of state-dependent diffusion | M. Büttiker |
1427 | Propagation and stability of kinks in driven and damped nonlinear klein-gordon chains1 | M. Büttiker and H. Thomas |
1429-1439 | Pattern formation in diffusion-limited reactions | Bruce J. West, Raoul Kopelman and Katja Lindenberg |
1441-1458 | A physicist's sandbox | Kurt Wiesenfeld, Chao Tang and Per Bak |
1459-1488 | External noise and the origin and dynamics of structure in convectively unstable systems | Robert J. Deissler |
1489-1508 | Spatiotemporal chaos and noise | Gottfried Mayer-Kress and Kunihiko Kaneko |
1509-1517 | Dissipation and noise immunity in computation, measurement, and communication | Rolf Landauer |
1519-1528 | Lévy walks for turbulence: A numerical study | G. Zumofen, A. Blumen, J. Klafter and M. F. Shlesinger |
1529-1538 | Combinatorial tools for the analysis of ramified patterns | J. Vannimenus and X. G. Viennot |
1539-1540 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-28 | Quasiperiodicity and randomness in tilings of the plane | C. Godrèche and J. M. Luck |
29-85 | A renormalization group analysis of lattice models of two-dimensional membranes | Jan Ambjørn, Bergfinnur Durhuus, Jürg Fröhlich and Thórdur Jónsson |
87-126 | Finite-size effects at critical points with anisotropic correlations: Phenomenological scaling theory and Monte Carlo simulations | Kurt Binder and Jian -Sheng Wang |
127-139 | A mean spherical model with coulomb interactions. II. Correlations at a free surface | E. R. Smith |
141-156 | The Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in two-dimensional hierarchical Coulomb gases | D. H. U. Marchetti and J. Fernando Perez |
157-170 | Nonperturbative renormalization of the sine-Gordon/Coulomb gas system for β2<8π: A functional integral approach | A. Lima-Santos and E. C. Marino |
171-181 | Non-Gibbsian limit for large-block majority-spin transformations | T. C. Dorlas and A. C. D. van Enter |
183-201 | Existence of the transfer matrix formalism for a class of classical continuous gases | Roman Gielerak |
203-257 | On the equilibrium statistical mechanics of isothermal classical self-gravitating matter | Michael K. -H. Kiessling |
259-277 | Long-range order in the XXZ model | Hidetoshi Nishimori, Kenn Kubo, Yukiyasu Ozeki, Yasuhiro Tomita and Tatsuya Kishi |
279-295 | Scalar particles in a narrow-band periodic potential | Claudio Albanese |
297-309 | On the spectrum of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian | Claudio Albanese |
311-330 | Quantum Ashkin-Teller model near the decoupling limit | F. Iglói |
331-340 | The effect of screening on entropy production in pattern formation | J. H. Kaufman, O. R. Melroy and G. M. Dimino |
341-350 | Propagation of order in the dilute antiferromagnetic three-state Potts model | Stéphane Roux, Alex Hansen and Etienne Guyon |
351-355 | Frustration without competing interactions | Jacek Miekisz |
357-380 | Explicit construction of steady state of a model of chemical turbulence | C. Yeung |
381-387 | Comment on symmetry properties of the linear Enskog kinetic operators | Grzegorz Szamel |
389-415 | The kinetics of adsorption to a one-dimensional lattice with nearest-neighbor exclusion: A series expansion study | Douglas Poland |
417-433 | Return to equilibrium and stability of dynamics (semigroup dynamics case) | Władysław A. Majewski |
435-439 | Properties of noninteger moments in a first passage time problem | George H. Weiss, Shlomo Havlin and Ofer Matan |
441-460 | Covering by random intervals and one-dimensional continuum percolation | Cyril Domb |
461-468 | Exact results and self-averaging properties for random-random walks on a one-dimensional infinite lattice | Claude Aslangul, Jean -Philippe Bouchaud, Antoine Georges, Noëlle Pottier and Daniel Saint-James |
469-470 | Book review: Chance and matter | Sidney Redner |
471-472 | Evidence for the poisson distribution for quasi-energies in the quantum Kicked-Rotator Model | A. Pellegrinotti |
472 | The reunions of three dissimilar vicious walkers | M. E. Fisher and M. P. Gelfand |
473-474 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
475 | Editors' preface | Joel L. Lebowitz and Errico Presutti |
477-504 | Small random perturbations of finite- and infinite-dimensional dynamical systems: Unpredictability of exit times | Fabio Martinelli, Enzo Olivieri and Elisabetta Scoppola |
505-522 | Stochastically perturbed Landau-Ginzburg equations | Roberto Benzi, Giovanni Jona-Lasinio and Alfonso Sutera |
523-577 | Transient bimodality in interacting particle systems | P. Calderoni, A. Pellegrinotti, E. Presutti and M. E. Vares |
579-600 | A reaction-diffusion model for moderately interacting particles | G. Nappo, E. Orlandi and H. Rost |
601-609 | A microscopic model of interface related to the Burgers equation | A. De Masi, P. A. Ferrari and M. E. Vares |
611-623 | Computer simulation of shock waves in the completely asymmetric simple exclusion process | C. Boldrighini, G. Cosimi, S. Frigio and M. Grasso Nunes |
625-638 | A stochastic particle system modeling the Carleman equation | S. Caprino, A. De Masi, E. Presutti and M. Pulvirenti |
639-648 | Large-density fluctuations for the one-dimensional supercritical contact process | Antonio Galves, Fabio Martinelli and Enzo Olivieri |
649-693 | A mechanical model of Brownian motion in half-space | Paola Calderoni, Detlef Dürr and Shigeo Kusuoka |
695-738 | The Smoluchowski limit for a simple mechanical model | Paola Calderoni and Detlef Dürr |
739-744 | On the analyticity of the pressure in the hierarchical dipole gas | G. Benfatto, G. Gallavotti and F. Nicolo |
745-767 | Behavior of a quantum particle in contact with a classical heat bath | P. Nielaba, J. L. Lebowitz, H. Spohn and J. L. Vallés |
769-786 | Particles and “bumps” in quantum field configurations | Ph. Blanchard, E. A. Carlen and G. F. Dell'Antonio |
787-855 | An invariance principle for reversible Markov processes. Applications to random motions in random environments | A. De Masi, P. A. Ferrari, S. Goldstein and W. D. Wick |
857-858 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-39 | Superintegrable chiral Potts model: Thermodynamic properties, an “inverse” model, and a simple associated Hamiltonian | R. J. Baxter |
41-52 | Large-n limit of the Heisenberg model: The decorated lattice and the disordered chain | B. A. Khoruzhenko, L. A. Pastur and M. V. Shcherbina |
53-63 | Renormalization group studies of the Ashkin-Teller model | Paulo Murilo C. de Oliveira and F. C. Sá Barreto |
65-88 | Regularity of the density of states in the Anderson model on a strip for potentials with singular continuous distributions | Abel Klein, Jean Lacroix and Athanasios Speis |
89-139 | Polymers on disordered hierarchical lattices: A nonlinear combination of random variables | J. Cook and B. Derrida |
141-156 | Optimal performance of a feed-forward network at statistical discrimination tasks | W. Bialek, R. Scalettar and A. Zee |
157-169 | The elimination of fast variables in complex chemical reactions. I. Macroscopic level | J. A. M. Janssen |
171-185 | The elimination of fast variables in complex chemical reactions. II. Mesoscopic level (reducible case) | J. A. M. Janssen |
187-198 | The elimination of fast variables in complex chemical reactions. III. Mesoscopic level (irreducible case) | J. A. M. Janssen |
199-245 | On the linearized relativistic Boltzmann equation. II. Existence of hydrodynamics | Marek Dudyński |
247-265 | A neutral gas model for electron swarms | Stefano L. Paveri-Fontana, C. V. M. van der Mee and P. F. Zweifel |
267-288 | m-Particle correlations in theN-particle McKean model | R. Krieg, K. -J. Schmitt and C. Toepffer |
289-299 | Hausdorff dimensions in two-dimensional maps and thermodynamic formalism | G. Paladin and S. Vaienti |
301-317 | Transport properties of the continuous-time random walk with a long-tailed waiting-time density | Haim Weissman, George H. Weiss and Shlomo Havlin |
319-331 | Direct estimates on intersection probabilities of random walks | Yong Moon Park |
333-346 | Wiener sausage Vol.moments | A. M. Berezhkovskii, Yu. A. Makhnovskii and R. A. Suris |
347-356 | An inverse problem for stochastic differential equations | S. Albeverio, Ph. Blanchard, S. Kusuoka and L. Streit |
357-382 | Logical reformulation of quantum mechanics. IV. Projectors in semiclassical physics | Roland Omnès |
383-391 | The orientational pair correlation functions in a dense hard sphere fluid at long times | Jan A. Leegwater and Henk van Beijeren |
393-398 | Zero-frequency elastic moduli of uniform fluids | C. F. Tejero |
399-403 | Vectorized multisite coding for hydrodynamic cellular automata | U. Brosa and D. Stauffer |
405-410 | Comment on the calculation of thermal averages by long-time Monte Carlo simulations | U. Staaden and M. Fähnle |
411-414 | Monte Carlo evidence for a cusp in the uniform susceptibility of the site-diluted simple cubic Ising antiferromagnet | P. Braun, U. Staaden and M. Fähnle |
415-420 | On the wavelet analysis for multifractal sets | J. -M. Ghez and S. Vaienti |
421-427 | Dynamic Monte Carlo Renormalization group. II | L. L. Moseley, P. W. Gibbs and Naeem Jan |
429-430 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-43 | Discrete network models for the low-field Hall effect near a percolation threshold: Theory and simulations | David J. Bergman, Edgardo Duering and Michael Murat |
45-56 | The HeisenbergXXZ Hamiltonian with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions | F. C. Alcaraz and W. F. Wreszinski |
57-86 | Hydrodynamics and time correlation functions for cellular automata | M. H. Ernst and J. W. Dufty |
87-114 | Spatial fluctuations in reaction-diffusion systems: A model for exponential growth | P. G. J. van Dongen |
115-124 | Anomalous dynamics in the Ising chain | J. M. Nunes da Silva and E. J. S. Lage |
125-139 | Critical acceleration of lattice gauge simulations | R. Ben-Av, D. Kandel, E. Katznelson, P. G. Lauwers and S. Solomon |
141-157 | Gauge-invariant lattice gas for the microcanonical Ising model | Richard C. Brower, K. J. M. Moriarty, Peter Orland and Pablo Tamayo |
159-183 | Monte Carlo generation of self-avoiding walks with fixed endpoints and fixed length | N. Madras, A. Orlitsky and L. A. Shepp |
185-198 | Surface tension from finite-volume vacuum tunneling in the 3D Ising model | Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns and Thomas Trappenberg |
199-248 | Theq-state Potts model in the standard Pirogov-Sinai theory: Surface tensions and Wilson loops | Roman Kotecký, Lahoussine Laanait, Alain Messager and Jean Ruiz |
249-264 | The shapes of bowed interfaces in the two-dimensional Ising model | Lee-Fen Ko and Michael E. Fisher |
265-293 | An upper bound on the critical temperature for a continuous system with short-range interaction | Joseph G. Conlon |
295-323 | The scale equations in the critical dynamics of fluctuating systems | Yu. M. Ivanchenko, A. A. Lisyanskii and A. E. Filippov |
325-354 | Simulated annealing and quantum detailed balance | Alberto Frigerio |
355-370 | Onsager's reaction field for the Potts model from the path integral | A. L. Kholodenko |
371-373 | Response to “the Büttiker-Landauer model generalized” | M. Büttiker and R. Landauer |
375-382 | Diffusion in three-dimensional random systems at their percolation thresholds | H. Eduardo Roman |
383-388 | Theta-point exponent for polymer chain in random media | B. K. Chakrabarti and Somendra M. Bhattacharjee |
389-393 | A method for systematic site-to-bond conversion of directed graphs | J. A. M. S. Duarte |
395-396 | Tests of numerical simulation algorithms for the Kubo oscillator | Ronald F. Fox and Rajarshi Roy |
397-401 | Book reviews | Noam Agmon and George H. Weiss |
403-404 | Book reviews: Dealing with real-world nonlinearities | Ralph Nossal |
405-406 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-9 | Critical exponent for the loop erased self-avoiding walk by Monte Carlo methods | A. J. Guttmann and R. J. Bursill |
11-21 | Dynamical exponents for one-dimensional random-random directed walks | Claude Aslangul, Marc Barthelemy, Noëlle Pottier and Daniel Saint-James |
23-52 | Diffusion in lattices with anisotropic scatterers | J. B. T. M. Roerdink, K. E. Shuler and G. F. Lawler |
53-72 | Diffusion and survival in a medium with imperfect traps | Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen and H. Brand |
73-101 | On the stability of crystal growth | D. J. Gates and M. Westcott |
103-115 | Coding and computation with neural spike trains | William Bialek and A. Zee |
117-170 | Statistical mechanics of probabilistic cellular automata | Joel L. Lebowitz, Christian Maes and Eugene R. Speer |
171-193 | A Toom rule that increases the thickness of sets | Peter Gács |
195-220 | A fixed-point equation for the high-temperature phase of discrete lattice spin systems | Tom Kennedy |
221-256 | Cluster expansion ford-dimensional lattice systems and finite-volume factorization properties | Enzo Olivieri and Pierre Picco |
257-297 | Statistical-thermodynamic approach to a chaotic dynamical system: Exactly solvable examples | H. Shigematsu |
299-321 | Asymptotic geometry of hyperbolic well-ordered cantor sets | F. M. Tangerman and J. J. P. Veerman |
323-332 | Finite-temperature density functional theory of atoms in strong magnetic fields | Shiwei Li and J. K. Percus |
333-355 | The nearest-neighbor resonating-valence bond state in a Grassmannian form | Thomas Blum and Yonathan Shapir |
357-369 | Inertial effects on the escape rate of a particle driven by colored noise: An instanton approach | T. J. Newman, A. J. Bray and A. J. McKane |
371-402 | Brownian motion in a rotating flow | Toshiyuki Gotoh |
403-440 | On solutions to the linear Boltzmann equation with general boundary conditions and infinite-range forces | Rolf Pettersson |
441-459 | The kinetic boundary layer for the linearized Boltzmann equation around an absorbing sphere | G. F. Hubmer and U. M. Titulaer |
461-500 | Global existence inL1 for the generalized Enskog equation | Jacek Polewczak |
501-508 | Viscous drag by cellular automata | J. A. M. S. Duarte and U. Brosa |
509-521 | Large-scale simulation of avalanche cluster distribution in sand pile model | S. S. Manna |
523-527 | Euler characteristic in percolation theory | B. L. Okun |
529-532 | Statistical physics at the 45th parallel: 3rd Annual Meeting, Clarkson University |
533-534 | Book review:Principles of statistical radiophysics, 3, elements of random fields | Mark J. Beran |
535-537 | A stochastic particle system modeling the Carleman equation | S. Caprino, A. DeMasi, E. Presutti and M. Pulvirenti |
539-540 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1093-1142 | Perturbation expansions for quantum many-body systems | Martin P. Gelfand, Rajiv R. P. Singh and David A. Huse |
1143-1155 | On the connection between the one-dimensionalS=1/2 Heisenberg chain and Haldane-Shastry model | V. I. Inozemtsev |
1157-1186 | A complementary thermodynamic limit for classical Coulomb matter | Michael K. -H. Kiessling |
1187-1226 | Low-viscosity lattice gases | B. Dubrulle, U. Frisch, M. Hénon and J. -P. Rivet |
1227-1239 | Tracer diffusion in lattice gases | Herbert Spohn |
1241-1250 | Diffusion and Einstein relation for a massive particle in a one-dimensional free fas: Numerical evidence | C. Boldrighini, G. C. Cosimi and S. Frigio |
1251-1263 | On a one-dimensional model for the three-dimensional vorticity equation | Salvatore De Gregorio |
1265-1295 | Renormalization of binary trees derived from one-dimensional unimodal maps | Yuzhen Ge, Edmond Rusjan and Paul Zweifel |
1297-1310 | A theorem on the first heteroclinic tangency in two-dimensional maps. Orientation-preserving cases | Yoshihiro Yamaguchi and Kiyotaka Tanikawa |
1311-1328 | The mechanism of the increase of the generalized dimension of a filtered chaotic time series | A. Chennaoui, J. Liebler and H. G. Schuster |
1329-1353 | A stochastic approach to hopping transport in semiconductors | Eckhard Platen |
1355-1381 | Hard-hexagon model: Anisotropy of correlation length and interfacial tension | Masafumi Fujimoto |
1383-1396 | Multilayer wetting in partially symmetricq-state models | François Dunlop, Lahoussine Laanait, Alain Messager, Salvador Miracle-Sole and Jean Ruiz |
1397-1429 | Finite-size scaling of the three-state Potts model on a simple cubic lattice | M. Fukugita, H. Mino, M. Okawa and A. Ukawa |
1431-1450 | An investigation of finite-size scaling for systems with long-range interaction: The spherical model | Jordan G. Brankov and Nicholai S. Tonchev |
1451-1467 | The magnetization-energy scaling limit in high dimension | Jo/:el De Coninck and Charles M. Newman |
1469-1510 | On the upper critical dimension of lattice trees and lattice animals | Takashi Hara and Gordon Slade |
1511-1530 | On equivalence of spin and field pictures of lattice systems | Boguslav Zegarlinski |
1531-1546 | Infinite-order phase transition in a classical spin system | O. Costin, R. D. Costin and C. P. Grünfeld |
1547-1572 | Bringing statistical mechanics into chemistry: The early scientific work of Karl F. Herzfeld | Karen E. Johnson |
1573-1580 | Longest path in percolating hierarchical lattice | P. Sen and P. Ray |
1581-1588 | Theory of self-avoiding walks on percolation fractals | A. K. Roy and A. Blumen |
1589-1602 | Ergodic properties of the multidimensional rayleigh gas with a semipermeable barrier | L. Erdős and D. Q. Tuyen |
1603 | Announcement |
1-50 | High-temperature series for scalar-field Lattice models: Generation and analysis | Bernie G. Nickel and J. J. Rehr |
51-78 | Conformal invariance in incommensurate phases | Hyunggyu Park and Mike Widom |
79-119 | A rigorous theory of finite-size scaling at first-order phase transitions | Christian Borgs and Roman Kotecký |
121-141 | Superdegenerate point in FCC phase diagram: CVM and Monte Carlo investigations | R. Tétot, A. Finel and F. Ducastelle |
143-160 | A variational approach to distribution function theory | Antoine G. Schlijper and Ryoichi Kikuchi |
161-178 | Critical wetting in the square Ising model with a boundary field | E. V. Albano, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann and W. Paul |
179-186 | Multilayer wetting in clock models | Karl Berlier, Joël De Coninck, François Dunlop and Frédéric Menu |
187-201 | Simulation calculation of dielectric constants: Comparison of methods on an exactly solvable model | T. J. Morrow and E. R. Smith |
203-234 | The discrete coagulation-fragmentation equations: Existence, uniqueness, and density conservation | J. M. Ball and J. Carr |
235-240 | Metastability with probabilistic cellular automata in an HIV infection | R. B. Pandey and D. Stauffer |
241-252 | One-dimensional caricature of phase transition | Roberto H. Schonmann and Nelson I. Tanaka |
253-262 | The emergence of coherent structures in coupled map lattices | L. A. Bunimovich, A. Lambert and R. Lima |
263-291 | Universal encoding for unimodal maps | S. Isola and A. Politi |
293-310 | Duality in parameter space and approximation of measures for mixing repellers | S. Abenda and G. Turchetti |
311-328 | On Ruch's Principle of Decreasing Mixing Distance in classical statistical physics | Paul Busch and Ralf Quadt |
329-343 | Transient dynamical behavior and phase transitions in magnetic systems | D. Hansel, C. Meunier and A. Verga |
345-364 | Theory on Morphological Instability in Driven Systems | Kwan -tai Leung |
365-386 | Interchangeability and bounds on the effective conductivity of the square lattice | O. Bruno and K. Golden |
387-402 | One-dimensional harmonic lattice caricature of hydrodynamics: A higher correction | R. L. Dobrushin, A. Pellegrinotti and Yu. M. Suhov |
403-413 | Microscopic dynamical exponents for random-random directed walk on a one-dimensional lattice with quenched disorder | Claude Aslangul, Marc Barthelemy, Noëlle Pottier and Daniel Saint-James |
415-422 | Off-diagonal long-range order and the Meissner effect | Geoffrey L. Sewell |
423-441 | On the thermodynamicV-representability of one-particle density matrices | Albrecht Huber and Hans -Ulrich Jüttner |
443-465 | A density-corrected quantum Boltzmann equation | R. F. Snider |
467-493 | Linear quantum enskog equation II. Inhomogeneous quantum fluids | D. Loss |
495-500 | Diffusion of lattice gases without double occupancy on three-dimensional percolation lattices | O. Paetzold |
501-504 | Slowing down of retrieval in the hopfield model | M. Ghosh, A. K. Sen, B. K. Chakrabarti and G. A. Kohring |
505 | Erratum: Hydrodynamics and time correlation functions for cellular automata | M. H. Ernst and J. W. Dufty |
507-508 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
509-532 | Langevin dynamics of an interface near a wall | Douglas Abraham, Pierre Collet, Joël De Coninck and Fran/ccois Dunlop |
533-572 | Dissipation and large thermodynamic fluctuations | Gregory L. Eyink |
573-588 | Multifractal structure of fully developed hydrodynamic turbulence. I. Kolmogorov's third hypothesis revisited | V. R. Chechetkin, V. S. Lutovinov and A. Yu. Turygin |
589-605 | Multifractal structure of fully developed hydrodynamic turbulence. II. Intermittency effects in the distribution of passive scalar impurities | V. R. Chechetkin, V. S. Lutovinov and A. Yu. Turygin |
607-637 | Universal multifractal properties of circle maps from the point of view of critical phenomena I. Phenomenology | B. Fourcade and A. -M. S. Tremblay |
639-665 | Universal multifractal properties of circle maps from the point of view of critical phenomena II. Analytical results | B. Fourcade and A. -M. S. Tremblay |
667-681 | Kinetic limit of a conservative lattice gas dynamics showing long-range correlations | Christian Maes |
683-712 | Temperature overshoots for a 4-velocity unidimensional discrete Boltzmann model | Henri Cornille and Yue-Hong Qian |
713-722 | Generalized Langevin equations with time-dependent temperature | J. J. Brey and J. Casado |
723-748 | High-precision Monte Carlo test of the conformai-invariance predictions for two-dimensional mutually avoiding walks | Bin Li and Alan D. Sokal |
749-764 | Phase transition in an interacting Bose system. An application of the theory of Ventsel' and Freidlin | Bálint Tóth |
765-802 | Relaxation in cooperative systems: Use of mixture virial coefficients | Douglas Poland |
803-842 | Exact equations of state for one-dimensional chain fluids | Kevin G. Honnell and Carol K. Hall |
843-863 | Inverse problems of aggregation processes | H. Wright, R. Muralidhar, T. Tobin and D. Ramkrishna |
865-868 | Is there screening in turbulence? | David Ruelle |
869-876 | The energy level spacing for two harmonic oscillators with golden mean ratio of frequencies | P. M. Bleher |
877-884 | On the Bethe ansatz for random directed polymers | J. P. Bouchaud and H. Orland |
885-889 | Novel scaling behavior of directed polymers: Disorder distribution with long tails | Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi and Yi-Cheng Zhang |
891-902 | Nucleation near the spinodal in long-range Ising models | T. S. Ray and W. Klein |
903-908 | Theta-point exponent for polymer chains on percolation fractals | A. K. Roy, B. K. Chakrabarti and A. Blumen |
909-911 | Comments on “power-law falloff in the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase of a two-dimensional lattice Coulomb gas” | Domingos H. U. Marchetti |
913-921 | Multifractal magnetization on hierarchical lattices | W. A. M. Morgado, S. Coutinho and E. M. F. Curado |
923-932 | Cascades and self-organized criticality | S. S. Manna, László B. Kiss and János Kertész |
933-941 | Fully parallel code for Monte Carlo simulation | T. J. P. Penna and P. M. C. de Oliveira |
943-951 | Social paradoxes of majority rule voting and renormalization group | Serge Galam |
953-955 | Book review:Chaotic dynamics of nonlinear systems | Moshe Gitterman |
957-958 | Book review:Principles of statistical radiophysics, 4, elements of random fields | Mark J. Beran |
959-960 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
961-986 | Lyapunov exponents of large, sparse random matrices and the problem of directed polymers with complex random weights | J. Cook and B. Derrida |
987-1067 | Bethe lattice spin glass: The effects of a ferromagnetic bias and external fields. I. Bifurcation analysis | J. M. Carlson, J. T. Chayes, L. Chayes, J. P. Sethna and D. J. Thouless |
1069-1084 | Bethe lattice spin glass: The effects of a ferromagnetic bias and external fields. II. Magnetized spin-glass phase and the de Almeida-Thouless line | J. M. Carlson, J. T. Chayes, J. P. Sethna and D. J. Thouless |
1085-1103 | Rigorous results on mathematical models of catalytic surfaces | E. R. Grannan and G. Swindle |
1105-1119 | Metastability and exponential approach to equilibrium for low-temperature stochastic Ising models | Fabio Martinelli, Enzo Olivieri and Elisabetta Scoppola |
1121-1139 | Exact results for a meniscus in a three-phase system within an SOS-type approximation | Joël De Coninck, François Dunlop and Frédéric Menu |
1141-1160 | Exact results for the two-dimensional, two-component plasma atΓ=2 in doubly periodic boundary conditions | P. J. Forrester |
1161-1185 | Many-body functions of nonprimitive electrolytes in one dimension | Fernando Vericat and Lesser Blum |
1187-1201 | Moments of the Percus-Yevick hard-sphere correlation function | N. E. Berger and V. Twersky |
1203-1222 | Hamilton's equations for constrained dynamical systems | Simon W. de Leeuw, John W. Perram and Henrik G. Petersen |
1223-1256 | Exact integral operator form of the Wigner distribution-function equation in many-body quantum transport theory | F. A. Buot |
1257-1281 | Fluctuation-induced couplings between defect lines or particle chains | Thomas C. Halsey and Will Toor |
1283-1293 | Monte Carlo study of the generalized reaction-diffusion lattice-gas model system | J. M. González-Miranda and J. Marro |
1295-1304 | Hard-hexagon model: Calculation of anisotropic interfacial tension from asymptotic degeneracy of largest eigenvalues of row-row transfer matrix | Masafumi Fujimoto |
1305-1307 | Third Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids |
1325-1326 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-19 | Absence of self-averaging of the order parameter in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model | L. A. Pastur and M. V. Shcherbina |
21-33 | Large-n limit of the Heisenberg model: Random external field and random uniaxial anisotropy | B. A. Khoruzhenko |
35-43 | Exact analysis of a lattice gas on the 3–12 lattice with two- and three-site interactions | Julian J. -L. Ting, Simon C. Lin and F. Y. Wu |
45-88 | Interface interactions in modulated phases, and upsilon points | Kevin E. Bassler, Kazuo Sasaki and Robert B. Griffiths |
89-104 | A twist on chiral Potts | Brian Davies |
105-115 | Finite-size effects and phase transition in the three-dimensional three-state Potts model | O. F. de Alcantara Bonfim |
117-133 | On the Swendsen-Wang dynamics. I. Exponential convergence to equilibrium | Fabio Martinelli, Enzo Olivieri and Elisabetta Scoppola |
135-159 | On the Swendsen-Wang dynamics. II. Critical droplets and homogeneous nucleation at low temperature for the two-dimensional Ising model | Fabio Martinelli, Enzo Olivieri and Elisabetta Scoppola |
161-175 | Monte Carlo simulation of phase separation and clustering in the ABV model | Khwaja Yaldram and Kurt Binder |
177-199 | Stability of interfaces in a random environment. A rigorous renormalization group analysis of a hierarchical model | Anton Bovier and Pierre Picco |
201-219 | Classical “freezing” of fast rotations. A numerical test of the Boltzmann-Jeans conjecture | Oscar Baldan and Giancarlo Benettin |
221-237 | New microscopic approach to the statistical mechanics of chemical association | Kåre Olaussen and George Stell |
239-256 | Gibbs states and equilibrium states for finitely presented dynamical systems | V. Baladi |
257-267 | A note on the Artuso-Aurell-Cvitanovic approach to the Feigenbaum tangent operator | Mark Pollicott |
269-282 | Invariants for the critical points in network models of flow in porous media | Rolf Maier and W. G. Laidlaw |
283-295 | Staggered diffusivities in lattice gas cellular automata | R. Brito, M. H. Ernst and T. R. Kirkpatrick |
297-372 | Asymptotic behavior of densities for two-particle annihilating random walks | Maury Bramson and Joel L. Lebowitz |
373-387 | Statistics of transfer matrices for disordered quantum thin metallic slabs | Pierre Devillard |
389-397 | Modified Fermi-Dirac statistics of fermionic lattice gas by the back-jump correlations | T. Barszczak and R. Kutner |
399-410 | On the limiting distribution of pair-summable potential functions in many-particle systems | Kevin A. O'Neil and Richard A. Redner |
411-414 | On the trace map for products of matrices associated with substitutive sequences | Jacques Peyrière |
415-424 | A random field model for anomalous diffusion in heterogeneous porous media | James Glimm and David H. Sharp |
425-433 | Freezing of nonequilibrium domain structures in a kinetic Ising model | J. Jäckle, R. B. Stinchcombe and S. Cornell |
435-442 | Geometric localization of the threshold in two-dimensional Ising ±J spin glasses forT=0 | J. Bendisch |
443-451 | Interface motion in a two-dimensional Ising model with a field | Pierre Devillard |
453-461 | On correction to scaling for two- and three-dimensional scalar and vector percolation | Muhammad Sahimi and Sepehr Arbabi |
463-472 | Evidence for spinodal singularities in high-dimensional nearest-neighbor ising models | T. S. Ray |
473-480 | Pair-correlated patterns in Hopfield model of neural networks | Francisco A. Tamarit and Evaldo M. F. Curado |
481-489 | Poisson point processes, cascades, and random coverings ofRn | F. Koukiou and P. Picco |
491-492 | Book review:Statistical mechanics of magnetically ordered systems | Amnon Aharony, Ora Entin-Wohlman and Victor Fleurov |
493-495 | Book review:Synergetics and dynamical instabilities | Bruce J. West |
497-498 | Book review:The nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of open and closed systems | Shaul Mukamel |
499-500 | Book review:Statistical theory of heat | Irwin Oppenheim |
501 | Book review:Finite-size scaling, Vol.2 | George H. Weiss |
503-504 | Hard-hexagon model: Anisotropy of correlation length and interfacial tension | Masafumi Fujimoto |
505-506 | Finite size effects for some bootstrap percolation models | A. C. D. van Enter, Joan Adler and J. A. M. S. Duarte |
507-508 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
899-901 | Foreword | Lui Lam, Flonnie Dowell, Helmut Brand and Guenter Ahlers |
903-912 | Pinning and long-time-scale behavior in traveling-wave convection | Daniel R. Ohlsen, S. Y. Yamamoto, C. M. Surko and Paul Kolodner |
913-926 | The effect of a coriolis force on Taylor-Couette flow | Richard J. Wiener, Philip W. Hammer, Charles E. Swanson, David C. Samuels and Russell J. Donnelly |
927-944 | Novel states in Taylor-Couette flow subjected to a Coriolis force | Li Ning, Guenter Ahlers and David S. Cannell |
945-960 | Dispersive chaos | James A. Glazier, Paul Kolodner and Hugh Williams |
961-968 | Regimes of oscillation in a linear array of vortices | H. Willaime, O. Cardoso and P. Tabeling |
969-980 | Temporal forcing of wave patterns | D. Walgraef |
981-1005 | Localized bifurcations and defect instabilities in the convection of a nematic liquid crystal | A. Joets and R. Ribotta |
1007-1015 | Interaction and dynamics of defects in convective roll patterns of anisotropic fluids | Eberhard Bodenschatz, Andreas Weber and Lorenz Kramer |
1017-1023 | The measurement of subcritical electroconvection | I. Rehberg, F. Horner and G. Hartung |
1025-1043 | Patterns at the onset of electroconvection in freely suspended smectic films | Stephen W. Morris, John R. de Bruyn and A. D. May |
1045-1058 | The role of defects in the transition between different symmetries in convective patterns | S. Ciliberto, E. Pampaloni and C. Perez-Garcia |
1059-1072 | Basic considerations in flowing electrorheological fluids | James E. Stangroom |
1073-1091 | Characteristics and mechanisms of electrorheological fluids | Hans Conrad and Arnold F. Sprecher |
1093-1102 | Structure and dynamics of a dense dipolar system in an electric field and their relevance to electrorheological fluids | N. K. Jaggi |
1103-1119 | A prepared pattern with wavelength selection in directional solidification | P. E. Cladis |
1121-1132 | Fluctuating hydrodynamics and principal oscillation pattern analysis | Alejandro García and Cécile Penland |
1133-1162 | Lattice gas automata for simple and complex fluids | Shiyi Chen, G. D. Doolen and W. H. Matthaeus |
1163-1164 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-32 | Kolmogorov exponents for near-incompressible turbulence from perturbative quantum field theory | Wuwell Liao |
33-52 | Stationary turbulent closure via the Hopf functional equation | Hubert H. Shen and Alan A. Wray |
53-72 | Repeller structure in a hierarchical model. I. Topological properties | R. Livi, A. Politi and S. Ruffo |
73-95 | Repeller structure in a hierarchical model. II. Metric properties | R. Livi, A. Politi and S. Ruffo |
97-138 | A cellular-automaton fluid model with simple rules in arbitrarily many dimensions | Ralf Nasilowski |
139-165 | Probability theory and polymer physics | Kalvis M. Jansons and L. C. G. Rogers |
167-182 | Exact and asymptotic properties of multistate random walks | Carlos B. Briozzo, Carlos E. Budde, Omar Osenda and Manuel O. Cáceres |
183-204 | Minimal path on the hierarchical diamond lattice | Stéphane Roux, Alex Hansen, Luciano R. da Silva, Liacir S. Lucena and Ras B. Pandey |
205-215 | Self-diffusion in a two-dimensional system of colliding vertical sticks | A. Galves, N. Ianiro and L. Triolo |
217-234 | Van der waals limit and phase separation in a particle model with kawasaki dynamics | Giambattista Giacomin |
235-245 | Uniform convergence of the free energy of the classical Heisenberg model to that of the gaussian model | Joseph G. Conlon and Jan Philip Solovej |
247-254 | Analysis of the order parameter for uniform nearest particle system | Norio Konno and Makoto Katori |
255-268 | Phase diagrams of Ising models on Husimi trees. I. Pure multisite interaction systems | James L. Monroe |
269-289 | Adsorption effects and NMR properties: Continuous chain approach | Regis Guyonnet |
291-316 | Potts model, Dirac propagator, and conformational statistics of semiflexible polymers | Arkady L. Kholodenko |
317-361 | Quantum coherence of a narrow-band particle interacting with phonons and static disorder | Qian Niu |
363-372 | Basins of periodic orbits for elliptic maps of the torus | Luciano Amadasi and Mario Casartelli |
373-378 | Upper bound on the condensate in the hard-core Bose lattice gas | Bálint Tóth |
379-385 | Two-spin-majority cellular automaton as a model of 2D cluster and interface growth | B. Hede and V. Privman |
387-393 | Do the simple and 2/3 majority models belong to the same universality class?: A monte carlo approach | Luciano R. da Silva, Uriel M. S. Costa and Constantino Tsallis |
395-401 | Are layered two-dimensional quasicrystals periodic in the third direction? | S. E. Burkov |
403-412 | Origin of rate dependence in frictional sliding | John B. Rundle and Stephen R. Brown |
413 | Hypercube stacking: A potts-spin model for surface growth | Bruce M. Forrest and Lei -Han Tang |
415-416 | Size dependence of self-diffusion in the hard-square lattice gas | J. Jäckle, K. Froböse and D. Knödler |
417-418 | Some results on the behavior and estimation of the fractal dimensions of distributions on attractors | C. D. Cutler |
419 | Note on transport processes in dense colloidal suspensions | E. G. D. Cohen and I. M. de Schepper |
421-422 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
423-444 | Thermodynamics of a model wih interacting annealed bond impurities on the Bethe lattice | B. M. Mulder, C. Krikos and C. Papatriantafillou |
445-452 | Restrictions on the phase diagrams for a large class of multisite interaction spin systems | James L. Monroe |
453-467 | New universality classes in “Percolative” dynamics | M. Ortuño, J. Ruiz and J. M. F. Gunn |
469-482 | “Almost” mean-field ising model: An algebraic approach | F. Bagarello and C. Trapani |
483-494 | First-order transitions in one-dimensional systems with local couplings | M. Asorey and J. G. Esteve |
495-529 | Statistics of two-dimensional point vortices and high-energy vortex states | L. J. Campbell and Kevin O'Neil |
531-553 | A maximum-entropy principle for two-dimensional perfect fluid dynamics | Raoul Robert |
555-578 | Externally perturbed unstable systems | H. A. Posch, Heide Narnhofer and W. Thirring |
579-616 | Embedology | Tim Sauer, James A. Yorke and Martin Casdagli |
617-643 | Invariant curves for area-preserving twist maps far from integrable | Alessandra Celletti and Luigi Chierchia |
645-672 | Directed random walks in random environments | E. Buffet and P. Hannigan |
673-693 | Two-dimensional random-random walks: Dynamical exponents in a quenched directed model | Claude Aslangul, Marc Barthélémy, Noëlle Pottier and Daniel Saint-James |
695-713 | Random walk on a disordered directed Bethe lattice | C. Aslangul, M. Barthélémy, N. Pottier and D. Saint-James |
715-723 | Power law growth for the resistance in the Fibonacci model | B. Iochum and D. Testard |
725-745 | Statistical properties of aggregation with injection | Hideki Takayasu, Misako Takayasu, Astero Provata and Greg Huber |
747-760 | Exact solution of the Boltzmann equation in the homogeneous color conductivity problem | V. Garzó and A. Santos |
761-771 | Kubo-Einstein relation for quantum Brownian motion in a periodic potential | Yong -Cong Chen |
773-792 | Random-matrix model for dissipative two-level systems | Pedro Pereyra |
793-799 | Explicit unitary schemes to solve quantum operator equations of motion | Zhang Mei-Qing |
801-811 | Critical fluctuations for quantum mean-field models | M. Fannes, A. Kossakowski and A. Verbeure |
813-821 | Distribution for fermionic discrete lattice gas within the canonical ensemble | R. Kutner and T. Barszczak |
823-824 | Book review: Kinetics of diffusion controlled chemical processes | George H. Weiss |
825-826 | Book review: Statistical models for the fracture of disordered media | Robert Englman |
827-834 | Program of the 65th Statistical Mechanics Meeting | Joel L. Lebowitz |
835-836 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-69 | Phase diagram of a random tiling quasicrystal | Weixiong Li, Hyunggyu Park and Michael Widom |
71-98 | Pinning of an interface by a weak potential | François Dunlop, Jacques Magnen, Vincent Rivasseau and Philippe Roche |
99-116 | On scaling properties of cluster distributions in Ising models | C. Ruge and F. Wagner |
117-132 | Monte Carlo study of the effect of perturbations on critical droplets | L. Monette, W. Klein and M. Zuckermann |
133-138 | Critical behavior of the specific heat for pure and site-diluted simple cubic Ising systems | A. Weyersberg, T. Holey and M. Fähnle |
139-164 | Random infinite-volume Gibbs states for the Curie-Weiss random field Ising model | J. M. G. Amaro de Matos, A. E. Patrick and V. A. Zagrebnov |
165-231 | Correlations in the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas | A. Alastuey and F. Cornu |
233-247 | Partition function zeros for the one-dimensional ordered plasma in Dirichlet boundary conditions | J. Roumeliotis and E. R. Smith |
249-262 | On the analytical solution of the Ornstein-Zernike equation with Yukawa closure | L. Blum, F. Vericat and J. N. Herrera-Pacheco |
263-271 | Random sequential adsorption on a ladder | Y. Fan and J. K. Percus |
273-281 | Isotropic majority-vote model on a square lattice | M. J. de Oliveira |
283-314 | Higher-order implicit strong numerical schemes for stochastic differential equations | P. E. Kloeden and E. Platen |
315-373 | Statistical properties of two-dimensional periodic Lorentz gas with infinite horizon | P. M. Bleher |
375-383 | Anomalous diffusion in a random velocity field | B. Gaveau and L. S. Schulman |
385-401 | Enumeration of limit cycles in noncylindrical cellular automata | C. J. Twining and P. -M. Binder |
403-464 | Kinetic limits of the HPP cellular automaton | Anna De Masi, Raffaele Esposito and Errico Presutti |
465-483 | Thermal cellular automata fluids | M. H. Ernst and Shankar P. Das |
485-501 | A multi-length-scale theory of the anomalous mixing-length growth for tracer flow in heterogeneous porous media | Qiang Zhang |
503-514 | Maps of intervals with indifferent fixed points: Thermodynamic formalism and phase transitions | Thomas Prellberg and Joseph Slawny |
515-533 | Meromorphic structure of the Mellin transforms and short-distance behavior of correlation integrals | E. Orlandini, M. C. Tesi and G. Turchetti |
535-548 | On the approximation of invariant measures | Fern Y. Hunt and Walter M. Miller |
549-561 | On information-processing abilities of chaotic dynamical systems | Nolan W. Evans, Reinhard Illner and Hon C. Kwan |
563-582 | Stretched-exponential decay laws of general defect diffusion models | H. M. Ito, Y. Ogura and M. Tomisaki |
583-593 | Fluctuations in a lévy flight gas | H. C. Fogedby, T. Bohr and H. J. Jensen |
595-605 | Short-time behavior of the vibrational-energy-time correlation function for a one-dimensional model of diatomic molecules | Alessandro Monge and E. G. D. Cohen |
607-633 | H-theorem for a linear kinetic theory | J. Bklawzdziewicz, B. Cichocki and H. van Beijeren |
635-645 | Rotation of magnetization in unison and langevin equations for a large spin | Ivo Klik |
647-659 | A reformulation of the Feynman chessboard model | G. N. Ord |
661-668 | Distribution of cyclic species in network formation: Microscopic theory of branching process in Ag-R-Bf−g model | Kazumi Suematsu and Tosihiko Okamoto |
669-678 | Counting lattice animals: A parallel attack | Stephan Mertens and Markus E. Lautenbacher |
679-682 | Cluster size distribution at criticality | D. C. Rapaport |
683-686 | Book review:Fractal growth phenomena | Fereydoon Family |
687-688 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
689-725 | Quasipotentials for simple noisy maps with complicated dynamics | Andreas Hamm and Robert Graham |
727-754 | Phase transitions in thermodynamics of a local lyapunov exponent for fully-developed chaotic systems | H. Shigematsu |
755-774 | Computing the topological entropy of maps of the interval with three monotone pieces | Louis Block and James Keesling |
775-790 | On the multifractal analysis of measures | G. Brown, G. Michon and J. Peyrière |
791-796 | Dynamical system related to quasiperiodic Schrödinger equations in one dimension | Mahito Kohmoto |
797-802 | Distribution of cyclic species in network formation: Microscopic theory of branching processes | Kazumi Suematsu and Tosihiko Okamoto |
803-825 | A mean-field limit for a class of queueing networks | F. Baccelli, F. I. Karpelevich, M. Ya. Kelbert, A. A. Puhalskii and A. N. Rybko, et al. |
827-847 | Instantons in spherical model thermodynamics | S. B. Rutkevich |
849-866 | Dynamics of mean-field spin models from basic results in abstract differential equations | F. Bagarello and G. Morchio |
867-883 | Critical exponents of random Ising-like systems in general dimensions | Yu. Holovatch and M. Shpot |
885-896 | Evaluation and comparison of critical lines for various models of gas-liquid binary systems | Mustafa Keskin, Mustafa Gençaslan and Paul H. E. Meijer |
897-911 | Effective-field theory of spin glasses and the coherent-anomaly method. II. Double-Cluster approximation | Naomichi Hatano and Masuo Suzuki |
913-938 | Ground states of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model. II | C. Gruber, J. Jedrzejewski and P. Lemberger |
939-973 | Ground states of VBS models on cayley trees | M. Fannes, B. Nachtergaele and R. F. Werner |
975-990 | Microcanonical variational transition-state theory for reaction rates in dissipative systems | Susan C. Tucker and Eli Pollak |
991-1001 | Global existence proof for relativistic Boltzmann equation | Marek Dudyński and Maria L. Ekiel-Jeżewska |
1003-1010 | On the spectrum of the linear Boltzmann operator | Russell K. Standish |
1011-1044 | A convergence proof for Bird's direct simulation Monte Carlo method for the Boltzmann equation | Wolfgang Wagner |
1045-1058 | Exact solutions of the Boltzmann equation in the VHP model with removal interaction | F. Schürrer and M. Schaler |
1059-1070 | Velocity spectrum for non-Markovian Brownian motion in a periodic potential | A. Igarashi, P. V. E. McClintock and N. G. Stocks |
1071-1088 | Phase separation dynamics in driven diffusive systems | C. Yeung, T. Rogers, A. Hernandez-Machado and David Jasnow |
1089-1099 | Universality class of interface growth with reflection symmetry | P. Devillard and H. Spohn |
1101-1122 | Overcoming artificial spatial correlations in simulations of superstructure domain growth with parallel Monte Carlo algorithms | W. Schleier, G. Besold and K. Heinz |
1123-1138 | A note on differentiability of the cluster density for independent percolation in high dimensions | Wei -Shih Yang and Yu Zhang |
1139-1145 | New renormalization procedure for eliminating redundant operators | Yu. M. Ivanchenko, A. A. Lisyansky and A. A. Filippov |
1147-1153 | How should one define a (weak) crystal? | A. C. D. van Enter and Jacek Miekisz |
1155-1163 | A stochastic method to determine the shape of a drop on a wall | S. S. Manna, H. J. Herrmann and D. P. Landau1 |
1165-1176 | Microscopic-based fluid flow invasion simulations | W. G. Wilson and W. G. Laidlaw |
1177-1184 | An efficient hydrodynamic cellular automata for simulating fluids with large viscosities | G. A. Kohring |
1185 | Book review:Chaotic behavior of deterministic dissipative systems | Jaume Masoliver |
1187-1188 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1189-1213 | Effect of disorder on two-dimensional wetting | B. Derrida, V. Hakim and J. Vannimenus |
1215-1224 | Existence of several surface-reconstructed phases in a two-dimensional lattice model | Dale A. Huckaby and Franz S. Rys |
1225-1244 | Microcanonical density functionals for critical systems: An exact one-dimensional example | Lev V. Mikheev and Michael E. Fisher |
1245-1276 | Dynamical analysis of low-temperature monte carlo cluster algorithms | Fabio Martinelli |
1277-1318 | A renormalization group analysis of correlation functions for the dipole gas | J. Dimock and T. R. Hurd |
1319-1342 | Smooth phase in the one-dimensional discrete Gaussian model with 1/(−j)2 interaction at inverse temperature β>1 | Domingos H. U. Marchetti |
1343-1357 | Asymptotic behavior of correlation functions for electric potential and field fluctuations in a classical one- component plasma | L. G. Suttorp |
1359-1382 | Uniform upper bounds (and thermodynamic limit) for the correlation functions of symmetric coulomb-type systems | Michael K. -H. Kiessling |
1383-1395 | Intermittency from maximum entropy distribution | Robert Englman |
1397-1414 | Determination of fixed points and shift cycles for nearest neighbor cellular automata | Burton Voorhees1 |
1415-1462 | The attractor—basin portrait of a cellular automaton | James E. Hanson and James P. Crutchfield |
1463-1505 | A multidimensional continued fraction and some of its statistical properties | P. R. Baldwin |
1507-1526 | A Convergence exponent for multidimensional continued-fraction algorithms | P. R. Baldwin |
1527-1555 | A long-time tail for random walk in random scenery | F. den Hollander, J. Naudts and P. Scheunders |
1557-1574 | Chemical reactions as dynamical systems on the interval | L. Rondoni and R. F. Streater |
1575-1582 | Half-range completeness for the Fokker-Planck equation with an external force | C. Cercignani and C. Sgarra |
1583-1598 | Invariance principle for the stochastic Lorentz lattice gas | F. den Hollander, J. Naudts and F. Redig |
1599-1612 | The localization properties of a random steady flow on a lattice | Alexander Figotin |
1613-1630 | Natural boundaries for area-preserving twist maps | A. Berretti, A. Celletti, L. Chierchia and C. Falcolini |
1631-1634 | A renormalization group explanation of numerical observations of analyticity domains | Rafael de la Llave |
1635-1641 | Landslides on sandpiles: Some moment relations in one dimension | Joachim Krug |
1643-1652 | A lower bound for the memory capacity in the Potts-Hopfield model | Pablo A. Ferrari, Servet Martínez and Pierre Picco |
1653-1658 | Accurate Monte Carlo tests of the stochastic Ginzburg-Landau model with multiplicative colored noise | Jingdong Bao, Yizhong Zhuo and Xizhen Wu |
1659-1665 | Molecular dynamics calculation for the modified xy model | Peter Litz, Stefan Langenbach and Alfred Hüller |
1667-1673 | Renormalization group equations in local approximation | A. A. Lisyansky, Yu. M. Ivanchenko and A. A. Filippov |
1675-1682 | First passage time distribution in an oscillating field | S. V. G. Menon |
1683-1684 | Book review: Statistical mechanics of neural networks | C. Van den Broeck |
1685-1689 | Statistical mechanics at the 45th parallel: Université d'Ottawa, October 4–5, 1991 |
1691-1692 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-4 | Preface: What is quantum chaos? | John L. Lebowitz and Peter J. Reynolds |
5-6 | Program of the quantum chaos meeting |
7-50 | The Van Vleck formula, Maslov theory, and phase space geometry | Robert G. Littlejohn |
51-96 | Closed orbits and semiclassical wavefunctions in two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems | J. -M. Mao, J. Shaw and J. B. Delos |
97-130 | Semiclassical wavefunctions of nonintegrable systems and localization on periodic orbits | D. C. Meredith |
131-152 | Accuracy of semiclassical dynamics in the presence of chaos | Patrick W. O'Connor, Steven Tomsovic and Eric J. Heller |
153-174 | The semiclassical limit of a quantum Fermi accelerator | G. Chu and Jorge V. José |
175-188 | Renormalization group study of quantum fluctuations near classical critical points of Hamiltonian systems | Géza Györgyi, Robert Graham and R. E. Prange |
189-206 | Capture by stabilized continuum: Classical and quantum aspects | Zi -Min Lu, Michel Vallières and Jian -Min Yuan |
207-237 | Quantum qualitative dynamics | Craig C. Martens |
239-258 | Microwave experiments on chaotic billiards | S. Sridhar, D. O. Hogenboom and Balam A. Willemsen |
259-270 | Quantum chaos, classical randomness, and Bohmian mechanics | Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein and Nino Zanghi |
271-310 | Floquet spectrum for two-level systems in quasiperiodic time-dependent fields | P. M. Blekher, H. R. Jauslin and J. L. Lebowitz |
311-319 | Quantum chaos | R. Blümel and J. B. Mehl |
321-343 | Chaos and quantum irreversibility | Roberto Roncaglia, Luca Bonci, Paolo Grigolini and Bruce J. West |
345-346 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
347-349 | Foreword | Jean Pierre Boon |
351-352 | Advanced Research Workshop on Lattice Gas Automata Theory, Implementation, and Simulation |
353-377 | Implementation of the FCHC lattice gas model on the Connection Machine | M. Hénon |
379-400 | Lattice Boltzmann computational fluid dynamics in three dimensions | Shiyi Chen, Zheng Wang, Xiaowen Shan and Gary D. Doolen |
401-407 | The lattice Boltzmann equation on irregular lattices | Francesca Nannelli and Sauro Succi |
409-429 | Lattice-gas and lattice-Boltzmann models of miscible fluids | Richard Holme and Daniel H. Rothman |
431-455 | Biased lattice gases with correlated equilibrium states | H. J. Bussemaker and M. H. Ernst |
457-495 | Global invariants and equilibrium states in lattice gases | D. Bernardin |
497-514 | Phase transitions in a probabilistic cellular automaton: Growth kinetics and critical properties | F. J. Alexander, I. Edrei, P. L. Garrido and J. L. Lebowitz |
515-532 | Lattice gas simulations of osmosis | E. G. Flekkøy, J. Feder and T. Jøssang |
533-556 | Magnetohydrodynamics computations with lattice gas automata | Shiyi Chen, Daniel O. Martínez, W. H. Matthaeus and Hudong Chen |
557-562 | Reynolds stresses in a lattice gas | F. Hayot |
563-573 | Diffusion simulation with a deterministic one-dimensional lattice-gas model | Y. H. Qian, D. d'Humières and P. Lallemand |
575-590 | Lattice gases and exactly solvable models | Brosl Hasslacher and David A. Meyer |
591-609 | The lattice Boltzmann phononic lattice solid | Peter Mora |
611-669 | Bibliography |
671-672 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-2 | Preface | Adi Bulsara, Peter Hänggi, Fabio Marchesoni, Frank Moss and Michael Shlesinger |
3-14 | Long-term climatic transitions and stochastic resonance | C. Nicolis |
15-23 | Short first-passage times | N. G. van Kampen |
25-47 | Can colored noise improve stochastic resonance? | Peter Hänggi, Peter Jung, Christine Zerbe and Frank Moss |
49-60 | Activation by nonlinear oscillations and solitonic excitations | Werner Ebeling and Martin Jenssen |
61-76 | Dynamics of oscillators with periodic dichotomous noise | Raymond Kapral and Simon J. Fraser |
77-91 | Enhancement of activated decay of metastable states by resonant pumping | V. I. Mel'nikov |
93-105 | Motion in a periodic potential driven by rectangular pulses | George H. Weiss and Moshe Gitterman |
107-123 | “Escape” of a periodically driven particle from a metastable state in a noisy system | Moshe Gitterman and George H. Weiss |
125-139 | Stochastic resonance in chaotic dynamics | G. Nicolis, C. Nicolis and D. McKernan |
141-147 | Positive Lyapunov exponents in the Kramers oscillator | L. Schimansky-Geier and H. Herzel |
149-162 | Noise-induced clumping in the one-dimensional reversible diffusion-limited single-species coagulation process | Werner Horsthemke |
163-181 | Proton dynamics in hydrogen-bonded systems | Eric Nylund, Katja Lindenberg and George Tsironis |
183-196 | Stochastic resonance in chaotic systems | V. S. Anishchenko, A. B. Neiman and M. A. Safanova |
197-211 | On the effects of noise and drift on diffusion in fluids | A. Crisanti and A. Vulpiani |
213-228 | A delta-kicked Brownian rotor | L. E. Reichl |
229-245 | Coherent transport in a periodically driven bistable system | Frank Grossmann, Thomas Dittrich, Peter Jung and Peter Hänggi |
247-256 | Persistent currents in mesoscopic rings: A stochastic model | F. Marchesoni |
257-279 | Spectral characteristics and synchrony in primary auditory-nerve fibers in response to pure-tone acoustic stimuli | Malvin C. Teich, Shyam M. Khanna and Patrick C. Guiney |
281-295 | Ensemble and trajectory statistics in a nonlinear partial differential equation | Michael C. Mackey and Helmut Schwegler |
297-308 | Models of the temporal dynamics of visual processing | Ralph M. Siegel and Heather L. Read |
309-327 | Stochastic resonance in neuron models | André Longtin |
329-337 | Interpretation of protein structure and dynamics from the statistics of the open and closed times measured in a single ion-channel protein | Larry S. Liebovitch |
339-354 | Chaotic states in a random world: Relationship between the nonlinear differential equations of excitability and the stochastic properties of ion channels | Louis J. DeFelice and Aurora Isaac |
355-373 | Brain stem neuronal noise and neocortical “resonance” | Arnold J. Mandell and Karen A. Selz |
375-391 | Modulated noisy biological dynamics: Three examples | Dante R. Chialvo and A. Vania Apkarian |
393-401 | Periodic forcing of ion channel gating: An experimental approach | D. Petracchi, C. Ascoli, M. Barbi, S. Chillemi and M. Pellegrini, et al. |
403-412 | Evidence of stochastic resonance in a laser with saturable absorber: Experiment and theory | A. Fioretti, L. Guidoni, R. Mannella and E. Arimondo |
413-421 | Observation of stochastic resonance near a subcritical bifurcation | S. T. Vohra and F. Bucholtz |
423 | Escape and synchronization of a Brownian particle | Adam Simon and Albert Libchaber |
425-435 | Stochastic resonance in paramagnetic resonance systems | L. Gammaitoni, M. Martinelli, L. Pardi and S. Santucci |
437-450 | Chaotic resonance: A simulation | Erich Ippen, John Lindner and William L. Ditto |
451-462 | I/f noise in systems showing stochastic resonance | László B. Kiss, Zoltán Gingl, Zsuzsanna Márton, János Kertész and Frank Moss, et al. |
463-478 | Stochastic resonance: Linear response and giant nonlinearity | M. I. Dykman, D. G. Luchinsky, R. Mannella, P. V. E. McClintock and N. D. Stein, et al. |
479-499 | Nonconventional stochastic resonance | M. I. Dykman, D. G. Luchinsky, R. Mannella, P. V. E. McClintock and N. D. Stein, et al. |
501-512 | Stochastic resonance in periodic potentials | L. Fronzoni and R. Mannella |
513-514 | Future Contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
515-533 | Bilinear quantum Monte Carlo: Expectations and energy differences | Shiwei Zhang and M. H. Kalos |
535-582 | Corner transfer matrices of the chiral Potts model. II. The triangular lattice | R. J. Baxter |
583-598 | O(N) vector model with twisted boundary conditions | E. Brézin, E. Korutcheva, Th. Jolicoeur and J. Zinn-Justin |
599-611 | The tortuosity of occupied crossings of a box in critical percolation | Harry Kesten and Yu Zhang |
613-634 | Finite-size scaling for mean-field percolation | B. Gaveau and L. S. Schulman |
635-674 | Singularity spectrum of fractal signals from wavelet analysis: Exact results | E. Bacry, J. F. Muzy and A. Arnéodo |
675-689 | Incommensurate structure in the lattice-gas ANNNI model | Iva Karasova and Anton Šurda |
691-702 | New formulation of restricted growth processes | Sergei E. Esipov and T. J. Newman |
703-720 | Crossover and finite-size effects in the (1+1)-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation | Bruce M. Forrest and Raul Toral |
721-736 | Time evolution of the probability distribution in stochastic and chaotic systems with enhanced diffusion | Rosario Nunzio Mantegna |
737-771 | A maximum entropy mean field method for driven diffusive systems | N. C. Pesheva, Yitzhak Shnidman and R. K. P. Zia |
773-792 | A random discrete velocity model and approximation of the Boltzmann equation | Reinhard Illner and Wolfgang Wagner |
793-809 | Diffusion in Lorentz lattice gas automata with backscattering | H. van Beijeren and M. H. Ernst |
811-832 | Stress-stress correlation functions in lattice gases beyond Boltzmann's approximation | G. A. van Velzen, R. Brito and M. H. Ernst |
833-886 | Negative-temperature states and large-scale, long-lived vortices in two-dimensional turbulence | G. L. Eyink and H. Spohn |
887-898 | Response function of the second kind in many-body systems | Xiao-Yue Gu, G. Kalman and Z. C. Tao |
899-919 | Weak disorder expansion of Lyapunov exponents of products of random matrices: A degenerate theory | P. Markoš |
921-937 | Glassy synchronization in a population of coupled oscillators | L. L. Bonilla, C. J. Pérez Vicente and J. M. Rubí |
939-948 | Resonant response of a thermalized ensemble of nonlinear oscillators | A. Gerasimov |
949-966 | The computational complexity of pattern formation | Jonathan Machta |
967-983 | The entropy profile — A function describing statistical dependences | Christoph Bandt and Bernd Pompe |
985-1028 | On the Gibbs states for one-dimensional lattice Boson systems with a long-range interaction | E. Olivieri, P. Picco and Yu. M. Suhov |
1029-1034 | Location of the collapsed phase for two-dimensional, directed, interacting polymers | Damien P. Foster |
1035-1044 | Probabilistic bootstrap percolation | N. S. Branco |
1045-1056 | Stochastic equations of the Langevin type under a weakly dependent perturbation | Roman V. Bobryk |
1057-1062 | The decrease in the overall algorithmic complexity of the spin-echo effect | Kousuke Shizume |
1063-1073 | Fast vectorized algorithm for the Monte Carlo simulation of the random field Ising model | H. Rieger |
1075-1079 | Vectorized search for single clusters | Hans Gerd Evertz |
1081-1082 | Book review:Maximum entropy in action | George H. Weiss |
1083-1084 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
839-864 | Star-triangle relation for a three-dimensional model | V. V. Bazhanov and R. J. Baxter |
865-901 | Construction of modular branching functions from Bethe's equations in the 3-state Potts chain | Rinat Kedem and Barry M. McCoy |
903-921 | Thermodynamics of the 3-state Potts Spin chain | Rinat Kedem |
923-966 | The spin-1/2XXZ Heisenberg chain, the quantum algebra Uq[sl(2)], and duality transformations for minimal models | Uwe Grimm and Gunter Schütz |
967-980 | Nonuniversality and analytical continuation in moments of directed polymers on hierarchical lattices | Ernesto Medina and Mehran Kardar |
981-1002 | Asymptotic behavior of fluctuations for the 1D Ising model in zero-temperature limit | H. Shigematsu |
1003-1014 | Nonlinear excitations in the critical region | Yu. M. Ivanchenko, A. E. Filippov and A. V. Radievsky |
1015-1042 | Lattice gases with static disorder: Renormalization of mean field theory | A. J. H. Ossendrijver, A. Santos and M. H. Ernst |
1043-1062 | A characterization of first-order phase transitions for superstable interactions in classical statistical mechanics | David Klein and Wei -Shih Yang |
1063-1080 | Maximum number of collisions among identical hard spheres | T. J. Murphy and E. G. D. Cohen |
1081-1132 | Interface motion in models with stochastic dynamics | Herbert Spohn |
1133-1155 | Cooperative diffusion in one-dimensional lattice gases | Douglas Poland and Sandra Song |
1157-1169 | System-reservoir interaction with stochastic coupling parameters | M. Mañas, J. M. R. Parrondo and F. J. de la Rubia |
1171-1177 | Boundary conditions for lattice Boltzmann simulations | Donald P. Ziegler |
1179-1190 | Looking at Fokker-Planck dynamics with a noisy instrument | Gabor Schmera, Adi Bulsara, David Pierson, Frank Moss and Enrico Di Cera |
1191-1200 | First passage time for a class of one-dimensional stochastic systems | D. P. Bhatia, D. Arora and M. A. Prasad |
1201-1211 | Inhomogeneous random sequential adsorption on a lattice | J. K. Percus |
1213-1220 | The behavior of a periodically-forced nonlinear system subject to additive noise | Moshe Gitterman and George H. Weiss |
1221-1230 | Series and Monte Carlo study of high-dimensional Ising models | Misha Gofman, Joan Adler, Amnon Aharony, A. B. Harris and Dietrich Stauffer |
1231-1232 | Book review: Scattering and localization of classical waves in random media | Ralph Nossal |
1233-1235 | Book review: Fractals and disordered systems | John T. Bendler |
1237-1238 | Future contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
1-10 | Rotators, periodicity, and absence of diffusion in cyclic cellular automata | L. A. Bunimovich and S. E. Troubetzkoy |
11-53 | Statistical properties of the periodic Lorentz gas. Multidimensional case | N. I. Chernov |
55-73 | Ensemble properties and molecular dynamics of unstable systems | O. Bokhove, C. Bruin and A. Compagner |
75-89 | A microscopic aggregation model of droplet dynamics in warm clouds | A. Provata and C. Nicolis |
91-109 | On critical phenomena in interacting growth systems. Part I: General | Andrei Toom |
111-130 | On critical phenomena in interacting growth systems. Part II: Bounded growth | Andrei Toom |
131-146 | Interfacial growth in driven Ginzburg-Landau models: Short and long-time dynamics | J. L. Mozos and A. Hernández-Machado |
147-165 | Derivation and classical limit of the mean-field equation for a quantum Coulomb system: Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics | N. Angelescu, M. Pulvirenti and A. Teta |
167-217 | Energy-level statistics of model quantum systems: Universality and scaling in a lattice-point problem | Pavel M. Bleher and Joel L. Lebowitz |
219-238 | Dimensional crossover and finite-size scaling belowTc | F. Freire, Denjoe O'Connor and C. R. Stephens |
239-274 | Virasoro characters from bethe equations for the critical ferromagnetic three-state potts model | Srinandan Dasmahapatra, Rinat Kedem, Barry M. McCoy and Ezer Melzer |
275-311 | The 1/D expansion for low-dimensional classical magnets | D. A. Garanin |
313-348 | Optimal multigrid algorithms for calculating thermodynamic limits | A. Brandt, M. Galun and D. Ron |
349-409 | On the correlation for Kac-like models in the convex case | Bernard Helffer and Johannes Sjöstrand |
411-432 | Large deviations for the 2D ising model: A lower bound without cluster expansions | Dmitry Ioffe |
433-446 | Photonic pseudogaps for periodic dielectric structures | Alexander Figotin |
447-455 | Band-gap structure of the spectrum of periodic Maxwell operators | Alexander Figotin and Peter Kuchment |
457-463 | Computer simulation of random sequential adsorption of two interacting species on a lattice | Robert S. Sinkovits and Ras B. Pandey |
465-466 | CECAM Workshop on Applications of the Random Sequential Addition Process, Orsay, France, June 14–25, 1993 |
467-468 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1 | Preface | Christian Gruber and Joel L. Lebowitz |
3-89 | Generalized Hartree-Fock theory and the Hubbard model | Volker Bach, Elliott H. Lieb and Jan Philip Solovej |
91-123 | Low-temperature phases of itinerant fermions interacting with classical phonons: The static Holstein model | Joel L. Lebowitz and Nicolas Macris |
125-157 | Molecule formation and the Farey tree in the one-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model | C. Gruber, D. Ueltschi and J. Jędrzejewski |
159-182 | Peierls-Fröhlich instability and Kohn anomaly | J. V. Pulé, A. Verbeure and V. A. Zagrebnov |
183-207 | Surface orbital magnetism | Hervé Kunz |
209-283 | Integral quadratic forms, Kac-Moody algebras, and fractional quantum Hall effect. AnADE- | Jürg Fröhlich and Emmanuel Thiran |
285-297 | Absence of Debye screening in the quantum Coulomb system | David C. Brydges and Georg Keller |
299-305 | Polaritons in confined systems | Z. Hradil, A. Quattropani, V. Savona and P. Schwendimann |
307-329 | Coulomb systems seen as critical systems: Finite-size effects in two dimensions | B. Jancovici, G. Manificat and C. Pisani |
331-346 | Properties of an exact crystalline many-body ground state | P. J. Forrester |
347-360 | Structural relaxations, phonons, and Ising models | A. Chiolero and D. Baeriswyl |
361-395 | Possible first-order transition in the two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model induced by thermally fluctuating vortex cores | Dierk Bormann and Hans Beck |
397-418 | Density functional approximations for classical fluids with long-range interactions | A. M. Nyberg and J. K. Percus |
419-445 | Equilibrium shapes of crystals attached to walls | R. Kotecký and C. -E. Pfister |
447-476 | One-dimensional ballistic aggregation: Rigorous long-time estimates | Philippe A. Martin and Jaroslaw Piasecki |
477-495 | Real space renormalization group theory of the percolation model | B. Payandeh and M. Robert |
497-504 | Is energy increasing with angular momentum? | André Martin |
505-526 | On the Brownian motion of a massive sphere suspended in a hard-sphere fluid. I. Multiple-time-scale analysis and microscopic expression for the friction coefficient | Lydéric Bocquet, Jaroslaw Piasecki and Jean-Pierre Hansen |
527-548 | On the Brownian motion of a massive sphere suspended in a hard-sphere fluid. II. Molecular dynamics estimates of the friction coefficient | Lydéric Bocquet, Jean-Pierre Hansen and Jaroslaw Piasecki |
549-585 | Billiards correlation functions | Pedro L. Garrido and Giovanni Gallavotti |
587-604 | The K-property of 4D billiards with nonorthogonal cylindric scatterers | Nándor Simányi and Domokos Szász |
605-626 | Self-consistent check of the validity of Gibbs calculus using dynamical variables | Dominique Escande, Holger Kantz, Roberto Livi and Stefano Ruffo |
627-643 | Equipartition thresholds in chains of anharmonic oscillators | Holger Kantz, Roberto Livi and Stefano Ruffo |
645-660 | Triangular dynamics under pressure | François Bavaud |
661-677 | Microscopic approach to the formation of Liesegang patterns | Bastien Chopard, Pascal Luthi and Michel Droz |
679-701 | Application of generalized linear filters in data analysis | S. E. Barnes, M. Peter, L. Hoffmann, A. A. Manuel and A. Shukla |
703-723 | Migration of seismic data | Ernesto Bonomi and Gabriella Cabitza |
725-741 | Statistical properties of an iterated arithmetic mapping | M. R. Feix, A. Muriel and J. L. Rouet |
743-744 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1195-1251 | Discrete symmetry groups of vertex models in statistical mechanics | S. Boukraa, J. -M. Maillard and G. Rollet |
1253-1276 | The chiral potts model and its associated link invariant | F. Y. Wu, P. Pant and C. King |
1277-1309 | The conical point in the ferroelectric six-vertex model | Dirk Jan Bukman and Joel D. Shore |
1311-1324 | Comparison and disjoint-occurrence inequalities for random-cluster models | Geoffrey Grimmett |
1325-1335 | Two applications of percolation to cellular automata | Jeffrey E. Steif |
1337-1376 | Nonuniform van der Waals theory | M. K. -H. Kiessling and J. K. Percus |
1377-1401 | The stochastic heat equation: Feynman-Kac formula and intermittence | Lorenzo Bertini and Nicoletta Cancrini |
1403-1428 | Diffusion on a random comb: Distribution function of the survival probability | Claude Aslangul and Petr Chvosta |
1429-1470 | Finite-size scaling studies of one-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems. Part I. Analytical results | Klaus Krebs, Markus P. Pfannmüller, Birgit Wehefritz and Haye Hinrichsen |
1471-1491 | Finite-size scaling studies of one-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems. Part II. Numerical methods | Klaus Krebs, Markus P. Pfannmüller, Horatiu Simon and Birgit Wehefritz |
1493-1520 | Phase transitions in a driven lattice gas in two planes | A. Achahbar and J. Marro |
1521-1554 | Generalized Boltzmann equation for lattice gas automata | H. J. Bussemaker, M. H. Ernst and J. W. Dufty |
1555-1570 | Approximation of the Boltzmann equation by discrete velocity models | Wolfgang Wagner |
1571-1589 | Ergodicity, ensembles, irreversibility in Boltzmann and beyond | Giovanni Gallavotti |
1591-1605 | Classical motion in two-dimensional crystals | Burkhard Nobbe |
1607-1617 | Superexponential stability of KAM tori | Alessandro Morbidelli and Antonio Giorgilli |
1619-1627 | The spin-S Blume-Capel RG flow diagram | S. Moss de Oliveira, P. M. C. Oliveira and F. C. Sá Barreto |
1629-1633 | A bit-string model for biological aging | T. J. P. Penna |
1635-1636 | Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
1637-1640 | Fourth Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids
| |
1-22 | The fate of lifshits tails in magnetic fields | Kurt Broderix, Dirk Hundertmark, Werner Kirsch and Hajo Leschke |
23-33 | The turning of magnetotactic bacteria | N. G. Kampen |
35-43 | A dynamical partition function for the Lorentz gas | Gary P. Morriss, Lamberto Rondoni and E. G. D. Cohen |
45-67 | The classical statistical mechanics of Frenkel-Kontorova models | R. S. MacKay |
69-102 | Asymmetric exclusion model with two species: Spontaneous symmetry breaking | M. R. Evans, D. P. Foster, C. Godrèche and D. Mukamel |
103-123 | A discrete variational problem related to Ising droplets at low temperatures | E. Jordão Neves |
125-146 | Effective conductivity and skew Brownian motion | Reinhard Lang |
147-167 | Self-avoiding walks on random fractal environments | Yossi Shussman and Amnon Aharony |
169-221 | Generalization of the Fortuin-Kasteleyn transformation and its application to quantum spin simulations | N. Kawashima and J. E. Gubernatis |
223-271 | Uniqueness and clustering properties of Gibbs states for classical and quantum unbounded spin systems | Yong Moon Park and Hyun Jae Yoo |
273-305 | Quantum theory of dissipative processes: The Markov approximation revisited | A. J. Wonderen and K. Lendi |
307-336 | Extreme value distributions in chaotic dynamics | V. Balakrishnan, C. Nicolis and G. Nicolis |
337-356 | Large deviations for Ising spin glasses with constrained disorder | Sergio Scarlatti, Maurizio Serva and Michele Pasquini |
357-373 | Rigorous bounds of the Lyapunov exponents of the one-dimensional random Ising model | Michele Pasquini, Giovanni Paladin and Maurizio Serva |
375-387 | Macroscopic Lyapunov functions for separable stochastic neural networks with detailed balance | S. N. Laughton and A. C. C. Coolen |
389-404 | Subcritical asymptotic behavior in the thermodynamic limit of reversible random polymerization processes | Han Dong |
405-443 | Investigation of a homogeneous many-particle system in the vicinity of the critical point | I. R. Yukhnovskii, I. M. Idzyk and V. O. Kolomiets |
445-459 | Classical Coulomb systems: Screening and correlations revisited | B. Jancovici |
461-479 | Coulomb pair density matrix. II | P. Vieillefosse |
481-485 | A remark on papers by pixton and oliveira: Genericity of symplectic diffeomorphisms ofS2 with positive topological entropy | Howard Weiss |
487-496 | Exact ground states of Ising spin glasses: New experimental results with a branch-and-cut algorithm | C. Simone, M. Diehl, M. Jünger, P. Mutzel and G. Reinelt, et al. |
1-4 | Foreword | J. L. Lebowitz, S. A. Orszag and Y. H. Qian |
5-16 | Challenges in lattice Boltzmann computing | Sauro Succi, Giorgio Amati and Roberto Benzi |
17-33 | Direct assessment of lattice Boltzmann hydrodynamics and boundary conditions for recirculating flows | David R. Noble, John G. Georgiadis and Richard O. Buckius |
35-48 | A improved incompressible lattice Boltzmann model for time-independent flows | Qisu Zou, Shuling Hou, Shiyi Chen and Gary D. Doolen |
49-61 | Lattice Boltzmann simulation of solid particles suspended in fluid | Cyrus K. Aidun and Yannan Lu |
63-70 | Lattice Boltzmann simulations of flow past a cylindrical obstacle | Lukas Wagner and Fernand Hayot |
71-85 | Heat transfer in lattice BGK modeled fluid | Y. Chen, H. Ohashi and M. Akiyama |
87-103 | Lattice-BGK approach to simulating granular flows | M. -L. Tan, Y. H. Qian, I. Goldhirsch and S. A. Orszag |
105-128 | Simulating three-dimensional hydrodynamics on a cellular automata machine | Christopher Adler, Bruce Boghosian, Eirik G. Flekkøy, Norman Margolus and Daniel H. Rothman |
129-146 | An Euler solver based on locally adaptive discrete velocities | B. T. Nadiga |
147-164 | A new class of gas-kinetic relaxation schemes for the compressible Euler equations | Kun Xu |
165-180 | Cellular automaton model of precipitation/dissolution coupled with solute transport | T. Karapiperis |
181-197 | Phase separation in a three-dimensional, two-phase, hydrodynamic lattice gas | Cécile Appert, John F. Olson, Daniel H. Rothman and Stéphane Zaleski |
199-222 | Three-dimensional immiscible lattice gas: Application to sheared phase separation | John F. Olson and Daniel H. Rothman |
223-235 | Growth kinetics in multicomponent fluids | Shiyi Chen and Turab Lookman |
237-253 | Scalings in diffusion-driven reactionA+B→C: Numerical simulations by lattice BGK models | Y. H. Qian and S. A. Orszag |
255-294 | Lattice-gas crystallization | J. Yepez |
295-317 | Renormalized equilibria of a Schlögl model lattice gas | Bruce M. Boghosian and Washington Taylor |
319-334 | Analytical solutions of the lattice Boltzmann BGK model | Qisu Zou, Shuling Hou and Gary D. Doolen |
335-346 | Hexagonal discrete Boltzmann models with and without rest particles | H. Cornille |
347-359 | H-theorem and generalized semi-detailed balance condition for lattice gas systems | Hudong Chen |
361-377 | Lattice gas with “interaction potential” | Olivier Tribel and Jean Pierre Boon |
379-393 | Multicomponent lattice-Boltzmann model with interparticle interaction | Xiaowen Shan and Gary Doolen |
395-408 | Stabilization of thermal lattice Boltzmann models | Guy R. McNamara, Alejandro L. Garcia and Berni J. Alder |
409-443 | Exact stability results in stochastic lattice gas cellular automata | D. Bernardin and O. E. Sero-Guillaume |
445-466 | New results for diffusion in Lorentz lattice gas cellular automata | E. G. D. Cohen and F. Wang |
467-495 | Diffusion in Lorentz lattice gas cellular automata: The honeycomb and quasi-lattices compared with the square and triangular lattices | F. Wang and E. G. D. Cohen |
497-513 | Dynamical chaos in the Lorentz lattice gas | J. R. Dorfman, M. H. Ernst and D. Jacobs |
515-536 | Algebraic spatial correlations in lattice gas automata violating detailed balance | M. H. Ernst and H. J. Bussemaker |
537-538 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
539-559 | Corner spontaneous magnetization | D. B. Abraham and F. T. Latrémolière |
561-578 | Oriented polymers: A transfer matrix calculation | W. M. Koo |
579-627 | Correlations in two-component log-gas systems | A. Alastuey and P. J. Forrester |
629-645 | Knot invariants associated with a particularN→∞ continuous limit of the Baxter-Bazhanov model | B. L. Cerchiai, P. Cotta-Ramusino and M. Martellini |
647-672 | Grand canonical distribution for multicomponent system in the collective variables method | I. R. Yukhnovskii and O. V. Patsahan |
673-680 | A note on mean-field behavior for self-avoiding walk on branching planes | C. Chris Wu |
681-715 | Stationary states of crystal growth in three dimensions | D. J. Gates and M. Westcott |
717-736 | Hierarchical Monte Carlo methods for fractal random fields | Frank W. Elliott, Andrew J. Majda, David J. Horntrop and Richard M. McLaughlin |
737-759 | Scaling, propagation, and kinetic roughening of flame fronts in random media | Nikolas Provatas, Tapio Ala-Nissila, Martin Grant, K. R. Elder and Luc Piché |
761-775 | Anomalous biennial oscillations in a Fisher equation with a discretized verhulst term | C. Walsh, T. S. Ray and Naeem Jan |
777-792 | Asymptotic distributions of continuous-time random walks: A probabilistic approach | Marcin Kotulski |
793-828 | Spatiotemporal and statistical symmetries | Nadine Aubry and Ricardo Lima |
829-835 | The uniqueness regime of Gibbs fields with unbounded disorder | G. Gielis and C. Maes |
837-842 | Ising metamagnet under staggered field | Subinary Dasgupta |
843-849 | Pattern-specific neural network design | Martin Anderle, Herwig Schweng, Karl E. Kürten and Karl W. Kratky |
851-855 | A remark on Schrödinger operators on aperiodic tilings | A. Hof |
857-860 | Fractals in science
861-863 | An exploration of chaos
865 | Errata: On the absence of intermediate phases in the two-dimensional Coulomb gas | Michael E. Fisher, Xiaojun Li and Yan Levin |
| |
609-632 | Coulomb systems seen as critical systems: Ideal conductor boundaries | B. Jancovici and G. Téllez |
633-655 | Three-dimensional vertex model in statistical mechanics from Baxter-Bazhanov model | Zhan-Ning Hu and Bo-Yu Hou |
657-685 | Fermionic solution of the Andrews-Baxter-Forrester model. I. Unification of TBA and CTM methods | S. Ole Warnaar |
687-741 | A perturbative approach to spectrum and correlation functions of the chiral Potts model | A. Honecker |
743-796 | Surface tension in Ising systems with Kac potentials | G. Alberti, G. Bellettini, M. Cassandro and E. Presutti |
797-821 | Uniqueness and exponential decay of correlations for some two-dimensional spin lattice systems | Miaohua Jiang and Alexander E. Mazel |
823-913 | On the layering transition of an SOS surface interacting with a wall. I. Equilibrium results | Filippo Cesi and Fabio Martinelli |
915-930 | On the rate of convergence to the normal law for solutions of the Burgers equation with singular initial data | Nikolai N. Leonenko, Enzo Orsingher and Victoria N. Parkhomenko |
931-950 | Existence and stability of steady fronts in bistable coupled map lattices | Bastien Fernandez |
951-962 | New exact solutions of heat conduction in metals | Effat A. Saied |
963-998 | Ergodicity of quantum cellular automata | S. Richter and R. F. Werner |
999-1014 | Diffusive escape in a nonlinear shear flow: Life and death at the edge of a windy cliff | S. Redner and P. L. Krapivsky |
1015-1045 | Effective potential and weak noise transitions | H. Calisto, E. Cerda and E. Tirapegui |
1047-1061 | Diffusion of two-dimensional particles on an air table | Luc Oger, Chrystèle Annic, Daniel Bideau, Rongqing Dai and Stuart B. Savage |
1063-1080 | Superpositions of multifractals: Generators of phase transitions in the generalized thermodynamic formalism | Günter Radons and Ruedi Stoop |
1081-1098 | On the phase transition to sheet percolation in random Cantor sets | M. E. Orzechowski |
1099-1112 | Chaotic properties of multipoint correlation functions of an Ising model with long-range interactions on the Sierpiński—Gasket lattice | W. Jeżewski |
1113-1132 | Ground-state structure in a highly disordered spin-glass model | C. M. Newman and D. L. Stein |
1133-1158 | Monte Carlo studies of a driven lattice gas. I. Growth and asymmetry during phase segregation | F. J. Alexander, C. A. Laberge, J. L. Lebowitz and R. K. P. Zia |
1159-1198 | A Monte Carlo algorithm for lattice ribbons | E. Orlandini, E. J. Janse van Rensburg and S. G. Whittington |
1199-1206 | Histogram Monte Carlo position-space renormalization group: Applications to the site percolation | Chin-Kun Hu, Chi-Ning Chen and F. Y. Wu |
1207-1211 | Note on Monte Carlo methods without necessary detailed balance | Christopher G. Jesudason |
1213-1216 | Quantum non-locality and relativity
1217-1218 | Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
899-925 | Chaotic hypothesis: Onsager reciprocity and fluctuation-dissipation theorem | Giovanni Gallavotti |
927-971 | Local second-order boundary methods for lattice Boltzmann models | I. Ginzbourg and D. d'Humières |
973-986 | Dynamics in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. I. The first step | A. E. Patrick |
987-1041 | Markov chains with exponentially small transition probabilities: First exit problem from a general domain. II. The general case | E. Olivieri and E. Scoppola |
1043-1066 | A dynamical approach to anomalous conductivity | Elena Floriani, György Trefán, Paolo Grigolini and Bruce J. West |
1067-1075 | Monte Carlo simulations of conformal theory predictions for the three-state Potts model | G. T. Barkema and John McCabe |
1077-1093 | One-dimensional random-field ising model: Gibbs states and structure of ground states | P. M. Bleher, J. Ruiz and V. A. Zagrebnov |
1095-1131 | Disordered ground states for classical discrete-state problems in one dimension | Geoff Canright and Greg Watson |
1133-1208 | Exact ground-state correlation functions of one-dimensional strongly correlated electron models with resonating-valence-bond ground state | Masanori Yamanaka, Shinsuke Honjo, Yasuhiro Hatsugai and Mahito Kohmoto |
1209-1336 | Pertubation theory around nonnested fermi surfaces. I. Keeping the fermi surface fixed | Joel Feldman, Manfred Salmhofer and Eugene Trubowitz |
1337-1349 | Constrained minima of nonlocal free energy functionals | G. Bellettini, M. Cassandro and E. Presutti |
1351-1361 | Almost sure quasilocality fails for the random-cluster model on a tree | Olle Häggström |
1363-1371 | Exact ground states of two-dimensional ±J Ising spin glasses | C. Simone, M. Diehl, M. Jünger, P. Mutzel and G. Reinelt, et al. |
1373-1378 | Avalanche statistics of sand heaps | Volkhard Buchholtz and Thorsten Pöschel |
1379-1385 | Determination of chaotic attractors in the rat brain | Alessandra Celletti and Alessandro E. P. Villa |
1387 | New trends in reaction rate theory
1389-1391 | On the rate of convergence to the normal law for solutions of the burgers equation with singular initial data | N. N. Leonenko, E. Orsingher and V. N. Parkhomenko |
1393-1400 | Program of the 74th Statistical Mechanics Meeting
| |
537-566 | Upper Bounds on the Critical Temperature for Kac Potentials | M. Cassandro, R. Marra and E. Presutti |
567-615 | Logarithmic Corrections and Finite-Size Scaling in the Two-Dimensional 4-State Potts Model | Jesús Salas and Alan D. Sokal |
617-636 | An Algorithm-Independent Definition of Damage Spreading—Application to Directed Percolation | Haye Hinrichsen, Joshua S. Weitz and Eytan Domany |
637-664 | Optimal Multigrid Algorithms for Variable-Coupling Isotropic Gaussian Models | A. Brandt and M. Galun |
665-689 | The Convergence of Cluster Expansion for Continuous Systems with Many-Body Interaction | A. L. Rebenko and G. V. Shchepan'uk |
691-711 | Stable Quasicrystalline Ground States | Jacek Miekisz |
713-743 | Ground-State Correlation Functions for an Impenetrable Bose Gas with Neumann or Dirichlet Boundary Conditions | Takeo Kojima |
745-780 | Quasi-Bound States of Two Magnons in the Spin-1/2XXZ Chain | Yoshifumi Morita, Mahito Kohmoto and Tohru Koma |
781-793 | Minimal Sandpiles on Hexagonal Lattice | V. B. Priezzhev and D. V. Ktitarev |
795-805 | Majority-Vote Cellular Automata, Ising Dynamics, and P-Completeness | Cristopher Moore |
807-824 | Kolmogorov–Sinai Entropy, Lyapunov Exponents, and Mean Free Time in Billiard Systems | P. L. Garrido |
825-842 | Lyapunov Instability of the Boundary-Driven Chernov–Lebowitz Model for Stationary Shear Flow | Ch. Dellago and H. A. Posch |
843-871 | Front Speed in the Burgers Equation with a Random Flux | J. Wehr and J. Xin |
873-883 | The Inviscid Burgers Equation with Initial Value of Poissonian Type | A. Dermoune |
885-911 | On Vlasov–Manev Equations. I: Foundations, Properties, and Nonglobal Existence | A. V. Bobylev, P. Dukes, R. Illner and H. D. Victory |
913-926 | Analytic Solutions of Linearized Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Simple Flows | Li-Shi Luo |
927-944 | Lattice Boltzmann Model for the Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equation | Xiaoyi He and Li-Shi Luo |
945-966 | Relativistic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process | F. Debbasch, K. Mallick and J. P. Rivet |
967-977 | On the Quantum Probability Flux Through Surfaces | M. Daumer, D. Dürr, S. Goldstein and N. Zanghi |
979-984 | Chaos for the Sierpinski Carpet | Chen Ercai |
985-989 | On a Generalized Model of Biological Evolution | H. N. Agiza, M. F. Elettreby and E. Ahmed |
991-995 | Ernst Ising—Physicist and Teacher | S. Kobe |
997-998 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
973-974 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz |
975-979 | Introduction | J. Dufty, R. Brito and J. R. Dorfman |
981-988 | Generalized irreducible memory function | Kyozi Kawasaki |
989-1003 | Long-time translation and rotational Brownian motion in two dimensions | B. Cichocki and B. U. Felderhof |
1005-1035 | Microscopic derivation of non-Markovian thermalization of a Brownian particle | Lydéric Bocquet and Jarosław Piasecki |
1037-1049 | Square root singularity in the viscosity of neutral colloidal suspensions at large frequencies | R. Verberg, I. M. Schepper, M. J. Feigenbaum and E. G. D. Cohen |
1051-1066 | Dissipative dynamics for hard spheres | J. Javier Brey, James W. Dufty and Andrés Santos |
1067-1082 | Statistical mechanics of dissipative transport in crystals | Grzegorz Szamel |
1083-1095 | Diffusion in zeolites as flow of lattice gas | Ivan Kuščer and Jan J. M. Beenakker |
1097-1109 | Temperature, entropy, and kinetic theory | Carlo Cercignani |
1111-1121 | A hydrodynamically correct thermal lattice Boltzmann model | Guy R. McNamara, Alejandro L. Garcia and Berni J. Alder |
1123-1130 | Nonlinear lattice gas hydrodynamics | Alberto Suárez and Jean Pierre Boon |
1131-1144 | Self-diffusion in simple models: Systems with long-range jumps | A. Asselah, R. Brito and J. L. Lebowitz |
1145-1164 | A reaction-diffusion equation for a cyclic system with three components | Th. Ruijgrok and M. Ruijgrok |
1165-1178 | Theory for diffusion-limited oscillating chemical reactions | Harmen J. Bussemaker and Ricardo Brito |
1179-1203 | A nucleation theory of cell surface capping | E. A. Coutsias, M. J. Wester and A. S. Perelson |
1205-1228 | There is more to be learned from the Lorentz model | A. V. Bobylev, Frank A. Maaø, Alex Hansen and E. H. Hauge |
1229-1244 | Deviations from Fick's law in Lorentz gases | C. P. Lowe, D. Frenkel and M. A. Hoef |
1245-1252 | The computational complexity of the Lorentz lattice gas | J. Machta and K. Moriarty |
1253-1271 | Thermodynamic formalism and localization in Lorentz gases and hopping models | C. Appert, H. Beijeren, M. H. Ernst and J. R. Dorfman |
1273-1286 | Aggregation beyond the gel point: A new class of exactly solvable models | P. G. J. Dongen |
1287-1306 | A general approach to association using cluster partition functions | E. M. Hendriks, J. Walsh and A. R. D. Bergen |
1307-1323 | Long-range correlations and generic scale invariance in classical fluids and disordered electron systems | T. R. Kirkpatrick and D. Belitz |
1325-1334 | Langevin and master equation in quantum mechanics | N. G. Kampen and I. Oppenheim |
1335-1351 | The effective interface potential for a superconducting layer | J. M. J. Leeuwen and E. H. Hauge |
1353-1366 | Macroscopic quantum tunneling of a bose condensate | H. T. C. Stoof |
1-3 | Preface | Lesser Blum and Joel L. Lebowitz |
5 | Janco’s disciples in Coulombland | A. Alastuey and F. Cornu |
6-19 | Part I. The 2D classical Coulomb gas near the zero-density Kosterlitz-Thouless critical point: Correlations and critical line | A. Alastuey and F. Cornu |
20-35 | Part II. Algebraic tails in three-dimensional quantum plasmas | A. Alastuey and F. Cornu |
37-59 | Stability and instability of relativistic electrons in classical electromagnetic fields | Elliott H. Lieb, Heinz Siedentop and Jan Philip Solovej |
61-68 | Coulomb system equivalent to the energy spectrum of the Calogero-Sutherland-Moser (CSM) model | Ph. Choquard |
69-110 | Correlations for parameter— dependent random matrices | P. J. Forrester and T. Nagao |
111-118 | Progressive construction of an “Olympic” gel | E. Raphaël, C. Gay and P. G. de Gennes |
119-134 | Universal fluctuations in the support of the random walk | F. van Wijland and H. J. Hilhorst |
135-167 | Shock profiles for the asymmetric simple exclusion process in one dimension | B. Derrida, J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer |
169-175 | Finite-dimensional representations of a shock algebra | Eugene R. Speer |
177-201 | The spin-one Ising model in the mean-spherical approximation | J. S. Høye and G. Stell |
203-214 | Variational extension of the mean spherical approximation to arbitrary dimensions | Esov S. Velázquez, Lesser Blum and Harry L. Frisch |
215-232 | A self-consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation for the site-diluted Ising model | E. Kierlik, M. L. Rosinberg and G. Tarjus |
233-247 | Second-order Percus-Yevick theory for a confined hard-sphere fluid | Douglas Henderson, Stefan Sokolowski and Darsh Wasan |
249-272 | Nonuniform classical fluid mixture in one-dimensional space with next neighbor interactions | J. K. Percus |
273-282 | Interfacial width and shape fluctuations and extensions of the Gaussian model of capillary waves | A. Robledo and C. Varea |
283-303 | Onsager molecules for the Yukawa potentials: Screening potentials and the Jancovici coefficient in strongly coupled electron-screened plasmas | Yaakov Rosenfeld and Gilles Chabrier |
305-320 | The Becker-Döring equations at large times and their connection with the LSW theory of coarsening | O. Penrose |
321-346 | Friction tensor for a pair of Brownian particles: Spurious finite-size effects and molecular dynamics estimates | Lydéric Bocquet, Jean-Pierre Hansen and Jaroslaw Piasecki |
347-367 | A nonequilibrium approach for random amphiphilic copolymer model | E. G. Timoshenko, Yu. A. Kuznetsov and K. A. Dawson |
369-377 | Steady state in two-dimensional diffusion-controlled reactions | C. A. Condat, G. J. Sibona and C. E. Budde |
379-402 | Transport of ions and solvent in confined media | Albert Lehmani, Olivier Bernard and Pierre Turq |
403-409 | A particle method with adjustable transport properties—the generalized consistent Boltzmann algorithm | Alejandro L. Garcia, Francis J. Alexander and Berni J. Alder |
411-424 | Multipole Ewald sums for the fast multipole method | K. E. Schmidt and Michael A. Lee |
425-443 | Model fermion Monte Carlo with correlated pairs. II | M. H. Kalos and K. E. Schmidt |
445-451 | “Optimal” bounds on the ground-state energy of453-468 | Vibrations of simple fractal-based models | John C. Kimball and Harry L. Frisch |
469-479 | Econophysics: Scaling and its breakdown in finance | Rosario N. Mantegna and H. Eugene Stanley |
519-569 | Slow Modes in Passive Advection | Denis Bernard, Krzysztof Gawedzki and Antti Kupiainen |
571-595 | Scaling Exponents for Active Scalars | Peter Constantin |
627-662 | A Hybrid Kinetic-Quantum Model for Stationary Electron Transport | NaoufelBen Abdallah |
663-695 | On the Initial Boundary Value Problems for the Enskog Equation in Irregular Domains | A. Heintz |
697-725 | Relative Entropy and Identification of Gibbs Measures in Dynamical Systems | J.-R. Chazottes, E. Floriani and R. Lima |
727-748 | Analytical Approach for Piecewise Linear Coupled Map Lattices | Wolfram Just |
749-765 | Irregular Fluctuations in Uncoupled Map Lattices | Karl W. Kratky and Karl E. Kürten |
767-781 | On Continuous-Time Self-Avoiding Random Walk in Dimension Four | Suemi Rodríguez-Romo and Vladimir Tchijov |
783-815 | First-Order Phase Transitions in One-Dimensional Steady States | Peter F. Arndt, Thomas Heinzel and Vladimir Rittenberg |
817-826 | Anisotropic Lattice Gases | J. Marro and A. Achahbar |
827-851 | The Discrete N-Vector Ferromagnet: Connection to a Percolation with Frustration Features | A.C.N. de Magalhães and A.M. Mariz |
853-871 | Direction-Dependent Free Energy Singularity of the Antiferroelectric Asymmetric Six-Vertex Model | Giuseppe Albertini |
873-888 | Freezing Temperature in Dilute Ising Spin Glasses with Long-Range Interactions | B.E. Vugmeister, D.L. Huber and H. Rabitz |
889-898 | Diagonalization of System plus Environment Hamiltonians | Stefan K. Kehrein and Andreas Mielke |
899-926 | Boundary Effects in the One-Dimensional Coulomb Gas | D.S. Dean, R.R. Horgan and D. Sentenac |
927-947 | Band Edge Behavior of the Integrated Density of States of Random Jacobi Matrices in Dimension 1 | Frédéric Klopp |
949-1002 | Dirichlet Forms and Dirichlet Operators for Gibbs Measures of Quantum Unbounded Spin Systems: Essential Self-Adjointness and Log-Sobolev Inequality | Hye Young Lim, Yong Moon Park and Hyun Jae Yoo |
1003-1013 | Convergence Speed for Simple Symmetric Exclusion: An Explicit Calculation | John D. Keisling |
1015-1035 | Finite-Volume Glauber Dynamics in a Small Magnetic Field | Nobuo Yoshida |
1037-1045 | An Integral Algorithm for Numerical Integration of One-Dimensional Additive Colored Noise Problems | Jingdong Bao, Yasuhisa Abe and Yizhong Zhuo |
1047-1049 | A Short Existence Proof for Correlation Dimension | Anthony Manning and Károly Simon |
1051-1059 | Improved Peierls Argument for High-Dimensional Ising Models | J. L. Lebowitz and A. E. Mazel |
1061-1068 | Models of Two-Level Atoms in Quasiperiodic External Fields | Walter F. Wreszinski and S. Casmeridis |
1069 | Book Review:Statistical Mechanics For Chemists. J. Goodisman, Wiley, New York, 1997. | Irwin Oppenheim |
1071-1072 | Book Review:Scaling And Renormalization In Statistical Physics. John Cardy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996. | Joseph D. Bryngelson |
1073-1074 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1075-1105 | Amplitude Equation for Lattice Maps, A Renormalization Group Approach | P. Collet |
1107-1127 | Spectral Analysis of Stochastic Phase Lockings and Stochastic Bifurcations in the Sinusoidally Forced van der Pol Oscillator with Additive Noise | Shinji Doi, Junko Inoue and Sadatoshi Kumagai |
1129-1178 | Solutions to the Boltzmann Equation in the Boussinesq Regime | R. Esposito, R. Marra and J. L. Lebowitz |
1179-1199 | A Diffusion Equation from the Relativistic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process | F. Debbasch and J.P. Rivet |
1201-1223 | Transport Properties of Kicked and Quasiperiodic Hamiltonians | S. De Bièvre and G. Forni |
1225-1249 | Expectation Values of Observables in Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics | J. M. Barbaroux and A. Joye |
1251-1275 | Traffic Flow Models Considering an Internal Degree of Freedom | Christoph Wagner |
1277-1293 | Dynamical Behavior of the Multibondic and Multicanonic Algorithm In The 3D q-State Potts Model | Malcolm S. Carroll, Wolfhard Janke and Stefan Kappler |
1295-1310 | The Constants in the Central Limit Theorem for the One-Dimensional Edwards Model | Remco van der Hofstad |
1311-1324 | Two-Dimensional Oriented Self-Avoiding Walks with Parallel Contacts | G.T. Barkema, U. Bastolla and P. Grassberger |
1325-1373 | Segment Motion in the Reptation Model of Polymer Dynamics. I. Analytical Investigation | U. Ebert, L. Schäfer and A. Baumgärtner |
1375-1400 | Segment Motion in the Reptation Model of Polymer Dynamics. II. Simulations | A. Baumgärtner, U. Ebert and L. Schäfer |
1401-1411 | Nucleation, Growth, and Scaling in Slow Combustion | Mikko Karttunen, Nikolas Provatas, Tapio Ala-Nissila and Martin Grant |
1413-1427 | Computer Simulation of Nonequilibrium Growth of Crystals in a Two-Dimensional Medium with a Phase-Separating Impurity | L.M. Martiouchev, V.D. Seleznev and S.A. Skopinov |
1429-1440 | The Triangle Condition for Contact Processes on Homogeneous Trees | Roberto H. Schonmann |
1441-1447 | Nonperiodic Long-Range Order for Fast-Decaying Interactions at Positive Temperatures | Aernout C. D. van Enter, Jacek Miekisz and Miloš Zahradník |
1449-1459 | A Factorization of Determinant Related to Some Random Matrices | Tomoyuki Shirai |
1461-1473 | A High-Order Accurate Algorithm for Electrostatics of Overlapping Disks | Johan Helsing |
1475-1480 | An Extension of the Analytical Solution of the Ornstein–Zernike Equation with the Yukawa Closure | M. Ginoza and M. Yasutomi |
1481-1487 | Nonequilibrium Measurements of Free Energy Differences for Microscopically Reversible Markovian Systems | Gavin E. Crooks |
1489-1492 | Long-Ranged Correlations in Bounded Nonequilibrium Fluids | Alejandro L. Garcia, G. Sonnino and M. Malek Mansour |
1493-1495 | Book Review: The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation.D. C. Rapaport, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995 | Rudolf Podgornik |
1497-1499 | Book Review: Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions.V E. Korepin, N. M. Bogoliubov, and A. G. Izergin, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996 | Subir Sachdev |
1501-1503 | Micro, Macro, Meta:A Workshop to Welcome Joel Lebwitz |
1505-1506 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
499-524 | Functional Relations for the Order Parameters of the Chiral Potts Model | R.J. Baxter |
525-539 | Two-Point Correlations and Critical Line of the Driven Ising Lattice Gas in a High-Temperature Expansion | B. Schmittmann and R.K.P. Zia |
541-569 | Phase Structure of Systems with Infinite Numbers of Absorbing States | M.A. Muñoz, G. Grinstein and R. Dickman |
571-586 | Particle Systems Acting on Undirected Graphs | C. Bandt, K.P. Hadeler and F. Kriese |
587-602 | The Gradient Condition for One-Dimensional Symmetric Exclusion Processes | Yukio Nagahata |
603-623 | First-Passage Percolation, Semi-Directed Bernoulli Percolation, and Failure in Brittle Materials | L. Berlyand, M.D. Rintoul and S. Torquato |
625-654 | On Vlasov–Manev Equations, II: Local Existence and Uniqueness | R. Illner, H.D. Victory, P. Dukes and A.V. Bobylev |
655-667 | Large-Deviations Estimates in Burgers Turbulence with Stable Noise Initial Data | Jean Bertoin |
669-677 | Glassy Relaxation Dynamics and Ruggedness beyond the Ultrametric Limit | Gustavo A. Appignanesi, Ruben A. Montani and Ariel Fernández |
679-732 | Metastability and Convergence to Equilibrium for the Random Field Curie–Weiss Model | P. Mathieu and P. Picco |
733-757 | Long-Time Bath Correlations in the Pollak–Grabert–Hänggi Theory | Jean Farago and Michel Peyrard |
759-785 | Limiting Gibbs States and Phase Transitions of a Bipartite Mean-Field Hubbard Model | T. Gerisch and A. Rieckers |
787-799 | Adiabatic Decoherence | Dima Mozyrsky and Vladimir Privman |
801-806 | Rigorous Spectral Analysis of the Metal–Insulator Transition in a Limit-Periodic Potential | H. Schulz-Baldes and M. Zarrouati |
807-814 | Damage Spreading in a 2D Ising Model with Swendsen–Wang Dynamics | Haye Hinrichsen, Eytan Domany and Dietrich Stauffer |
815-826 | A New Proof of Ruelle's Superstability Bounds | A.L. Rebenko |
827-828 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-34 | Percolation and Minimal Spanning Trees | Carol Bezuidenhout, Geoffrey Grimmett and Armin Löffler |
35-45 | On Criticality for Competing Influences of Boundary and External Field in the Ising Model | Priscilla E. Greenwood and Jiaming Sun |
47-55 | On the Large-Distance Behavior of Correlations for a Hierarchical N-Component Classical Vector Model in Three Dimensions | P.A.Faria da Veiga, M. O'Carroll and R. Schor |
57-100 | Finite-Size Scaling in the p-State Mean-Field Potts Glass: A Monte Carlo Investigation | O. Dillmann, W. Janke and K. Binder |
101-150 | Large-Deviation Principle for One-Dimensional Vector Spin Models with Kac Potentials | Paolo Buttà and Pierre Picco |
151-194 | The Asymmetric Exclusion Process: Comparison of Update Procedures | N. Rajewsky, L. Santen, A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg |
195-236 | The Becker–Döring Equations and the Lifshitz–Slyozov Theory of Coarsening | J.J.L. Velázquez |
237-267 | The Lagrangian Structure of Long-Time Torsional Dynamics Leading to RNA Folding | Ariel Fernández |
269-299 | Additive Invariant Functionals for Dynamical Systems | A.V. Bobylev and H.D. Victory |
301-323 | Time Asymptotics for Solutions of Vlasov–Poisson Equation in a Circle | E. Caglioti and C. Maffei |
325-330 | An Infinite Number of Effectively Infinite Clusters in Critical Percolation | Naeem Jan, Dietrich Stauffer and Amnon Aharony |
331-332 | Erratum: Correlation Dimension for Paired Discrete Time Series | Alessandra Celletti, Victoria M. Bajo Lorenzana and Alessandro E. P. Villa |
333-334 | Book Review: Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems, and Symmetry. P. Holmes, J. L. Lumley, and G. Berkooz, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1996, pp. 420 | Katepalli R. Sreenivasan |
335-336 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
729-753 | The Three-State Square-Lattice Potts Antiferromagnet at Zero Temperature | Jesús Salas and Alan D. Sokal |
755-764 | Percolation in a Voronoi Competition-Growth Model | Elisabeti Kira, E.Jordão Neves and Roberto H. Schonmann |
765-783 | On the Stability of the Quenched State in Mean-Field Spin-Glass Models | M. Aizenman and P. Contucci |
785-808 | Critical Exponents of the Diluted Ising Model between Dimensions 2 and 4 | Yu. Holovatch and T. Yavors'kii |
809-835 | Correlation Functions, Cluster Functions, and Spacing Distributions for Random Matrices | Craig A. Tracy and Harold Widom |
837-864 | Metastability and Spinodal Points for a Random Walker on a Triangle | Peter F. Arndt and Thomas Heinzel |
865-889 | One-Dimensional Hamiltonian for Columnar Liquid Crystals | R. D'hulst and A. Caillé |
891-908 | Coverage and Structure of Films of Spherical Particles Deposited after Diffusing in a Gravitational Field | HoSuk Choi and Julian Talbot |
909-972 | Finite Range of Large Perturbations in Hamiltonian Dynamics | D. Bénisti and D.F. Escande |
973-994 | The Modified Group Expansions for Construction of Solutions to the BBGKY Hierarchy | A.E. Kobryn, I.P. Omelyan and M.V. Tokarchuk |
995-1015 | Nonlinear Wave Propagation in a Disordered Medium | Jared C. Bronski |
1017-1052 | Ising Quantum Chain and Sequence Evolution | Holger Wagner, Ellen Baake and Thomas Gerisch |
1053-1070 | Stability of Driven Systems with Growing Gaps, Quantum Rings, and Wannier Ladders | Joachim Asch, Pierre Duclos and Pavel Exner |
1071-1113 | Peierls Instability for the Holstein Model with Rational Density | G. Benfatto, G. Gentile and V. Mastropietro |
1115-1135 | Regularization of Quantum Relative Entropy in Finite Dimensions and Application to Entropy Production | K. Lendi, F. Farhadmotamed and A.J. van Wonderen |
1137-1152 | Peierls Argument and Long-Range Order Behavior of Quantum Lattice Systems with Unbounded Spins | S. Albeverio, A.Yu. Kondratiev and A.L. Rebenko |
1153-1172 | Small-Mass Behavior of Quantum Gibbs States for Lattice Models with Unbounded Spins | S. Albeverio, Yu.G. Kondratiev, R.A. Minlos and A.L. Rebenko |
1173-1191 | Asymptotics of the Interband Light Absorption Coefficient near the Band Edge for an Alloy-Type Model | W. Kirsch, L.A. Pastur and H. Stork |
1193-1201 | Geometric Forces on Point Fluxes in Quantum Hall Fluids | J.E. Avron and P.G. Zograf |
1203-1208 | The O(n) Loop Model on the 3–12 Lattice | M.T. Batchelor |
1209-1211 | Book Review:Lattice-Gas Cellular Automata. D. H. Rothman and S. Zaleski, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997 | D.C. Rapaport |
1213-1216 | Book Review:The Critical Point. A Historical Introduction to the Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena. Cyril Domb, Taylor and Francis, London, 1996 | Benjamin Widom |
1217-1223 | Program of the 79th Statistical Mechanics Meeting | Joel L. Lebowitz |
1225-1226 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
407-409 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz, Jack Swift and Chao Tang |
411-426 | Viscous Fingering Patterns in Ferrofluids | Michael Widom and José A. Miranda |
427-447 | Characterization of Labyrinthine Patterns and Their Evolution | Ronald E. Jones and Gemunu H. Gunaratne |
449-465 | Convection and Diffusion in Patterns in Oscillated Granular Media | C. Bizon, M. D. Shattuck, John R. de Bruyn, J. B. Swift and W. D. McCormick, et al. |
467-475 | Axial Segregation of Powders in a Horizontal Rotating Tube | Joel Stavans |
477-500 | Scaling of a Slope: The Erosion of Tilted Landscapes | Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and Daniel H. Rothman |
501-510 | Ostwald Ripening in Two Dimensions: Treatment with Pairwise Interactions | Boris Levitan and Eytan Domany |
511-525 | Energies of a Kinked Crack Line | M. Marder |
527-546 | Microscopic Analyses of the Dynamical Density Functional Equation of Dense Fluids | Kyozi Kawasaki |
547-571 | Shift Equivalence of Measures and the Intrinsic Structure of Shocks in the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process | B. Derrida, S. Goldstein, J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer |
573-582 | Ising-Model, Block-Spin Distributions by the Markov Property Method | George A. Baker |
583-601 | Domain Number Distribution in the Nonequilibrium Ising Model | E. Ben-Naim and P. L. Krapivsky |
603-613 | Scaling of the Distribution of Shortest Paths in Percolation | Nikolay V. Dokholyan, Youngki Lee, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin and Peter R. King, et al. |
615-632 | Feynman's Ratchet and Pawl | Marcelo O. Magnasco and Gustavo Stolovitzky |
633-645 | A Simplified “Ratchet” Model of Molecular Motors | Anatoly B. Kolomeisky and B. Widom |
647-672 | Physical Approaches to the Study of DNA | T. R. Strick, J.-F. Allemand, V. Croquette and D. Bensimon |
673-697 | Transformational Homologies in Amino Acid Sequences Suggest Memberships in Protein Families | Arnold J. Mandell, Karen A. Selz and Michael F. Shlesinger |
699-714 | Block Spins for Partial Differential Equations | Nigel Goldenfeld, Alan McKane and Qing Hou |
715-724 | Scaling of the Irreducible SO(3)-Invariants of Velocity Correlations in Turbulence | Siegfried Grossmann, Detlef Lohse and Achim Reeh |
725-776 | Axisymmetric Surface Diffusion: Dynamics and Stability of Self-Similar Pinchoff | Andrew J. Bernoff, Andrea L. Bertozzi and Thomas P. Witelski |
777-786 | Absence of Proper Nondegenerate Generalized Self-Similar Singularities | Peter Constantin |
787-795 | Exact Results for Conditional Means of a Passive Scalar in Certain Statistically Homogeneous Flows | Emily S. C. Ching and Robert H. Kraichnan |
797-832 | Computing the Scaling Exponents in Fluid Turbulence from First Principles: Demonstration of Multiscaling | Victor I. Belinicher, Victor S. L'vov, Anna Pomyalov and Itamar Procaccia |
833-842 | Chaotic Behavior in Shell Models and Shell Maps | Julien Kockelkoren, Fridolin Okkels and Mogens H. Jensen |
843-861 | Self-Consistent Approximations in Relativistic Plasmas: Quasiparticle Analysis of the Thermodynamic Properties | Benoît Vanderheyden and Gordon Baym |
863-899 | On Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse | Michael P. Brenner and Thomas P. Witelski |
901-918 | On the Heat Transfer in Rayleigh–Bénard Systems | R. Benzi, F. Toschi and R. Tripiccione |
919-926 | Turbulent Helium Gas Cell as a New Paradigm of Daily Meteorological Fluctuations? | I. M. Jánosi, G. Vattay and A. Harnos |
927-941 | On the Superfluid Fraction of an Arbitrary Many-Body System at T=0 | A. J. Leggett |
943-964 | Duality in Two Capacitively Coupled Layered Arrays of Ultrasmall Josephson Junctions | Jorge V. José |
965-980 | Quasiclassical Wavefunctions | R. E. Prange |
981-999 | Trace Formulas for Stochastic Evolution Operators: Weak Noise Perturbation Theory | Predrag Cvitanović, C. P. Dettmann, Ronnie Mainieri and Gábor Vattay |
1001-1008 | Fractal Dimension of Julia Set for Nonanalytic Maps | Chao Tang |
1009-1018 | Chaos, Complexity, and Computers: Object-Oriented Programming and Physics Concepts for Undergraduates | S. N. Coppersmith |
1019 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
277-298 | The Genealogical Tree of a Chromosome | B. Derrida and B. Jung-Muller |
299-320 | An Equilibrium Lattice Model of Wetting on Rough Substrates | C. Borgs, J. DeConinck and R. Kotecky´ |
321-345 | The Ising Model on a Quenched Ensemble of c=−5 Gravity Graphs | K. N. Anagnostopoulos, P. Bialas and G. Thorleifsson |
347-363 | On the Relation Between Orthogonal, Symplectic and Unitary Matrix Ensembles | Harold Widom |
365-387 | A Quantum Crystal with Multidimensional Anharmonic Oscillators | William G. Faris and Robert A. Minlos |
389-413 | Non-Abelian Random Polygons: A New Model in Statistical Physics | Wim Schoenmaker and Wim Magnus |
415-435 | Nonmonotonic Behavior in Hard-Core and Widom–Rowlinson Models | Graham R. Brightwell, Olle Häggström and Peter Winkler |
437-467 | Recurrence Times in Quasi-Periodic Motion: Statistical Properties, Role of Cell Size, Parameter Dependence | M. Theunissen, C. Nicolis and G. Nicolis |
469-494 | Persistent Random Walks in Stationary Environment | S. Alili |
495-511 | Some Properties of k-Step Exclusion Processes | H. Guiol |
513-556 | Decay of Correlations and Dispersing Billiards | N. Chernov |
557-586 | Fokker–Planck Equation, Molecular Friction, and Molecular Dynamics for Brownian Particle Transport near External Solid Surfaces | Michael H. Peters |
587-602 | Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations Through the Local Linearization Method. A Comparative Study | J. C. Jimenez, I. Shoji and T. Ozaki |
603-618 | On the Rate of Entropy Production for the Boltzmann Equation | Alexander V. Bobylev and Carlo Cercignani |
619-637 | Probability Metrics and Uniqueness of the Solution to the Boltzmann Equation for a Maxwell Gas | G. Toscani and C. Villani |
639-652 | Analytic Solutions for Asymmetric Model of a Rod in a Lattice Fluid | Effat A. Saied and Reda G. Abd El-Rahman |
653-694 | Hydrodynamic Limit of Brownian Particles Interacting with Short- and Long-Range Forces | Paolo Buttà and Joel L. Lebowitz |
695-708 | Simple Random Walks on Tori | Ya. G. Sinai |
709-722 | Equilibrium Pure States and Nonequilibrium Chaos | C. M. Newman and D. L. Stein |
723-724 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-22 | On the Stability of the O(N)-Invariant and the Cubic-Invariant Three-Dimensional N-Component Renormalization-Group Fixed Points in the Hierarchical Approximation | K. Pinn, M. Rehwald and Chr. Wieczerkowski |
23-43 | Growth of Ordered Domains in a Computer Model Alloy with Lattice Misfit | P. Nielaba, P. Fratzl and J. L. Lebowitz |
45-96 | Exact Solution of a Cellular Automaton for Traffic | M. R. Evans, N. Rajewsky and E. R. Speer |
97-112 | Generalized von Smoluchowski Model of Reaction Rates, with Reacting Particles and a Mobile Trap | Aleksandar Donev, Jeff Rockwell and Daniel ben-Avraham |
113-170 | Construction of BGK Models with a Family of Kinetic Entropies for a Given System of Conservation Laws | F. Bouchut |
171-180 | Persistence in Reaction-Diffusion Problems: I. Bosons | Michael J. Stephen and Robin B. Stinchcombe |
181-213 | Stochastic Symmetry-Breaking in a Gaussian Hopfield Model | Anton Bovier, Aernout C. D. van Enter and Beat Niederhauser |
215-271 | The Spectral Gap for the Kawasaki Dynamics at Low Temperature | N. Cancrini, F. Cesi and F. Martinelli |
273-286 | Dynamical Localization II with an Application to the Almost Mathieu Operator | François Germinet |
287-303 | Computing the Topological Entropy for Piecewise Monotonic Maps on the Interval | Thomas Steinberger |
305-331 | Entropy Production in Nonlinear, Thermally Driven Hamiltonian Systems | Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Claude-Alain Pillet and Luc Rey-Bellet |
333-365 | A Gallavotti–Cohen-Type Symmetry in the Large Deviation Functional for Stochastic Dynamics | Joel L. Lebowitz and Herbert Spohn |
367-392 | The Fluctuation Theorem as a Gibbs Property | Christian Maes |
393-468 | Smooth Dynamics and New Theoretical Ideas in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics | David Ruelle |
469-477 | An Example of Nonuniqueness for Solutions to the Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation | Bernt Wennberg |
479-494 | Radiative Transport in a Periodic Structure | Guillaume Bal, Albert Fannjiang, George Papanicolaou and Leonid Ryzhik |
495-502 | Asymptotic Lower Bound for the Relative Disparities of Truncated-Path-Integral Partition Functions | Sidney Golden |
503-506 | Ising Cluster Kinetics at the Critical Point | Dietrich Stauffer and Iksoo Chang |
507-510 | Book Reviews: Books on Complexity |
511-512 | Book Review: Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics in One Dimension |
513-516 | Book Review: Theoretical and Mathematical Models in Polymer Research, Modern Methods in Polymer Research and Technology |
517 | Correction. Statistical Mechanics of Nonlinear Wave Equations (3). Metric Transitivity for Hyperbolic Sine-Gordon | H. P. McKean |
519-521 | Statistical Mechanics and Related Topics in Mathematical Physics |
1065-1066 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
825-826 | Dedication |
827-833 | Symmetries of Quasicrystals | Charles Radin |
835-850 | Classical Lattice-Gas Models of Quasicrystals | Jacek Mi¸ekisz |
851-866 | The Equations of Ostwald Ripening for Dilute Systems | Nicholas D. Alikakos and Giorgio Fusco |
867-902 | Non-Self-Similar Behavior in the LSW Theory of Ostwald Ripening | Barbara Niethammer and Robert L. Pego |
903-923 | Homogeneous Nucleation | J. D. Gunton |
925-948 | Monte Carlo Simulations for Spinodal Decomposition | Evelyn Sander and Thomas Wanner |
949-979 | Kinetics of Phase Ordering on Curved Surfaces | Oliver Schoenborn and Rashmi C. Desai |
981-996 | Phase Transitions in a Driven Lattice Gas with Anisotropic Interactions | L. B. Shaw, B. Schmittmann and R. K. P. Zia |
997-1008 | Wetting-Induced Aggregation of Colloids | D. Beysens and T. Narayanan |
1009-1043 | Wetting of Alkanes on Water from a Cahn-Type Theory: Effects of Long-Range Forces | Joseph O. Indekeu, Karine Ragil, Daniel Bonn, Daniel Broseta and Jacques Meunier |
1045-1068 | Interfacial Profiles Between Coexisting Phases in Thin Films: Cahn—Hilliard Treatment Versus Capillary Waves | K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid and A. Werner |
1069-1117 | Algebraic Rate of Decay for the Excess Free Energy and Stability of Fronts for a Nonlocal Phase Kinetics Equation with a Conservation Law. I | E. A. Carlen, M. C. Carvalho and E. Orlandi |
1119-1139 | An Integrodifferential Model for Phase Transitions: Stationary Solutions in Higher Space Dimensions | Peter W. Bates and Adam Chmaj |
1141-1164 | Developments in Phase-Field Modeling of Thermoelastic and Two-Component Materials | Ch. Charach, C. K. Chen and P. C. Fife |
1165-1185 | Singular Limit of a Reaction-Diffusion Equation with a Spatially Inhomogeneous Reaction Term | K.-I. Nakamura, H. Matano, D. Hilhorst and R. Schätzle |
1187-1220 | Equations with Singular Diffusivity | R. Kobayashi and Y. Giga |
1221-1244 | A Variational Approach to Crystalline Triple-Junction Motion | Jean E. Taylor |
1245-1280 | Cahn–Hoffman ξ-Vector and Its Relation to Diffuse Interface Models of Phase Transitions | A. A. Wheeler |
1281-1309 | Interfacial Stress, Interfacial Energy, and Phase Equilibria in Binary Alloys | William C. Johnson and P. W. Voorhees |
1311-1322 | Dynamics of Faceted Grain Boundary Grooves | J. G. Dash, V. A. Hodgkin and J. S. Wettlaufer |
1323-1336 | Continuous Displacement Formulation of Alloys | Ryoichi Kikuchi |
1337-1360 | Anisotropy of Interfaces in an Ordered HCP Binary Alloy | J. W. Cahn, S. C. Han and G. B. McFadden |
1361-1427 | Coherent Solid-State Phase Transitions with Atomic Diffusion: A Thermomechanical Treatment | Eliot Fried and Morton E. Gurtin |
1429-1503 | Modeling of Phase Separation in Alloys with Coherent Elastic Misfit | Peter Fratzl, Oliver Penrose and Joel L. Lebowitz |
1505-1506 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
429-457 | Analysis of a Population Genetics Model with Mutation, Selection, and Pleiotropy | S. N. Coppersmith, Robert D. Blank and Leo P. Kadanoff |
459-488 | The Response of Glassy Systems to Random Perturbations: A Bridge Between Equilibrium and Off-Equilibrium | Silvio Franz, Marc Mézard, Giorgio Parisi and Luca Peliti |
489-521 | Exact Finite-Size Study of the 2D OCP at Γ=4 and Γ=6 | G. Téllez and P. J. Forrester |
523-539 | A Fully Magnetizing Phase Transition | Pierluigi Contucci, Peter Kleban and Andreas Knauf |
541-574 | The Renormalization Group and Its Finite Lattice Approximations | Angelo Cacciuto, Eric Gregory and Alex Travesset |
575-608 | Propagation and Organization in Lattice Random Media | Patrick Grosfils, Jean Pierre Boon, E. G. D. Cohen and L. A. Bunimovich |
609-676 | Large Fluctuations in Multiattractor Systems and the Generalized Kramers Problem | S. M. Soskin |
677-686 | Discrete Velocity Models Without Nonphysical Invariants | Alexander V. Bobylev and Carlo Cercignani |
687-723 | Analysis and Experiments for a Computational Model of a Heat Bath | A. M. Stuart and J. O. Warren |
725-750 | Poissonian Obstacles with Gaussian Walls Discriminate Between Classical and Quantum Lifshits Tailing in Magnetic Fields | Thomas Hupfer, Hajo Leschke and Simone Warzel |
751-779 | Global C*-Dynamics and Its KMS States of Weakly Inhomogeneous Bipolaronic Superconductors | Thomas Gerisch, Roland Münzner and Alfred Rieckers |
781-792 | Intrinsical Randomness of Kolmogorov ℤd-Actions on a Lebesgue Space | M. Courbage and B. Kamiński |
793-802 | Excluded Vol.Effects for Frequency Moments of the Spin Autocorrelation Function of the Heisenberg Model on a Square Lattice at High Temperatures | V. E. Zobov and M. A. Popov |
803-809 | Critical Slowing Down on the Dynamics of a Bistable Reaction-Diffusion System in the Neighborhood of Its Critical Point | J. M. Reyes de Rueda, G. G. Izús and C. H. Borzi |
811-815 | On the Asymptotic Convergence of the Transient and Steady-State Fluctuation Theorems | Gary Ayton and Denis J. Evans |
817-826 | Infinitely Many Contact Process Transitions on a Tree | Marcia Salzano |
827-828 | Book Review: Thermodynamics of One-Dimensional Solvable Models |
829 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-30 | Dynamics of a Ring of Diffusively Coupled Lorenz Oscillators | Krešimir Josić and C. Eugene Wayne |
31-55 | Lyapunov Exponent and Density of States of a One-Dimensional Non-Hermitian Schrödinger Equation | Bernard Derrida, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen and Reuven Zeitak |
57-75 | Natural Nonequilibrium States in Quantum Statistical Mechanics | David Ruelle |
77-102 | Hamiltonian Derivation of a Detailed Fluctuation Theorem | C. Jarzynski |
103-129 | Distribution of Avalanche Sizes in the Hysteretic Response of the Random-Field Ising Model on a Bethe Lattice at Zero Temperature | Sanjib Sabhapandit, Prabodh Shukla and Deepak Dhar |
131-244 | Universality and Conformal Invariance for the Ising Model in Domains with Boundary | Robert P. Langlands, Marc-André Lewis and Yvan Saint-Aubin |
245-264 | The Dilute Potts Model on Random Surfaces | P. Zinn-Justin |
265-280 | Multilayer Cooperative Sequential Adsorption | E. K. O. Hellén, P. Szelestey and M. J. Alava |
281-303 | Anchoring of Polymers by Traps Randomly Placed on a Line | S. Nechaev, G. Oshanin and A. Blumen |
305-320 | Dimensions and Waiting Times for Gibbs Measures | Jean-René Chazottes |
321-345 | Monte Carlo Transition Dynamics and Variance Reduction | M. Fitzgerald, R. R. Picard and R. N. Silver |
347-374 | Monte Carlo Study of Localization on a One-Dimensional Lattice | Hongyu Guo and Bruce N. Miller |
375-404 | What Can One Learn About Self-Organized Criticality from Dynamical Systems Theory? | Ph. Blanchard, B. Cessac and T. Krüger |
405-418 | Transport by Vector Fields with Kolmogorov Spectrum | Leonid Koralov |
419-440 | New Discrete Model Boltzmann Equations for Arbitrary Partitions of the Velocity Space | P. Reiterer, C. Reitshammer, F. Schürrer, F. Hanser and T. Eitzenberger |
441-456 | Trend to Equilibrium of a Degenerate Relativistic Gas | C. Cercignani and G. M. Kremer |
457-494 | Decoherent Histories and Realism | Angelo Bassi and GianCarlo Ghirardi |
495-501 | Algorithmical Unsolvability of the Ergodicity Problem for Locally Interacting Processes with Continuous Time | André Toom |
503-505 | Book Review: Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics |
507-509 | Errata: Statistical Entropy of a Lattice-Gas Model: Multiparticle Correlation Expansion | Santi Prestipino and Paolo V. Giaquinta |
511-512 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-29 | Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in a Model of Diffusion, Aggregation, and Fragmentation | Satya N. Majumdar, Supriya Krishnamurthy and Mustansir Barma |
31-55 | Asymmetric Particle Systems on ℝ | J. Krug and J. García |
57-113 | On the Effect of Stochastic Fluctuations in the Dynamics of the Lifshitz–Slyozov–Wagner Model | J. J. L. Velázquez |
115-140 | Shock Waves for a Discrete Velocity Gas Mixture | Carlo Cercignani and Henri Cornille |
141-170 | Classical Skew Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices | M. Adler, P. J. Forrester, T. Nagao and P. van Moerbeke |
171-217 | Ground State and Spin-Glass Phase of the Large-N Infinite-Range Spin Glass via Supersymmetry | M. B. Hastings |
219-261 | Diffraction of Random Tilings: Some Rigorous Results | Michael Baake and Moritz Höffe |
263-272 | Shell Analysis and Effective Disorder in a 2D Froth | Y. Feng and H. J. Ruskin |
273-312 | Wall-Induced Density Profiles and Density Correlations in Confined Takahashi Lattice Gases | J. Buschle, P. Maass and W. Dieterich |
313-381 | Spectral Gaps of Quantum Hall Systems with Interactions | Tohru Koma |
383-459 | Insensitivity of Quantized Hall Conductance to Disorder and Interactions | Tohru Koma |
461-555 | Rigidity of Interfaces in the Falicov–Kimball Model | Nilanjana Datta, Alain Messager and Bruno Nachtergaele |
557-586 | Positivity and Convergence in Fermionic Quantum Field Theory | Manfred Salmhofer and Christian Wieczerkowski |
587-594 | Subdiffusive Quantum Transport for 3D Hamiltonians with Absolutely Continuous Spectra | J. Bellissard and H. Schulz-Baldes |
595-602 | Semi-Integral Scheme for Simulation of Langevin Equation with Weak Inertia | Jing-Dong Bao |
603-612 | Survival Probabilities for Discrete-Time Models in One Dimension | Makoto Katori, Norio Konno and Hideki Tanemura |
613-626 | Poissonian Behavior of Ising Spin Systems in an External Field | A. Ganesh, B. M. Hambly, Neil O'Connell, Dudley Stark and P. J. Upton |
627-628 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-2 | Preface |
3-11 | Demixing in Isotropic Binary Mixtures of Rodlike Macromolecules | P.C. Hemmer |
13-38 | Fluctuations-Inclusive Approach to Phase Transitions in Binary Mixtures | D. Pini, A. Parola and L. Reatto |
39-47 | An Integral Equation Theory for the Widom–Rowlinson Mixture | Arun Yethiraj and George Stell |
49-72 | Triangle Distribution and Equation of State for Classical Rigid Disks | Dorothea K. Stillinger, Frank H. Stillinger, Salvatore Torquato, Thomas M. Truskett and Pablo G. Debenedetti |
73-87 | “Magic Relation” Between the Structures of Coexisting Phases at a First-Order Phase Transition in a Hard Sphere System | Howard Reiss |
89-95 | Close to Close Packing | Oliver Penrose and George Stell |
97-106 | Applications of the Stell–Hemmer Potential to Understanding Second Critical Points in Real Systems | A. Scala, M.R. Sadr-Lahijany, N. Giovambattista, S.V. Buldyrev and H.E. Stanley |
107-134 | Determining Liquid Structure from the Tail of the Direct Correlation Function | Kirill Katsov and John D. Weeks |
135-151 | Molecular Fluids at High Dimensionality | A. Yukhimets, H.L. Frisch and J.K. Percus |
153-166 | Overlapping Associating Fluids with Directional Bonds in a Bulk and Near a Hard Wall: Monte Carlo Study | Douglas Henderson, Ian Garcia, Stefan Sokołowski and Andrij Trokhymchuk |
167-199 | Applications of Integral Equation Calculations to High-Temperature Solvation Phenomena | A.A. Chialvo, P.G. Kusalik, Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi and P.T. Cummings |
201-207 | A Sum Rule for the Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma | B. Jancovici |
209-222 | Charge Fluctuations in the Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma | D. Levesque, J.-J. Weis and J.L. Lebowitz |
223-232 | The Casimir Problem of Spherical Dielectrics: A Solution in Terms of Quantum Statistical Mechanics | J.S. Høye and I. Brevik |
233-242 | The Pauli Principle and the Restricted Primitive Model | George A. Baker and J.D. Johnson |
243-265 | Highly Asymmetric Electrolytes in the Associative Mean-Spherical Approximation | Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi, M.F. Holovko and V. Vlachy |
267-277 | A Model for Polyelectrolytes | N. von Solms and Y.C. Chiew |
279-311 | Long-Time-Tail Effects on Lyapunov Exponents of a Random, Two-Dimensional Field-Driven Lorentz Gas | D. Panja, J.R. Dorfman and Henk van Beijeren |
313-326 | Computer Simulation of Irreversible Expansions via Molecular Dynamics, Smooth Particle Applied Mechanics, Eulerian, and Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics | Wm.G. Hoover, H.A. Posch, V.M. Castillo and C.G. Hoover |
327-362 | The Kinetic Theory of Simple Reacting Spheres: I. Global Existence Result in a Dilute-Gas Case | Jacek Polewczak |
363-376 | Kinetic Arrest Originating in Competition Between Attractive Interaction and Packing Force | G. Foffi, E. Zaccarelli, F. Sciortino, P. Tartaglia and K.A. Dawson |
377-403 | Analytic Approximations for the Velocity of Field-Driven Ising Interfaces | PerArne Rikvold and M. Kolesik |
405-422 | Dissipative Dynamics and the Statistics of Energy States of a Hookean Model for Protein Folding | Erkan Tüzel and Ayşe Erzan |
423-443 | A Self-Consistent Ornstein–Zernike Approximation for the Edwards–Anderson Spin-Glass Model | E. Kierlik, M.L. Rosinberg and G. Tarjus |
445-473 | The Explicit Density Functional and Its Connection with Entropy Maximization | Phil Attard |
475-487 | The Renormalization Group and Optimization of Entropy | A. Robledo |
489-490 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
491-522 | Gaussian Fluctuation for the Number of Particles in Airy, Bessel, Sine, and Other Determinantal Random Point Fields | Alexander B. Soshnikov |
523-541 | Limiting Distributions for a Polynuclear Growth Model with External Sources | Jinho Baik and Eric M. Rains |
543-601 | Fokker–Planck Equations as Scaling Limits of Reversible Quantum Systems | Francois Castella, László Erdős, Florian Frommlet and Peter A. Markowich |
603-632 | Anomalous Diffusion Limit Induced on a Kinetic Equation | Christian Dogbé |
633-658 | Virtues and Limitations of Markovian Master Equations with a Time-Dependent Generator | A. J. van Wonderen and K. Lendi |
659-677 | Bounds on the Growth of the Velocity Support for the Solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson Equation in a Torus | Emanuele Caglioti and Carlo Marchioro |
679-741 | Self-Similar Decay in the Kraichnan Model of a Passive Scalar | Gregory L. Eyink and Jack Xin |
743-756 | Probabilistic Estimates for the Two-Dimensional Stochastic Navier–Stokes Equations | J. Bricmont, A. Kupiainen and R. Lefevere |
757-763 | A Remark on the Equivalence of Isokinetic and Isoenergetic Thermostats in the Thermodynamic Limit | David Ruelle |
765-778 | A Simple Inductive Approach to the Problem of Convergence of Cluster Expansions of Polymer Models | Anton Bovier and Miloš Zahradník |
779-790 | New Exact Ground States for One-Dimensional Quantum Many-Body Systems | Thomas Koprucki and Heinz-Jürgen Wagner |
791-796 | Zero-Dimensional Spectral Measures for Quasi-Periodic Operators with Analytic Potential | S. Jitomirskaya and M. Landrigan |
797-800 | Book Review: Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models J. Marro and R. Dickman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, xv+327 pp. | Enrique Abad |
801-802 | Book Review: An Introduction to Econophysics, Correlations, and Complexity in Finance, N. Rosario, H. Mantegna, and H. E. Stanley, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. | Jaume Masoliver |
803-804 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-2 | Preface |
3-15 | Positivity of Entropy Production | Christian Maes and Frank Redig |
17-34 | Note on the Kaplan–Yorke Dimension and Linear Transport Coefficients | Denis J. Evans, E. G. D. Cohen, Debra J. Searles and F. Bonetto |
35-60 | Properties of Stationary Nonequilibrium States in the Thermostatted Periodic Lorentz Gas I: The One Particle System | F. Bonetto, D. Daems and J. L. Lebowitz |
61-77 | The Nosé–Hoover Thermostated Lorentz Gas | K. Rateitschak, R. Klages and Wm. G. Hoover |
79-105 | Modeling Thermostating, Entropy Currents, and Cross Effects by Dynamical Systems | Jürgen Vollmer, Tamás Tél and László Mátyás |
107-124 | Transient Chaos and Critical States in Generalized Baker Maps | Z. Kaufmann and P. Szépfalusy |
125-144 | Entropy Production and Transports in a Conservative Multibaker Map with Energy | S. Tasaki and P. Gaspard |
145-159 | Density-Dependent Diffusion in the Periodic Lorentz Gas | R. Klages and Christoph Dellago |
161-186 | Microscopic Chaos and Reaction-Diffusion Processes in the Periodic Lorentz Gas | I. Claus and P. Gaspard |
187-212 | Active Control of Molecular Dynamics: Coherence versus Chaos | Stuart A. Rice |
213-223 | Control of Wave Packet Revivals Using Geometric Phases | S. Seshadri, S. Lakshmibala and V. Balakrishnan |
225-242 | Non-Adiabatic Dynamics in Mixed Quantum-Classical Systems | Steve Nielsen, Raymond Kapral and Giovanni Ciccotti |
243-257 | Langevin Equation of Collective Modes of Bose–Einstein Condensates in Traps | Robert Graham |
259-272 | Integrable Limits of Dynamics in Trapped Bose-Condensates | András Csordás |
273-281 | Presence of Energy Flux in Quantum Spin Chains: An Experimental Signature | Z. Rácz |
283-319 | On the Level Spacing Distribution in Quantum Graphs | F. Barra and P. Gaspard |
321-356 | On Two-Dimensional Area-Preserving Diffeomorphisms with Infinitely Many Elliptic Islands | S. V. Gonchenko and L. P. Shilnikov |
357-372 | Dynamical Phenomena near a Saddle-Focus Homoclinic Connection in a Hamiltonian System | L. M. Lerman |
373-384 | Hyperbolicity and Astigmatism | Leonid A. Bunimovich |
385-395 | Asymptotics of High Order Noise Corrections | Niels Søndergaard, Gergely Palla, Gábor Vattay and André Voros |
397-404 | Asymptotic Behaviour for Critical Slowing-Down Random Walks | Yves Elskens |
405-414 | Random Walks on a Fractal Solid | John J. Kozak |
415-424 | Stokes' Drift: A Rocking Ratchet | I. Bena, M. Copelli and C. Van den Broeck |
425-441 | Microscopic Simulation of Limit Cycle Behavior in Spatially Extended Systems | M. Malek Mansour, J. Dethier and F. Baras |
443-457 | Nonlinear Dynamics and Fluctuations of Dissipative Toda Chains | W. Ebeling, U. Erdmann, J. Dunkel and M. Jenssen |
459-472 | Most Probable Histories for Nonlinear Dynamics: Tracking Climate Transitions | G. L. Eyink and J. M. Restrepo |
473-481 | Excitable Structures in Stochastic Bistable Media | J. García-Ojalvo and L. Schimansky-Geier |
483-493 | Universal Character of Stochastic Resonance and a Constructive Role of White Noise | A. Fuliński and P. F. Góra |
495-508 | Reaction–Diffusion Patterns in Confined Chemical Systems | P. De Kepper, E. Dulos, J. Boissonade, A. De Wit and G. Dewel, et al. |
509-519 | Recent Theoretical Developments on the Formation of Liesegang Patterns | Michel Droz |
521-541 | Spatial Unfolding of Elementary Bifurcations | P. Coullet, E. Risler and N. Vandenberghe |
543-552 | Nearly Vertical Hopf Bifurcation for a Passively Q-Switched Microchip Laser | Thomas Erneux and Gregory Kozyreff |
553-565 | Asymptotic Description of a Viscous Fluid Layer | Enrique Cerda, René Rojas and Enrique Tirapegui |
567-577 | Simulating 2D Flows with Viscous Vortex Dynamics | J. Bene, S. Bröcheler and H. Lustfeld |
579-598 | Selection of an Attractor in a Continuum of Stable Solutions: Descriptions of a Wave Front at Different Scales | A. Lemarchand |
599-620 | Nanoscale Wave Patterns in Reactive Adsorbates with Attractive Lateral Interactions | M. Hildebrand and A. S. Mikhailov |
621-629 | Dynamics of Adsorbate Islands with Nanoscale Resolution | Norbert Kruse, Christian Voss, Valentin Medvedev, Christopher Bodenstein and David Hanon, et al. |
631-647 | Surface Restructuring, Kinetic Oscillations, and Chaos in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions | V. P. Zhdanov and B. Kasemo |
649-663 | Entrainment Versus Chaos in a Model for a Circadian Oscillator Driven by Light-Dark Cycles | Didier Gonze and Albert Goldbeter |
665-678 | A Simple Generalized Excitability Model Mimicking Salient Features of Neuron Dynamics | A. Giaquinta, M. Argentina and M. G. Velarde |
679-702 | Beyond Storage Capacity in a Single Model Neuron: Continuous Replica Symmetry Breaking | G. Györgyi and P. Reimann |
703 | Stochastic Adiabatic Wall | Jarosław Piasecki |
705 | Properties of Some Chaotic Billiards with Time-Dependent Boundaries | A. Loskutov and A. B. Ryabov |
707 | (Anti)coherence and (Anti)persistence in Natural and Mathematical Time Series | Marcel Ausloos |
709 | Statistical Dynamics of Clustering in the Genome Structure | A. Provata and Y. Almirantis |
711 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1085-1132 | Limit Theorems for Height Fluctuations in a Class of Discrete Space and Time Growth Models | Janko Gravner, Craig A. Tracy and Harold Widom |
1133-1150 | From the Liouville Equation to the Generalized Boltzmann Equation for Magnetotransport in the 2D Lorentz Model | A. V. Bobylev, Alex Hansen, J. Piasecki and E. H. Hauge |
1151-1176 | Entropy Inequalities for Evaporation/Condensation Problem in Rarefied Gas Dynamics | A. V. Bobylev, R. Grzhibovskis and A. Heintz |
1177-1209 | Trees at an Interface | E. J. Janse van Rensburg |
1211-1227 | The Strength of First and Second Order Phase Transitions from Partition Function Zeroes | W. Janke and R. Kenna |
1229-1251 | Spontaneous Magnetization in the Plane | Geoff K. Nicholls |
1253-1270 | Screening Effect Due to Heavy Lower Tails in One-Dimensional Parabolic Anderson Model | Marek Biskup and Wolfgang König |
1271-1283 | Ising-Type and Other Transitions in One-Dimensional Coupled Map Lattices with Sign Symmetry | C. Boldrighini, L. A. Bunimovich, G. Cosimi, S. Frigio and A. Pellegrinotti |
1285-1313 | Statistics of Energy Levels and Zero Temperature Dynamics for Deterministic Spin Models with Glassy Behaviour | M. Degli Esposti, C. Giardinà, S. Graffi and S. Isola |
1315-1330 | Pressure and Stress Tensor in a Yukawa Fluid | B. Jancovici |
1331-1341 | Polymer Chain Size from Geodesic Path and Geometrical Bolyai–Lobachevskij Partition Function. Application to Swelling of Macromolecules in Solution and Micellar Growth | Stefano A. Mezzasalma |
1343-1381 | Exact Moments of Curvature Measures in the Boolean Model | Klaus R. Mecke |
1383-1405 | Interferencing in Coupled Bose–Einstein Condensates | T. Michoel and A. Verbeure |
1407-1415 | Shear Flow of a Granular Material | C. Cercignani |
1417-1428 | Fisher Information Matrix of Husimi Distribution | Shunlong Luo |
1429-1438 | On Some Harris-FKG Type Correlation Inequalities for a Non-Attractive Model | Sarato Takahashi, Alex Yu. Tretyakov and Norio Konno |
1439-1445 | On Entropic Reduction of Fluctuations | Thierry Bodineau, Giambattista Giacomin and Yvan Velenik |
1447-1448 | Book Review: Stochastic and Dynamic Views of Chemical Reaction Kinetics in Solutions |
1449 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
647-678 | Bethe's Equation Is Incomplete for the XXZ Model at Roots of Unity | Klaus Fabricius and Barry M. McCoy |
679-695 | The K-SAT Problem in a Simple Limit | Luca Leuzzi and Giorgio Parisi |
697-716 | The Phase Diagram of a Spin Glass Model | J. R. Wedagedera and T. C. Dorlas |
717-735 | Surface Tension of a Metal-Electrolyte Boundary: Exactly Solvable Model | L. Šamaj and B. Jancovici |
737-752 | Surface Tension of an Ideal Dielectric-Electrolyte Boundary: Exactly Solvable Model | L. Šamaj |
753-776 | Sine-Gordon Theory for the Equation of State of Classical Hard-Core Coulomb Systems. I. Low Fugacity Expansion | Jean-Michel Caillol and Jean-Luc Raimbault |
777-799 | Sine-Gordon Theory for the Equation of State of Classical Hard-Core Coulomb Systems. II. High-Temperature Expansion | Jean-Luc Raimbault and Jean-Michel Caillol |
801-839 | Directed Percolation with Colors and Flavors | Hans-Karl Janssen |
841-856 | Existence of a Phase Transition in a Continuous Quantum System | Marzio Cassandro and Pierre Picco |
857-891 | On the Distribution and Gap Structure of Lee–Yang Zeros for the Ising Model: Periodic and Aperiodic Couplings | João C. A. Barata and Pedro S. Goldbaum |
893-902 | Consistency of Microcanonical and Canonical Finite-Size Scaling | M. Kastner and M. Promberger |
903-913 | Eigenvalue Distribution in the Self-Dual Non-Hermitian Ensemble | M. B. Hastings |
915-944 | A Survey of One-Dimensional Random Polymers | Remco van der Hofstad and Wolfgang König |
945-971 | A Cellular Automaton Model for Two-Lane Traffic | V. Belitsky, J. Krug, E. Jordão Neves and G. M. Schütz |
973-1007 | Dynamics of Finger Formation in Laplacian Growth Without Surface Tension | Mitchell J. Feigenbaum, Itamar Procaccia and Benny Davidovich |
1009-1033 | Regularization of the Burnett Equations via Relaxation | Shi Jin and Marshall Slemrod |
1035-1068 | Nonlinear Couette Flow in a Low Density Granular Gas | M. Tij, E. E. Tahiri, J. M. Montanero, V. Garzó and A. Santos, et al. |
1069-1105 | A Variational Approach to the Schrödinger–Poisson System: Asymptotic Behaviour, Breathers, and Stability | Enrique Ruíz Arriola and Juan Soler |
1107-1123 | The Vlasov–Poisson System with Infinite Mass and Energy | Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin |
1125-1136 | Irreversibility in a Reversible Lattice Gas | James E. Broadwell |
1137-1138 | Erratum on “On Some Properties of Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Equations for Ineleastic Interactions” | A. V. Bobylev, J. A. Carrillo and I. M. Gamba |
1139-1141 | Book Review: Quantum Phase Transitions. S. Sachdev, Cambridge University Press, 1999 | Rudi Podgornik |
1143-1145 | Book Review: A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics. D. P. Landau and K. Binder, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 384+xiii | D. C. Rapaport |
1147-1153 | Program of the 84th Statistical Mechanics Meeting |
1155-1156 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-48 | Scaling, Optimality, and Landscape Evolution | Jayanth R. Banavar, Francesca Colaiori, Alessandro Flammini, Amos Maritan and Andrea Rinaldo |
49-57 | Classification of Multiscaling in Fracture and Fragmentation | A. Bershadskii and Emily S. C. Ching |
59-87 | The Spectral Gap of the 2-D Stochastic Ising Model with Nearly Single-Spin Boundary Conditions | Kenneth S. Alexander |
89-109 | The Spectral Gap of the 2-D Stochastic Ising Model with Mixed Boundary Conditions | Kenneth S. Alexander and Nobuo Yoshida |
111-143 | Mean-Field Critical Behavior for the Contact Process | Akira Sakai |
145-165 | Entropy and Random Vectors | Oliver Johnson and Yurii Suhov |
167-192 | Long-Distance Transmission at Zero Dispersion: Exact Expressions for One-Time Statistical Properties | R. Blanco and L. Pesquera |
193-220 | The Discrete Coagulation Equations with Collisional Breakage | Philippe Laurençot and Dariusz Wrzosek |
221-253 | Continuum Theory of Epitaxial Crystal Growth. I | E Weinan and Nung Kwan Yip |
255-290 | Rigorous Derivation and Analysis of Coupling of Kinetic Equations and Their Hydrodynamic Limits for a Simplified Boltzmann Model | M. Tidriri |
291-325 | New Models for the Solution of Intermediate Regimes in Transport Theory and Radiative Transfer: Existence Theory, Positivity, Asymptotic Analysis, and Approximations | M. Tidriri |
327-358 | Some Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation Without Angular Cutoff | Radjesvarane Alexandre |
359-385 | A Markov Process Associated with a Boltzmann Equation Without Cutoff and for Non-Maxwell Molecules | Nicolas Fournier and Sylvie Méléard |
387-447 | From the Von-Neumann Equation to the Quantum Boltzmann Equation in a Deterministic Framework | F. Castella |
449-470 | Quantum Projector Method on Curved Manifolds | V. Melik-Alaverdian, G. Ortiz and N. E. Bonesteel |
471-482 | A Strict Inequality for the Random Triangle Model | Olle Häggström and Tatyana Turova |
483-485 | Book Review: An Introduction to Chaos in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Cambridge. J. R. Dorfman, Cambridge Lecture Notes in Physics 14, Cambridge University 1999 | Rudi Podgornik |
487-488 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-22 | Connectivity Properties of Continuum Percolation Processes on ℝ2 | Ph. Blanchard, G. Dell'Antonio, D. Gandolfo and M. Sirugue-Collin |
23-56 | Statistical Dynamics of Clustering in the Genome Structure | A. Provata and Y. Almirantis |
57-96 | Trace Formula for Noisy Flows | Pierre Gaspard |
97-107 | Renormalization Approach to Optimal Limiter Control in 1-D Chaotic Systems | C. Wagner and R. Stoop |
109-123 | Strong Soret Effect in One Dimension | A. Garriga, J. Kurchan and F. Ritort |
125-145 | Degrees of Freedom of a Time Series | M. Eugenia Mera and Manuel Morán |
147-171 | SU(1, 1) Random Polynomials | Pavel Bleher and Denis Ridzal |
173-185 | Exact Mean-Field Solutions of the Asymmetric Random Average Process | Frank Zielen and Andreas Schadschneider |
187-199 | The Asymmetric Exclusion Process Revisited: Fluctuations and Dynamics in the Domain Wall Picture | Ludger Santen and Cécile Appert |
201-211 | Hyperscaling Inequalities for the Contact Process and Oriented Percolation | Akira Sakai |
213-244 | The State(s) of Replica Symmetry Breaking: Mean Field Theories vs. Short-Ranged Spin Glasses | C. M. Newman and D. L. Stein |
245-285 | Transition Matrix Monte Carlo Method | Jian-Sheng Wang and Robert H. Swendsen |
287-299 | Thermodynamic Properties of a Simple Model of Like-Charged Attracting Rods | Jürgen F. Stilck, Yan Levin and Jeferson J. Arenzon |
301-321 | Large-Distance Behavior of Particle Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma | L. Šamaj and B. Jancovici |
323-355 | Density Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas | L. Šamaj and B. Jancovici |
357-368 | Homopolymers with Intrachain Interactions | J. K. Percus |
369-373 | Zero-Temperature Dynamics of Ising Models on the Triangular Lattice | C. Chris Wu |
375-384 | A Note on the Quantum Widom–Rowlison Model | D. Ioffe |
385-390 | A Note on the Metastability of the Ising Model: The Alternate Updating Case | Emilio N. M. Cirillo |
391-401 | Dynamical Critical Exponent for the Majority-Vote Model | Abel G. da Silva Filho and F. G. Brady Moreira |
403-404 | Book Review: Equations of State for Fluid and Fluid Mixtures, Parts I and II. J. V. Sengers, R. F. Kayser, and H. J. White, Jr. Elsevier Science B.V., The Netherlands, 2000 | L. S. Garcia-Colin and F. J. Uribe |
405-406 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
407-429 | A Faster Implementation of the Pivot Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks | Tom Kennedy |
431-476 | Surface Tension and the Ornstein–Zernike Behaviour for the 2D Blume–Capel Model | Ostap Hryniv and Roman Kotecký |
477-520 | The Critical Attractive Random Polymer in Dimension One | Remco van der Hofstad, Achim Klenke and Wolfgang König |
521-546 | Asymptotic Behavior of a Stationary Silo with Absorbing Walls | Saulo R. M. Barros, Pablo A. Ferrari, Nancy L. Garcia and Servet Martínez |
547-567 | Moment Equations for a Granular Material in a Thermal Bath | A. V. Bobylev and C. Cercignani |
569-587 | No Current Without Heat | Christian Maes, Frank Redig and Michel Verschuere |
589-622 | The Evolution of a Gas in a Radiation Field from a Kinetic Point of View | A. Nouri |
623-634 | Recurrence, Dimensions, and Lyapunov Exponents | B. Saussol, S. Troubetzkoy and S. Vaienti |
635-651 | On the Existence of Invariant Measure for Lagrangian Velocity in Compressible Environments | T. Komorowski and G. Krupa |
653-662 | Modeling of the Dielectric Breakdown Under Strong Magnetic Fields | Y. Ben-Ezra, Yu. V. Pershin, Yu. A. Kaplunovsky, I. D. Vagner and P. Wyder |
663-680 | On the Long Time Behavior of a Particle in an Infinitely Extended System in One Dimension | E. Caglioti and C. Marchioro |
681-691 | Measure Zero Spectrum of a Class of Schrödinger Operators | Qing-Hui Liu, Bo Tan, Zhi-Xiong Wen and Jun Wu |
693-722 | The Two Dimensional Hubbard Model at Half-Filling. I. Convergent Contributions | V. Rivasseau |
723-783 | On Quantum Phase Transition. I. Spinless Electrons Strongly Correlated with Ions | Alain Messager |
785-810 | On Quantum Phase Transition. II. The Falicov–Kimball Model | Alain Messager |
811-826 | Percolation and the Existence of a Soft Phase in the Classical Heisenberg Model | Adrian Patrascioiu and Erhard Seiler |
827-850 | Entropic Formulation of Statistical Mechanics | Antoni Planes and Eduard Vives |
851-852 | Book Review: Fluctuations and Scaling in Biology. Tamas Vicsek. Oxford University Press, 2001, 246 p. | Rudi Podgornik |
853-854 | Book Review: A Guide to First-Passage Processes. Sidney Redner. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 2001 | A. J. Bray |
855-856 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz |
3-22 | Towards a Landau–Ginzburg-Type Theory for Granular Fluids | J. Wakou, R. Brito and M. H. Ernst |
23-37 | Lattice Boltzmann Solid Particles in a Lattice Boltzmann Fluid | Bastien Chopard and Stefan Marconi |
39-52 | Binary Fluid Demixing: The Crossover Region | Ignacio Pagonabarraga, Alexander J. Wagner and M. E. Cates |
53-65 | Mesoscopic Simulation of Polymers in Fluid Dynamics Problems | S. M. Willemsen, H. C. J. Hoefsloot and P. D. Iedema |
67-84 | Shear Stress in a Couette Flow of Liquid-Particle Suspensions | A. Shakib-Manesh, P. Raiskinmäki, A. Koponen, M. Kataja and J. Timonen |
85-100 | Development of a Simulation Model for Solid Objects Suspended in a Fluctuating Fluid | Yasuhiro Inoue, Yu Chen and Hirotada Ohashi |
101-120 | Lateral Migration and Orientation of Elliptical Particles in Poiseuille Flows | Dewei Qi, Lishi Luo, Raja Aravamuthan and William Strieder |
121-142 | Simulations of Water Flow Through Bordered Pits of Conifer Xylem | A. Valli, A. Koponen, T. Vesala and J. Timonen |
143-158 | Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of Capillary Rise Dynamics | P. Raiskinmäki, A. Shakib-Manesh, A. Jäsberg, A. Koponen and J. Merikoski, et al. |
159-171 | Electronic Structure Calculations Using Self-Adaptive Multiscale Voronoi Basis Functions | G. De Fabritiis, S. Succi and P. V. Coveney |
173-186 | A Lattice Boltzmann Model for Anisotropic Crystal Growth from Melt | W. Miller and S. Succi |
187-202 | Domain Motion in Confined Liquid Crystals | Colin Denniston, Géza Tóth and J. M. Yeomans |
203-224 | Quantum Lattice-Gas Model for the Burgers Equation | Jeffrey Yepez |
225-239 | Parrondo Games as Lattice Gas Automata | David A. Meyer and Heather Blumer |
241-260 | Numerical Study of Axisymmetric Richtmyer–Meshkov Instability and Azimuthal Effect on Spherical Mixing | James Glimm, John Grove, Yongmin Zhang and Srabasti Dutta |
261-278 | Towards a Renormalized Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Fluid Turbulence | S. Succi, O. Filippova, H. Chen and S. Orszag |
279-289 | Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of Fluid Flows in MEMS | Xiaobo Nie, Gary D. Doolen and Shiyi Chen |
291-308 | Entropy Function Approach to the Lattice Boltzmann Method | Santosh Ansumali and Iliya V. Karlin |
309-328 | Thermodynamic Foundations of Kinetic Theory and Lattice Boltzmann Models for Multiphase Flows | Xiaoyi He and Gary D. Doolen |
329-342 | A New Differential Lattice Boltzmann Equation and Its Application to Simulate Incompressible Flows on Non-Uniform Grids | Y. T. Chew, C. Shu and X. D. Niu |
343-366 | Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Reactive Microflows over Catalytic Surfaces | S. Succi, G. Smith and E. Kaxiras |
367-383 | Simulation of Combustion Field with Lattice Boltzmann Method | Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Xiaoyi He and Gary D. Doolen |
385-400 | A Multi-Speed Compressible Lattice-Boltzmann Model | R. J. Mason |
401-422 | Dimension-Splitting for Simplifying Diffusion in Lattice-Gas Models | Raissa M. D'Souza, Norman H. Margolus and Mark A. Smith |
423-478 | Evaluation of PowerFLOW for Aerodynamic Applications | David P. Lockard, Li-Shi Luo, Seth D. Milder and Bart A. Singer |
479-498 | A Discrete Effect of the Thermal Lattice BGK Model | Michihisa Tsutahara and Ho Keun Kang |
499-519 | Preliminary Results in the Use of Energy-Dependent Octagonal Lattices for Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Simulations | Pavol Pavlo, George Vahala and Linda Vahala |
521-537 | Lees–Edwards Boundary Conditions for Lattice Boltzmann | Alexander J. Wagner and Ignacio Pagonabarraga |
539-556 | On Implementation of Boundary Conditions in the Application of Finite Vol.Lattice Boltzmann Method | Y. T. Chew, C. Shu and Y. Peng |
557-572 | Numerical Stability Analysis of FDLBM | Takeshi Seta and Ryoichi Takahashi |
573-591 | A Multigrid-Solver for the Discrete Boltzmann Equation | Jonas Tölke, Manfred Krafczyk and Ernst Rank |
593-595 | Book Review: Lattice Gas Hydrodynamics. Jean-Pierre Rivet and Jean Pierre Boon, Cambridge University Press, 2001, ISBN - 0 521 41944 1, Cambridge Nonlinear Science Series 11 | J. R. Dorfman |
597-598 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
599-634 | Large Deviation of the Density Profile in the Steady State of the Open Symmetric Simple Exclusion Process | B. Derrida, J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer |
635-675 | Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory for Stationary Non-Equilibrium States | L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio and C. Landim |
677-683 | Flux Fluctuations in the One Dimensional Nearest Neighbors Symmetric Simple Exclusion Process | A. De Masi and P. A. Ferrari |
685-703 | Coherent Stochastic Resonance in One Dimensional Diffusion with One Reflecting and One Absorbing Boundaries | Asish K. Dhara and Tapan Mukhopadhyay |
705-727 | A Dynamic One-Dimensional Interface Interacting with a Wall | F. M. Dunlop, P. A. Ferrari and L. R. G. Fontes |
729-756 | Macroscopic Determinism in Interacting Systems Using Large Deviation Theory | Brian R. La Cour and William C. Schieve |
757-779 | Metastability in Glauber Dynamics in the Low-Temperature Limit: Beyond Exponential Asymptotics | Anton Bovier and Francesco Manzo |
781-803 | Injected Power Fluctuations in Langevin Equation | Jean Farago |
805-820 | On Approximate Solutions to the Wavefront Speed Problem | Joaquim Fort and Vicenç Méndez |
821-856 | Renormalization Group Recursion Formulas and Flows of 2D O(N) Spin Models | K. R. Ito |
857-867 | Bipartite Matching and Van der Waerden Conjecture | Emanuele Caglioti |
869-891 | Thermodynamic Instabilities in One Dimension: Correlations, Scaling and Solitons | Thierry Dauxois, Nikos Theodorakopoulos and Michel Peyrard |
893-917 | Limit Clusters in the Inviscid Burgers Turbulence with Certain Random Initial Velocities | Matthias Winkel |
919-940 | New Correlation Duality Relations for the Planar Potts Model | C. King and F. Y. Wu |
941 | Book Review: Statistical Mechanics–A Survival Guide. A. M. Glazer and J. S. Wark, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001 | Irwin Oppenheim |
943-944 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
945-975 | The Asymmetric One-Dimensional Constrained Ising Model: Rigorous Results | David Aldous and Persi Diaconis |
977-988 | Mandelbrot Cascade Measures Independent of Branching Parameter | G. Molchan |
989-1013 | Spontaneous Breaking of Translational Invariance and Spatial Condensation in Stationary States on a Ring. II. The Charged System and the Two-Component Burgers Equations | Peter F. Arndt and Vladimir Rittenberg |
1015-1030 | Spectra and Transport in Almost Periodic Dimers | Túlio O. Carvalho and César R. de Oliveira |
1031-1042 | Scale-Invariant Branch Distribution from a Soluble Stochastic Model | M. B. Hastings |
1043-1127 | Linear Boltzmann Equation as the Long Time Dynamics of an Electron Weakly Coupled to a Phonon Field | László Erdős |
1129-1141 | Thermodynamics of the General Diffusion Process: Time-Reversibility and Entropy Production | Hong Qian, Min Qian and Xiang Tang |
1143-1166 | Statistical Mechanics of Classical Systems with Distinguishable Particles | Robert H. Swendsen |
1167-1205 | Finitized Conformal Spectra of the Ising Model on the Klein Bottle and Möbius Strip | C. H. Otto Chui and Paul A. Pearce |
1207-1253 | Exact Potts Model Partition Functions for Strips of the Square Lattice | Shu-Chiuan Chang, Jesús Salas and Robert Shrock |
1255-1265 | A Universal Amplitude Ratio for the q≤4 Potts Model from a Solvable Lattice Model | Katherine A. Seaton |
1267-1282 | Analyticity of the d-Dimensional Bond Percolation Probability Around p=1 | Gastão A. Braga, Aldo Proccaci and Remy Sanchis |
1283-1298 | A Generalization of the Collatz Problem. Building Cycles and a Stochastic Approach | J. L. Rouet and M. R. Feix |
1299-1302 | Book Review: Theory of Critical Phenomena in Finite-Size Systems, Scaling and Quantum Effects. J. G. Brankov, D. M. Danchev, and N. S. Tonchev, Series in Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 9, World Scientific, 2000 | Per Lyngs Hansen |
1303-1304 | Book Review: Critical Properties of φ4-Theories. Hagen Kleinert, Verena Schulte-Frohlinde, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001 | Yurij Holovatch |
1305 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
721-722 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz |
723-728 | Some Ill-Formulated Problems on Regular and Messy Behavior in Statistical Mechanics and Smooth Dynamics for Which I Would Like the Advice of Yasha Sinai | David Ruelle |
729-732 | What, in My Opinion, David Ruelle Should Do in the Coming Years? | Ya. G. Sinai |
733-754 | What Are SRB Measures, and Which Dynamical Systems Have Them? | Lai-Sang Young |
755-765 | Sinai Billiards, Ruelle Zeta-functions and Ruelle Resonances: Microwave Experiments | S. Sridhar and W. T. Lu |
767-785 | A Note on the Ruelle Pressure for a Dilute Disordered Sinai Billiard | H. van Beijeren and J. R. Dorfman |
787-829 | Mathematical Theory of Non-Equilibrium Quantum Statistical Mechanics | V. Jakšić and C.-A. Pillet |
831-861 | Large Deviations in Rarefied Quantum Gases | G. Gallavotti, J. L. Lebowitz and V. Mastropietro |
863-884 | Density Oscillations at the Interface Between Vapor and Liquid | V. Gayrard, E. Presutti and L. Triolo |
885-904 | Leading Branches of the Transfer-Matrix Spectrum for Lattice Spin Systems (Quasi-Particles of Different Species) | R. Minlos and E. Zhizhina |
905-925 | Walks in Rigid Environments: Continuous Limits | Leonid A. Bunimovich and Milena A. Khlabystova |
927-942 | Partial Hyperbolicity, Lyapunov Exponents and Stable Ergodicity | K. Burns, D. Dolgopyat and Ya. Pesin |
943-971 | Hausdorff Dimension in Stochastic Dispersion | D. Dolgopyat, V. Kaloshin and L. Koralov |
973-993 | Dynamical Determinants via Dynamical Conjugacies for Postcritically Finite Polynomials | Viviane Baladi, Yunping Jiang and Hans Henrik Rugh |
995-1014 | Particle Dynamics in Time-Dependent Stadium-Like Billiards | Alexander Loskutov and Alexei Ryabov |
1015-1031 | On Effective Conductivity on ℤd Lattice | Leonid G. Fel and Konstantin M. Khanin |
1033-1056 | A Note on Universality of the Distribution of the Largest Eigenvalues in Certain Sample Covariance Matrices | Alexander Soshnikov |
1057-1069 | A Bound on Binding Energies and Mass Renormalization in Models of Quantum Electrodynamics | Elliott H. Lieb and Michael Loss |
1071-1106 | Scale Invariance of the PNG Droplet and the Airy Process | Michael Prähofer and Herbert Spohn |
1107-1124 | A Rigorous Upper Bound on the Propagation Speed for the Swift–Hohenberg and Related Equations | P. Collet and J.-P. Eckmann |
1125-1156 | Gibbsian Dynamics and Invariant Measures for Stochastic Dissipative PDEs | E Weinan and Di Liu |
1157-1179 | The Dissipative Scale of the Stochastics Navier–Stokes Equation: Regularization and Analyticity | Jonathan C. Mattingly |
1181-1202 | On Multifractality and Fractional Derivatives | U. Frisch and T. Matsumoto |
1203-1218 | Continuity of the Lyapunov Exponent for Quasiperiodic Operators with Analytic Potential | J. Bourgain and S. Jitomirskaya |
1219-1253 | On Convergence to Equilibrium Distribution, II. The Wave Equation in Odd Dimensions, with Mixing | T. V. Dudnikova, A. I. Komech, N. E. Ratanov and Y. M. Suhov |
1255-1280 | Large Deviations for Probabilistic Cellular Automata | A. Eizenberg and Y. Kifer |
1281-1301 | Hausdorff Dimension of Sets of Generic Points for Gibbs Measures | B. M. Gurevich and A. A. Tempelman |
1303-1304 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-37 | Rigidity of the Interface in Percolation and Random-Cluster Models | Guy Gielis and Geoffrey Grimmett |
39-66 | Renormalization Group Analysis of the Self-Avoiding Paths on the d-Dimensional Sierpiński Gaskets | Tetsuya Hattori and Toshiro Tsuda |
67-131 | Finite-Size Effects for the Potts Model with Weak Boundary Conditions | C. Borgs, R. Kotecký and I. Medved' |
133-142 | Existence and Order of the Phase Transition of the Ising Model with Fixed Magnetization | Michael Kastner |
143-176 | The Equilibrium States for a Model with Two Kinds of Bose Condensation | J.-B. Bru, B. Nachtergaele and V. A. Zagrebnov |
177-205 | Between Equilibrium Fluctuations and Eulerian Scaling: Perturbation of Equilibrium for a Class of Deposition Models | Bálint Tóth and Benedek Valkó |
207-235 | Some New Results on the Kinetic Ising Model in a Pure Phase | T. Bodineau and Fabio Martinelli |
237-259 | Completely Monotone Solutions of the Mode-Coupling Theory for Mixtures | T. Franosch and Th. Voigtmann |
261-277 | On the Optimal Choice of Coefficients in a Truncated Wild Sum and Approximate Solutions for the Kac Equation | Eric A. Carlen and Francesco Salvarani |
279-288 | Transfer Matrix Spectrum for Lattice Classical O(N) Ferromagnetic Spin Systems at High Temperature | Ricardo S. Schor and Michael O'Carroll |
289-299 | On the Distribution of Eigenvalues of Grand Canonical Density Matrices | Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, Paul W. Ayers and Ernest S. Croot |
301-310 | Homology of Fortuin–Kasteleyn Clusters of Potts Models on the Torus | Louis-Pierre Arguin |
311-315 | An On-Line Library of Extended High-Temperature Expansions of Basic Observables for the Spin-S Ising Models on Two- and Three-Dimensional Lattices | P. Butera and M. Comi |
317-323 | Inequalities in Entanglement Percolation | Alexander E. Holroyd |
325-330 | Knotted Paths in Percolation | Alexander E. Holroyd |
331-333 | Book Review: Random Heterogeneous Materials. Salvatore Torquato, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002, 701 pages | Muhammad Sahimi |
335-337 | Book Review: Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing. Hidetoshi Nishimori, Oxford Science Publications, Oxford University Press, 2001 | Rudi Podgornik |
339-340 | Book Reviews: Theory of Financial Risks: From Statistical Mechanics to Risk Management. Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Marc Potters, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001. Stochastic Processes from Physics to Finance. Wolfang Paul and Jörg Baschnagel, Springer, Berlin, 1999 | Jaume Masoliver |
341 | Erratum: “On the Existence of Invariant Measure for Lagrangian Velocity in Compressible Environments,” Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 106, Nos. 3/4, February 2002 | T. Komorowski and G. Krupa |
343 | Erratum: “Cut-and-Permute Algorithm for Self-Avoiding Walks in the Presence of Surfaces” J. Statist. Phys. 108(1/2):252 (2002) | Maria Serena Causo |
345-349 | Program of the 87th Statistical Mechanics Meeting Celebrating the 85th Birthday of Howard Reiss |
351-352 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
353-354 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz |
355-359 | Introduction | M. H. Ernst, H. van Beijeren and E. G. D. Cohen |
361-371 | Nano- and Pico-Scale Transport Phenomena in Fluids | John M. Kincaid and E. G. D. Cohen |
373-405 | Long-Time Tails, Weak Localization, and Classical and Quantum Critical Behavior | T. R. Kirkpatrick, D. Belitz and J. V. Sengers |
407-432 | Scaling Solutions of Inelastic Boltzmann Equations with Over-Populated High Energy Tails | M. H. Ernst and R. Brito |
433-448 | Green–Kubo Expressions for a Granular Gas | James W. Dufty and J. Javier Brey |
449-469 | Force Relaxation in the q-Model for Granular Media | Jacco H. Snoeijer and J. M. J. van Leeuwen |
471-481 | The Road from Molecules to Onsager | N. G. van Kampen |
483-493 | Sedimentation of Brownian Particles in a Gravitational Potential | B. U. Felderhof |
495-505 | Comparison of Kinetic Theory and Hydrodynamics for Poiseuille Flow | Yihao Zheng, Alejandro L. Garcia and Berni J. Alder |
507-527 | Dynamics of a Massive Piston in an Ideal Gas: Oscillatory Motion and Approach to Equilibrium | N. Chernov and J. L. Lebowitz |
529-548 | Scaling Dynamics of a Massive Piston in a Cube Filled with Ideal Gas: Exact Results | N. Chernov, J. L. Lebowitz and Ya. Sinai |
549-568 | Strong and Weak Damping in the Adiabatic Motion of the Simple Piston | G. P. Morriss and Ch. Gruber |
569-590 | Transport Coefficients in Some Stochastic Models of the Revised Enskog Equation | Jacek Polewczak and George Stell |
591-606 | Out of Equilibrium Dynamics of the Toy Model with Mode Coupling and Trivial Hamiltonian | Kyozi Kawasaki and Bongsoo Kim |
607-622 | Non-Equilibrium Projection-Operator for a Quenched Thermostatted System | A. Latz |
623-639 | Relaxation Times in the ASEP Model Using a DMRG Method | Zoltán Nagy, Cécile Appert and Ludger Santen |
641-669 | Front Propagation Techniques to Calculate the Largest Lyapunov Exponent of Dilute Hard Disk Gases | R. van Zon and Henk van Beijeren |
671-704 | When Do Tracer Particles Dominate the Lyapunov Spectrum? | Pierre Gaspard and Henk van Beijeren |
705-727 | An Elementary Proof of Lyapunov Exponent Pairing for Hard-Sphere Systems at Constant Kinetic Energy | Debabrata Panja |
729-745 | Some Estimates for 2-Dimensional Infinite and Bounded Dilute Random Lorentz Gases | C. Boldrighini, L. A. Bunimovich and A. Pellegrinotti |
747-764 | Lyapunov Spectra of Periodic Orbits for a Many-Particle System | Tooru Taniguchi, Carl P. Dettmann and Gary P. Morriss |
765-776 | Lyapunov Modes of Two-Dimensional Many-Body Systems; Soft Disks, Hard Disks, and Rotors | Wm. G. Hoover, Harald A. Posch, Christina Forster, Christoph Dellago and Mary Zhou |
777-801 | Algebraic Decay in Hierarchical Graphs | Felipe Barra and Thomas Gilbert |
803-820 | Spectral Properties of a Piecewise Linear Intermittent Map | S. Tasaki and P. Gaspard |
821-861 | Negative and Nonlinear Response in an Exactly Solved Dynamical Model of Particle Transport | J. Groeneveld and R. Klages |
863-873 | Sampling Chaotic Trajectories Quickly in Parallel | J. Machta |
875-893 | Escape-Rate Formalism, Decay to Steady States, and Divergences in the Entropy-Production Rate | Jürgen Vollmer, László Mátyás and Tamás Tél |
895-920 | Comments on the Entropy of Nonequilibrium Steady States | Denis J. Evans and Lamberto Rondoni |
921-922 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-33 | Exact Results for the Universal Area Distribution of Clusters in Percolation, Ising, and Potts Models | John Cardy and Robert M. Ziff |
35-50 | Self-Interactions of Strands and Sheets | Jayanth R. Banavar, Oscar Gonzalez, John H. Maddocks and Amos Maritan |
51-72 | Quenched Large Deviation Principle for the Overlap of a p-Spins System | Samy Tindel |
73-86 | The Phase Transition in Statistical Models Defined on Farey Fractions | Jan Fiala, Peter Kleban and Ali Özlük |
87-136 | Two Different Rapid Decorrelation in Time Limits for Turbulent Diffusion | Peter R. Kramer |
137-181 | Mean First-Passage Time in the Stochastic Theory of Biochemical Processes. Application to Actomyosin Molecular Motor | M. Kurzyński and P. Chełminiak |
183-217 | Metastability for a Stochastic Dynamics with a Parallel Heat Bath Updating Rule | Emilio N. M. Cirillo and Francesca R. Nardi |
219-246 | Fluctuation Dissipation Equation for Lattice Gas with Energy | Yukio Nagahata |
247-267 | Multiplicative Cellular Automata on Nilpotent Groups: Structure, Entropy, and Asymptotics | Marcus Pivato |
269-310 | Time-Reversal and Entropy | Christian Maes and Karel Netočný |
311-332 | Sharp Asymptotics for Fixation Times in Stochastic Population Genetics Models at Low Mutation Probabilities | Alain Cercueil and Olivier François |
333-375 | Self-Similar Asymptotics for the Boltzmann Equation with Inelastic and Elastic Interactions | A. V. Bobylev and C. Cercignani |
377-383 | Singular Limit of a p-Laplacian Reaction-Diffusion Equation with a Spatially Inhomogeneous Reaction Term | Bendong Lou |
385-417 | Long Paths and Cycles in Dynamical Graphs | Tatyana S. Turova |
419-429 | Analytic Equation of State of a Quasi One-Dimensional Model Lipid Monolayer | Mitsuaki Ginoza and Moises Silbert |
431-442 | Convergence in Energy-Lowering (Disordered) Stochastic Spin Systems | Emilio De Santis and Charles M. Newman |
443-449 | On AB Bond Percolation on the Square Lattice and AB Site Percolation on Its Line Graph | Xian-Yuan Wu and S. Yu. Popov |
451-455 | Intelligent Design and Complexity Research. An Essay and Book Review of the Book: No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot be Purchased without Intelligence, William A. Dembski, 429 pp., Roman and Littlefield, 2002 | Leo P. Kadanoff |
457-458 | Book Review: Methods of Statistical Physics. Tomoyasu Tanaka, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002 | Irwin Oppenheim |
459-460 | Book Review: Chaotic Transitions in Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamical Systems. Emil Simiu, 224 pp., Princeton University Press, 2002 | Daniel ben-Avraham |
461-464 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
465-466 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz |
467-473 | My Life with Fisher | N. David Mermin |
475-496 | Some Observations on the Early History of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics | Cyril Domb |
497-502 | Statistical Mechanics in Collective Coordinates | S. F. Edwards and Moshe Schwartz |
503-518 | Dimensional Reduction Formulas for Branched Polymer Correlation Functions | David C. Brydges and John Z. Imbrie |
519-526 | Crossover Scaling Functions for 2d Vesicles, and the Yang–Lee Edge Singularity | John Cardy |
527-590 | Ising Field Theory in a Magnetic Field: Analytic Properties of the Free Energy | P. Fonseca and A. Zamolodchikov |
591-609 | Crossover Critical Behavior in the Three-Dimensional Ising Model | Young C. Kim, Mikhail A. Anisimov, Jan V. Sengers and Erik Luijten |
611-658 | Cross-Over Between First-Order and Critical Wetting at the Liquid-Vapour Interface of n-Alkane/Methanol Mixtures: Tricritical Wetting and Critical Prewetting | A. I. Posazhennikova, J. O. Indekeu, D. Ross, D. Bonn and J. Meunier |
659-669 | Old and New Results on Multicritical Points | Amnon Aharony |
671-689 | Dimers on a Simple-Quartic Net with a Vacancy | W.-J. Tzeng and F. Y. Wu |
691-738 | Higher Conformal Multifractality | Bertrand Duplantier |
739-774 | Multifractal Power Law Distributions: Negative and Critical Dimensions and Other “Anomalies,” Explained by a Simple Example | Benoit B. Mandelbrot |
775-810 | Exact Large Deviation Functional of a Stationary Open Driven Diffusive System: The Asymmetric Exclusion Process | B. Derrida, J. L. Lebowitz and E. R. Speer |
811-823 | Effect of Detachments in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes | Nikolay Mirin and Anatoly B. Kolomeisky |
825-834 | Thermodynamics of Surface Tension: Application to Electrolyte Solutions | Yan Levin |
835-860 | Debye–Hückel Theory for Charged Aligned Needles and for Polyelectrolyte Solutions | Johan Høye, Fernando O. Raineri, George Stell and Jennifer Routh |
861-877 | Coulombic Phase Transitions in Dense Plasmas | W. Ebeling and G. Norman |
879-902 | Charge Fluctuations in Finite Coulomb Systems | B. Jancovici |
903-910 | Bose–Einstein Condensation in a Harmonic Trap: Effect of Interactions on Tc | A. J. Leggett |
911-943 | A Theory for Quantum Accelerator Modes in Atom Optics | Shmuel Fishman, Italo Guarneri and Laura Rebuzzini |
945-956 | Methodology of Analytic and Computational Studies on Quantum Systems | Masuo Suzuki |
957-970 | Initial Decoherence of Open Quantum Systems | Vladimir Privman |
971-979 | Can an Attractive Potential Increase the Pressure of an Ideal Electron Gas? | George A. Baker |
981-1013 | Critical Casimir Forces in Colloidal Suspensions | F. Schlesener, A. Hanke and S. Dietrich |
1015-1037 | Phase Separation of Penetrable Core Mixtures | R. Finken, J.-P. Hansen and A. A. Louis |
1039-1054 | Application of Statistical Physics to Understand Static and Dynamic Anomalies in Liquid Water | H. E. Stanley, S. V. Buldyrev, N. Giovambattista, E. La Nave and S. Mossa, et al. |
1055-1067 | Computations of Dendrites in 3-D and Comparison with Microgravity Experiments | Y. B. Altundas and G. Caginalp |
1069-1086 | Vicious Walkers, Friendly Walkers, and Young Tableaux. III. Between Two Walls | Christian Krattenthaler, Anthony J. Guttmann and Xavier G. Viennot |
1087-1097 | Solutions of Doubly and Higher Order Iterated Equations | Becky A. Brown, A. Ray Brown and Michael F. Shlesinger |
1099-1115 | Rotational Brownian Motion of a Pair of Dipoles Coupled via a Classical Heisenberg Interaction | B. U. Felderhof and C. Löhn |
1117-1139 | Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data | Eytan Domany |
1141-1167 | Molecular Motor Cycles: From Ratchets to Networks | Reinhard Lipowsky and Nicole Jaster |
1169-1189 | A Simple 1-D Physical Model for the Crawling Nematode Sperm Cell | A. Mogilner and D. W. Verzi |
1191-1207 | Three Attractive Osculating Walkers and a Polymer Collapse Transition | John W. Essam |
1209-1218 | External Fields, Density Functionals, and the Gibbs Inequality | John D. Weeks |
1219-1248 | The Statistical Mechanics of Semiflexible Equilibrium Polymers | Apratim Chatterji and Rahul Pandit |
1249-1304 | Dynamical van der Waals Model of Glassy Behavior | Kyozi Kawasaki |
1305-1316 | Phase Separation Driven by a Fluctuating Two-Dimensional Self-Affine Potential Field | G. Manoj and Mustansir Barma |
1317-1367 | Creation, Dissipation and Recycling of Resources in Non-Equilibrium Systems | B. Gaveau and L. S. Schulman |
1369-1374 | Renormalization and Taxonomy | Y. Oono |
1375-1395 | Fluctuation Theory for a Three-Dimensional Model of Maxwellian Molecules | P. H. Bezandry and T. Diagana |
1397-1410 | The Uphill Turtle Race; On Short Time Nucleation Probabilities | Henk van Beijeren |
1411-1514 | Monte Carlo Studies of Wetting, Interface Localization and Capillary Condensation | Kurt Binder, David Landau and Marcus Müller |
1515-1522 | Program of the 86th Statistical Mechanics Meeting Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Michael E. Fisher |
1523-1524 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-26 | The Riemann Surface of the Chiral Potts Model Free Energy Function | R. J. Baxter |
27-57 | Pressures for a One-Component Plasma on a Pseudosphere | R. Fantoni, B. Jancovici and G. Téllez |
59-134 | Fast and Slow Convergence to Equilibrium for Maxwellian Molecules via Wild Sums | Eric A. Carlen and Xuguang Lu |
135-153 | Phase Transitions in Self-Driven Many-Particle Systems and Related Non-Equilibrium Models: A Network Approach | Maximino Aldana and Cristián Huepe |
155-163 | Statistical Description of Contact-Interacting Brownian Walkers on the Line | Ibrahim Fatkullin and Eric Vanden-Eijnden |
165-191 | Extremal Reversible Measures for the Exclusion Process | Paul Jung |
193-218 | Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents for Products of Random Transformations | Andrea Gamba |
219-275 | Pattern Selection: Determined by Symmetry and Modifiable by Distant Effects | Mitchell J. Feigenbaum |
277-292 | Elimination of Fast Chaotic Degrees of Freedom: On the Accuracy of the Born Approximation | Wolfram Just, Katrin Gelfert, Nilüfer Baba, Anja Riegert and Holger Kantz |
293-318 | On the Lowest Energy Nucleation Path in a Supersaturated Lattice Gas | Vitaly A. Shneidman |
319-327 | Universal Long-Time Relaxation on Lattices of Classical Spins: Markovian Behavior on Non-Markovian Timescales | Boris V. Fine |
329-355 | A Markov Model for Kinesin | Christian Maes and Maarten H. van Wieren |
357-374 | Uniform Cantor Singular Continuous Spectrum for Nonprimitive Schrödinger Operators | Marcus V. Lima and César R. de Oliveira |
375-396 | Thermodynamic Limit and Proof of Condensation for Trapped Bosons | András Sütő |
397-420 | Bose–Einstein Condensation for Homogeneous Interacting Systems with a One-Particle Spectral Gap | J. Lauwers, A. Verbeure and V. A. Zagrebnov |
421-427 | On Intrinsically Random ℤ2-Actions on a Lebesgue Space | M. Courbage and B. Kamiński |
429-432 | Book Review: Phase Transition Dynamics. Akira Onuki, 714 pp., Cambridge University Press, 2002 | Rudi Podgornik |
433-434 | Book Review: Statistical Mechanics: A Concise Introduction for Chemists. Benjamin Widom, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002 | Leonardo Dagdug |
435-436 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
437-456 | Singularity Time Scale of the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang Equation in 2+1 Dimensions | F. Shahbazi, A. A. Masoudi and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar |
457-495 | Critical Behavior in a Quasi D Dimensional Spin Model | Erhard Seiler and Karim Yildirim |
497-521 | Onsager Relations and Eulerian Hydrodynamic Limit for Systems with Several Conservation Laws | Bálint Tóth and Benedek Valkó |
523-540 | Shocks and Excitation Dynamics in a Driven Diffusive Two-Channel System | Vladislav Popkov and Gunter M. Schütz |
541-586 | Exactly Solvable Model of Reactions on a Random Catalytic Chain | G. Oshanin, O. Bénichou and A. Blumen |
587-628 | Quantum Moment Hydrodynamics and the Entropy Principle | P. Degond and C. Ringhofer |
629-655 | Knudsen Layer for Gas Mixtures | Kazuo Aoki, Claude Bardos and Shigeru Takata |
657-683 | Nonlinear Transport in Inelastic Maxwell Mixtures Under Simple Shear Flow | Vicente Garzó |
685-708 | Extension of the Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Direct Simulation of Suspended Particles Near Contact | E-Jiang Ding and Cyrus K. Aidun |
709-764 | Slow Motion and Metastability for a Nonlocal Evolution Equation | Paolo Buttà, Anna de Masi and Emanuele Rosatelli |
765-813 | Soft Billiards with Corners | D. Turaev and V. Rom-Kedar |
815-879 | Flow Polynomials and Their Asymptotic Limits for Lattice Strip Graphs | Shu-Chiuan Chang and Robert Shrock |
881-882 | Book Review: Patterns of Speculation. A Study in Observational Econophysics. Bertrand M. Roehner, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002 | Jaume Masoliver |
883-884 | Book Review: Defects and Geometry in Condensed Matter Physics. D. R. Nelson, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002 | Felix Ritort |
885 | Erratum | L. S. Garcia-Colin and F. J. Uribe |
887-888 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
637-642 | Preface | Misha Chertkov, Bob Ecke, Gregory Eyink and Darryl Holm |
643-692 | Lagrangian Dispersion in Gaussian Self-Similar Velocity Ensembles | Marta Chaves, Krzysztof Gawedzki, Peter Horvai, Antti Kupiainen and Massimo Vergassola |
693-700 | Lagrangian Particle Approach to Large Eddy Simulations of Hydrodynamic Turbulence | Alain Pumir and Boris I. Shraiman |
701-717 | Lagrangian Velocity Fluctuations in Fully Developed Turbulence: Scaling, Intermittency, and Dynamics | N. Mordant, J. Delour, E. Léveque, O. Michel and A. Arnéodo, et al. |
719-740 | Gibbsian Hypothesis in Turbulence | Gregory L. Eyink, Shiyi Chen and Qiaoning Chen |
741-759 | Forced Burgers Equation in an Unbounded Domain | Jérémie Bec and Konstantin Khanin |
761-781 | Singularities of Euler Flow? Not Out of the Blue! | U. Frisch, T. Matsumoto and J. Bec |
783-798 | Intermittency in Turbulence: Multiplicative Random Process in Space and Time | Roberto Benzi, Luca Biferale and Federico Toschi |
799-840 | Determining Modes for Continuous Data Assimilation in 2D Turbulence | Eric Olson and Edriss S. Titi |
841-854 | Boundary Effects on Exact Solutions of the Lagrangian-Averaged Navier–Stokes-α Equations | Darryl D. Holm, Vakhtang Putkaradze, Patrick D. Weidman and Beth A. Wingate |
855-874 | Role of Pressure in Turbulence | Toshiyuki Gotoh and Tohru Nakano |
875-883 | Compressible Flow: Turbulence at the Surface | J. R. Cressman and W. I. Goldburg |
885-887 | Book Review: Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Chemistry and Biology. Ken A. Dill and Sarina Bromberg, Garland Science, New York, 2003 | Leonardo Dagdug |
889-900 | Author Index for Journal of Statistical Physics (2003) |
901-902 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-35 | The Raise and Peel Model of a Fluctuating Interface | Jan de Gier, Bernard Nienhuis, Paul A. Pearce and Vladimir Rittenberg |
37-49 | Entropic Repulsion for Two Dimensional Multi-Layered Harmonic Crystals | Hironobu Sakagawa |
51-78 | Conformal Invariance and Stochastic Loewner Evolution Predictions for the 2D Self-Avoiding Walk—Monte Carlo Tests | Tom Kennedy |
79-100 | Phase Transition in the Nearest-Neighbor Continuum Potts Model | Etienne Bertin, Jean-Michel Billiot and Rémy Drouilhet |
101-114 | Crossover Between Mean-Field and Ising Critical Behavior in a Lattice-Gas Reaction-Diffusion Model | Da-Jiang Liu, N. Pavlenko and J. W. Evans |
115-135 | Convergence of Passive Scalar Fields in Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Flows to Kraichnan's Model | Albert C. Fannjiang |
137-154 | A Gibbs-Like Measure for Single-Time, Multi-Scale Energy Transfer in Stochastic Signals and Shell Model of Turbulence | Roberto Benzi, Luca Biferale and Mauro Sbragaglia |
155-177 | Ergodicity of the Finite Dimensional Approximation of the 3D Navier–Stokes Equations Forced by a Degenerate Noise | Marco Romito |
179-204 | Long-Time Dynamics of the Schrödinger–Poisson–Slater System | Óscar Sánchez and Juan Soler |
205-228 | An Open-System Approach for the Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Chaos | P. Cipriani and A. Politi |
229-260 | Dynamical Windings of Random Walks and Exclusion Models. Part I: Thermodynamic Limit in ℤ2 | Guy Fayolle and Cyril Furtlehner |
261-289 | Computation by Asynchronously Updating Cellular Automata | Susumu Adachi, Ferdinand Peper and Jia Lee |
291-326 | Fractional Kinetics in Kac–Zwanzig Heat Bath Models | Raz Kupferman |
327-360 | General H-Theorem for Hard Spheres | Adam Bednorz and Bogdan Cichocki |
361-453 | Coherent and Dissipative Spin Dynamics in N-Electron Systems | F. A. Reuse, V. de Coulon and K. Maschke |
455-480 | A Monte Carlo Sampling Scheme for the Ising Model | Roland Häggkvist, Anders Rosengren, Daniel Andrén, Petras Kundrotas and Per Håkan Lundow, et al. |
481-501 | The Virial Expansion of a Dilute Bose Gas in Two Dimensions | Hai-cang Ren |
503-513 | Numerical Integration of a Non-Markovian Langevin Equation with a Thermal Band-Passing Noise | Jing-Dong Bao |
515-523 | Strange Heat Flux in (An)Harmonic Networks | J.-P. Eckmann and E. Zabey |
525-534 | Markovian Solutions of Inviscid Burgers Equation | Marie-Line Chabanol and Jean Duchon |
535-536 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
537-562 | Large Deviation Functional of the Weakly Asymmetric Exclusion Process | C. Enaud and B. Derrida |
563-574 | Magnetostriction Transition | Senya Shlosman and Valentin Zagrebnov |
575-604 | Wetting of Heterogeneous Surfaces at the Mesoscopic Scale | Joël De Coninck, Christophe Dobrovolny, Salvador Miracle-Solé and Jean Ruiz |
605-623 | Breakup of Universality in the Generalized Spinodal Nucleation Theory | Cyrill B. Muratov and Eric Vanden-Eijnden |
625-663 | The Incipient Infinite Cluster for High-Dimensional Unoriented Percolation | Remco van der Hofstad and Antal A. Járai |
665-734 | Non-Analyticity and the van der Waals Limit | S. Friedli and C.-E. Pfister |
735-761 | Confined Coulomb Systems with Adsorbing Boundaries: The Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma | Lina Merchán and Gabriel Téllez |
763-823 | Exact Potts Model Partition Functions for Strips of the Triangular Lattice | Shu-Chiuan Chang, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Jesús Salas and Robert Shrock |
825-848 | On Gibbs Measures of Models with Competing Ternary and Binary Interactions and Corresponding von Neumann Algebras | Farruh Mukhamedov and Utkir Rozikov |
849-889 | Diffusion of a Heteropolymer in a Multi-Interface Medium | Frank den Hollander and Mario V. Wüthrich |
891-921 | Partial Differentiability of Invariant Splittings | Charles Pugh, Michael Shub and Amie Wilkinson |
923-946 | Small Values of the Maximum for the Integral of Fractional Brownian Motion | G. Molchan and A. Khokhlov |
947-975 | Classification on the Average of Random Walks | Daniela Bertacchi and Fabio Zucca |
977-1014 | Discrete Velocity Models and One Continuous Relation | H. Cornille |
1015-1033 | Nonlinear Functionals of Multi-D Discrete Velocity Boltzmann Equations | Mikhail Feldman and Seung-Yeal Ha |
1035-1083 | On Two-Temperature Problem for Harmonic Crystals | T. V. Dudnikova, A. I. Komech and N. J. Mauser |
1085-1113 | A Stefan Problem with Surface Tension as the Sharp Interface Limit of a Nonlocal System of Phase-Field Type | Nicolas Dirr |
1115-1125 | Static and Time Dependent Density Functional Theory with Internal Degrees of Freedom: Merits and Limitations Demonstrated for the Potts Model | S. Heinrichs, W. Dieterich, P. Maass and H. L. Frisch |
1127-1137 | Complexity of Dynamics as Variability of Predictability | Ruedi Stoop, Norbert Stoop and Leonid Bunimovich |
1139-1148 | Order Statistics and Ginibre's Ensembles | B. Rider |
1149-1169 | Pseudo Random Coins Show More Heads Than Tails | Heiko Bauke and Stephan Mertens |
1171-1177 | An Essay and Review of the Book: Self Similar Processes. Paul Embrechts and Makoto Maejima, Princeton University Press, 2003 | Murad S. Taqqu |
1179-1180 | Book Review: Statistical Mechanics Made Simple. Daniel C. Mattis, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2003 | Irwin Oppenheim |
1181-1182 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1183-1198 | The Loewner Equation: Maps and Shapes | Ilya A. Gruzberg and Leo P. Kadanoff |
1199-1210 | The Percolation Transition in the Zero-Temperature Domany Model | Federico Camia and Charles M. Newman |
1211-1234 | Microscopic Calculation of the Dielectric Susceptibility Tensor for Coulomb Fluids II | B. Jancovici and L. Šamaj |
1235-1267 | On the Gibbs Phase Rule in the Pirogov–Sinai Regime | A. Bovier, I. Merola, E. Presutti and M. Zahradník |
1269-1302 | Surface Transitions of the Semi-Infinite Potts Model I: The High Bulk Temperature Regime | C. Dobrovolny, L. Laanait and J. Ruiz |
1303-1323 | Systematic Finite-Sampling Inaccuracy in Free Energy Differences and Other Nonlinear Quantities | Daniel M. Zuckerman and Thomas B. Woolf |
1325-1341 | Ground-State Entropy of ±J Ising Lattices by Monte Carlo Simulations | F. Romá, F. Nieto, E.E. Vogel and A.J. Ramirez-Pastor |
1343-1361 | Analytic Calculation of B4 for Hard Spheres in Even Dimensions | N. Clisby and B.M. McCoy |
1361-1392 | Negative Virial Coefficients and the Dominance of Loose Packed Diagrams for D-Dimensional Hard Spheres | N. Clisby and B.M. McCoy |
1393-1398 | On the Nonextensivity of the Long Range X-Y Model | Raúl Toral |
1399-1416 | The “Cameo Principle” and the Origin of Scale-Free Graphs in Social Networks | Ph. Blanchard and T. Krüger |
1417-1451 | Invasion and Extinction in the Mean Field Approximation for a Spatial Host-Pathogen Model | M.A.M. de Aguiar, E.M. Rauch and Y. Bar-Yam |
1453-1480 | Asymptotic Properties of the Inelastic Kac Model | Ada Pulvirenti and Giuseppe Toscani |
1481-1499 | Existence and Convergence to Equilibrium of a Kinetic Model for Cometary Flows | Klemens Fellner, Frederic Poupaud and Christian Schmeiser |
1501-1536 | The Effect of Finiteness in the Saffman–Taylor Viscous Fingering Problem | Darren Crowdy and Saleh Tanveer |
1537-1556 | Critical Behavior of the Kramers Escape Rate in Asymmetric Classical Field Theories | D.L. Stein |
1557-1576 | An Informational Characterization of Schrödinger's Uncertainty Relations | Shunlong Luo and Zhengmin Zhang |
1577-1618 | On the Noise-Induced Passage Through an Unstable Periodic Orbit I: Two-Level Model | Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz |
1619-1623 | A Counter-Example to the Theorem of Hiemer and Snurnikov | Thierry Monteil |
1625-1626 | Book Review: Theory and Applications of Long-Range Dependence. Paul Doukhan, George Oppenheim, and Murad Taqqu, Birkhäuser Press, Boston, 2003 | John P. Nolan |
1627-1628 | Book Review: Evolution of Networks. From Biological Nets to the Internet and WWW. S. N. Dorogovtsev and J. F. F. Mendes, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003 | Marian Boguñá |
1629-1631 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz |
3-6 | Introduction | Carlo Di Castro, Francesco Guerra and Fabio Martinelli |
7-17 | Spontaneous Breaking of Lie and Current Algebras | Yoichiro Nambu |
19-30 | Can a Metal-Insulator Transition Induce s-Wave Superconductivity? | Ph. Nozières |
31-46 | Dynamical Systems, Topology, and Conductivity in Normal Metals | A. Ya. Maltsev and S. P. Novikov |
47-56 | Quantum Impurity in a Magnetic Environment | Subir Sachdev |
57-89 | Ultracold Atomic Fermi–Bose Mixtures in Bichromatic Optical Dipole Traps: A Novel Route to Study Fermion Superfluidity | Roberto Onofrio and Carlo Presilla |
91-123 | Renormalization Group and Ward Identities in Quantum Liquid Phases and in Unconventional Critical Phenomena | C. Di Castro, R. Raimondi and S. Caprara |
125-142 | Expansion Around the Mean Field in Quantum Magnetic Systems | F. de Pasquale and S. M. Giampaolo |
143-184 | Ward Identities and Vanishing of the Beta Function for d = 1 Interacting Fermi Systems | G. Benfatto and V. Mastropietro |
185-190 | Equivalent Forms of the Bessis–Moussa–Villani Conjecture | Elliott H. Lieb and Robert Seiringer |
191-215 | Some New Developments in the Theory of Path Integrals, with Applications to Quantum Theory | S. Albeverio and S. Mazzucchi |
217-254 | Liapunov Multipliers and Decay of Correlations in Dynamical Systems | P. Collet and J.-P. Eckmann |
255-279 | Exact Scaling Functions for One-Dimensional Stationary KPZ Growth | Michael Prähofer and Herbert Spohn |
281-322 | Finite-Size Scaling in the Driven Lattice Gas | Sergio Caracciolo, Andrea Gambassi, Massimiliano Gubinelli and Andrea Pelissetto |
323-363 | On Viscosity and Fluctuation-Dissipation in Exclusion Processes | C. Landim, S. Olla and S. R. S. Varadhan |
365-382 | The Asymmetric Exclusion Process and Brownian Excursions | B. Derrida, C. Enaud and J. L. Lebowitz |
383-393 | On the “Matrix Approach” to Interacting Particle Systems | L. de Sanctis and M. Isopi |
395-413 | A Combinatorial Proof of Tree Decay of Semi-Invariants | Lorenzo Bertini, Emilio N. M. Cirillo and Enzo Olivieri |
415-449 | Finite Range Decomposition of Gaussian Processes | David C. Brydges, G. Guadagni and P. K. Mitter |
451-468 | Absolute Continuity of the Invariant Measures for Some Stochastic PDEs | Giuseppe Da Prato and Arnaud Debussche |
469-492 | The Eulerian Limit for 2D Statistical Hydrodynamics | Sergei B. Kuksin |
493-530 | On the Stochastic Dynamics of Disordered Spin Models | G. Semerjian, L. F. Cugliandolo and A. Montanari |
531-555 | The High Temperature Region of the Viana–Bray Diluted Spin Glass Model | Francesco Guerra and Fabio Lucio Toninelli |
557-580 | A Quantitative Clustering Approach to Ultrametricity in Spin Glasses | Stefano Ciliberti and Enzo Marinari |
581-589 | Monotonicity and Thermodynamic Limit for Short Range Disordered Models | Pierluigi Contucci and Sandro Graffi |
591-642 | On the Essential Features of Metastability: Tunnelling Time and Critical Configurations | F. Manzo, F. R. Nardi, E. Olivieri and E. Scoppola |
643-679 | Liquid-Vapor Interfaces and Surface Tension in a Mesoscopic Model of Fluid with Nonlocal Interactions | A. de Masi and T. Gobron |
681-700 | Loose, Flat Knots in Collapsed Polymers | E. Orlandini, A. L. Stella and C. vanderzande |
701-714 | Simulation of a Diatomic Liquid Using Hard Spheres Model | Giovanni Ciccotti and Galina Kalibaeva |
715-716 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
717-748 | Current Fluctuations in the One-Dimensional Symmetric Exclusion Process with Open Boundaries | B. Derrida, B. Douçot and P.-E. Roche |
749-803 | Fluctuations of the One-Dimensional Polynuclear Growth Model in Half-Space | T. Sasamoto and T. Imamura |
805-822 | Exact Solutions for Loewner Evolutions | Wouter Kager, Bernard Nienhuis and Leo P. Kadanoff |
823-837 | Infinite Range Interaction Model of a Structural Glass | Victor Dotsenko |
839-853 | Winding Clusters in Percolation on the Torus and the Möbius Strip | Gunnar Pruessner and Nicholas R. Moloney |
855-868 | On the Uniqueness of the Branching Parameter for a Random Cascade Measure | G. Molchan |
869-893 | General Non-Existence Theorem for Phase Transitions in One-Dimensional Systems with Short Range Interactions, and Physical Examples of Such Transitions | José A. Cuesta and Angel Sánchez |
895-924 | Non-Ergodicity in a 1-D Particle Process with Variable Length | André Toom |
925-947 | Poland–Scheraga Models and the DNA Denaturation Transition | C. Richard and A. J. Guttmann |
949-976 | Multi-Information in the Thermodynamic Limit | Ionas Erb and Nihat Ay |
977-996 | Asymptotic Behavior of the Integrated Density of States of Acoustic Operators with Random Long Range Perturbations | Hatem Najar |
997-1036 | Density Profiles in a Quantum Coulomb Fluid Near a Hard Wall | J.-N. Aqua and F. Cornu |
1037-1055 | Accuracy of the Time-Dependent Hartree–Fock Approximation for Uncorrelated Initial States | Claude Bardos, François Golse, Alex D. Gottlieb and Norbert J. Mauser |
1057-1072 | A New Approach to Noise in Quantum Mechanics | N. G. van Kampen |
1073-1100 | Gyroscopically Stabilized Oscillators and Heat Baths | Anthony M. Bloch, Patrick Hagerty, Alberto G. Rojo and Michael I. Weinstein |
1101-1112 | On the Definition of Temperature in FPU Systems | A. Carati, P. Cipriani and L. Galgani |
1113-1127 | Infinite Graphs with a Nontrivial Bond Percolation Threshold: Some Sufficient Conditions | Aldo Procacci and Benedetto Scoppola |
1129-1134 | On Asymptotics for the Airy Process | Harold Widom |
1135-1137 | Book Review: The Physics of Phase Transitions. P. Papon, J. Leblond and P. H. E., Meijer, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. | Rudi Podgornik |
1139-1145 | Program of the 90th Statistical Mechanics Meeting Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Freeman Dyson and the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Lars Onsager |
1147-1148 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1149-1229 | A Guide to Stochastic Löwner Evolution and Its Applications | Wouter Kager and Bernard Nienhuis |
1231-1250 | Universal Scaling Behavior of Directed Percolation Around the Upper Critical Dimension | S. Lübeck and R. D. Willmann |
1251-1282 | On Certain Perturbations of the Erdös–Renyi Random Graph | Stéphane Coulomb and Michel Bauer |
1283-1326 | Self-Organized Criticality and Thermodynamic Formalism | B. Cessac, Ph. Blanchard, T. Krüger and J. L. Meunier |
1327-1339 | Spontaneous Collapse Models on a Lattice | Fay Dowker and Joe Henson |
1341-1359 | On the Physical Origin of Long-Ranged Fluctuations in Fluids in Thermal Nonequilibrium States | José M. Ortiz de Zárate and Jan V. Sengers |
1361-1388 | Transport of a Passive Tracer by an Irregular Velocity Field | Tomasz Komorowski and Szymon Peszat |
1389-1421 | Perturbative Analysis of Anharmonic Chains of Oscillators Out of Equilibrium | R. Lefevere and A. Schenkel |
1423-1460 | Equilibrium Fluctuations for Zero-Range-Exclusion Processes | Kôhei Uchiyama |
1461-1504 | Sine-Gordon Theory for the Equation of State of Classical Hard-Core Coulomb Systems. III. Loopwise Expansion | Jean-Michel Caillol |
1505-1535 | Lévy Flights in a Steep Potential Well | Aleksei V. Chechkin, Vsevolod Yu. Gonchar, Joseph Klafter, Ralf Metzler and Leonid V. Tanatarov |
1537-1565 | Stable Equilibrium Based on Lévy Statistics:A Linear Boltzmann Equation Approach | Eli Barkai |
1567-1603 | Birkhoff Averages for Hyperbolic Flows: Variational Principles and Applications | Luis Barreira and Paulo Doutor |
1605-1620 | Pure Point Spectrum for Two-Level Systems in a Strong Quasi-Periodic Field | Guido Gentile |
1621-1653 | Hydrodynamic Limit of Coagulation-Fragmentation Type Models of k-Nary Interacting Particles | Vassili N. Kolokoltsov |
1655-1668 | Fluctuations of Entropy Production in the Isokinetic Ensemble | F. Zamponi, G. Ruocco and L. Angelani |
1669-1713 | Triviality of Hierarchical O(N) Spin Model in Four Dimensions with Large N | Hiroshi Watanabe |
1715-1754 | Hydrodynamic Limit of a B.G.K. Like Model on Domains with Boundaries and Analysis of Kinetic Boundary Conditions for Scalar Multidimensional Conservation Laws | M. Tidriri |
1755-1756 | Erratum on “Boundary Conditions for Scalar Conservation Laws, from a Kinetic Point of View” | A. Nouri, A. Omrane and J. P. Vila |
1757-1761 | Book Review: Polymer Physics. M. Rubinshtein and R. H. Colby, Oxford University Press, 2003 | Rudi Podgornik |
1763-1764 | Book Review: Bose–Einstein Condensation. Lev Pitaevskii and Sandro Stringari, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003 | J. M. Rubi |
1765-1766 | Book Review: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions. T. Dauxois, S. Ruffo, E. Arimondo, and M. Wilkens (eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002 | Michael F. Shlesinger |
1767-1768 | Book Review: Entropy. A. Greven, G. Keller, and G. Warnecke (eds.), Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2003 | Irwin Oppenheim |
1769-1772 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1 | Preface | Joel L. Lebowitz |
3-8 | Elliott's World: From Square Ice to Cubic Jellium | Freeman Dyson |
9-11 | A Laudatio for Elliott Lieb on His Receiving the Poincaré Medal at the International Congress on Mathematical Physics in Lisbon, July 30, 2003 | Joel L. Lebowitz |
13-16 | Elliott Lieb and the Art of Mathematical Physics | Jakob Yngvason |
17-28 | Interactive Modelling | Gérard G. Emch |
29-42 | New Kinds of Entropy | S. F. Edwards |
43-66 | The Six and Eight-Vertex Models Revisited | R. J. Baxter |
67-78 | The Odd Eight-Vertex Model | F. Y. Wu and H. Kunz |
79-95 | Quantum Spin Chain, Toeplitz Determinants and the Fisher—Hartwig Conjecture | B.-Q. Jin and V. E. Korepin |
97-155 | Partition Function Zeros at First-Order Phase Transitions: Pirogov—Sinai Theory | M. Biskup, C. Borgs, J. T. Chayes and R. Kotecký |
157-173 | Continuum Nonsimple Loops and 2D Critical Percolation | Federico Camia and Charles M. Newman |
175-203 | A Proof of the Gibbs—Thomson Formula in the Droplet Formation Regime | Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes and Roman Kotecký |
205-230 | Charge Fluctuations for a Coulomb Fluid in a Disk on a Pseudosphere | B. Jancovici and G. Téllez |
231-282 | Local Time-Decay of Solutions to Schrödinger Equations with Time-Periodic Potentials | A. Galtbayar, A. Jensen and K. Yajima |
283-310 | Time Asymptotics of the Schrödinger Wave Function in Time-Periodic Potentials | O. Costin, R. D. Costin and J. L. Lebowitz |
311-359 | Ionization of Atoms in a Thermal Field | J. Fröhlich, M. Merkli and I. M. Sigal |
361-365 | Connectedness of the Isospectral Manifold for One-Dimensional Half-Line Schrödinger Operators | Fritz Gesztesy and Barry Simon |
367-380 | On the Quantum Boltzmann Equation | László Erdős, Manfred Salmhofer and Horng-Tzer Yau |
381-410 | Some Considerations on the Derivation of the Nonlinear Quantum Boltzmann Equation | D. Benedetto, F. Castella, R. Esposito and M. Pulvirenti |
411-423 | On the Nature of Fermi Golden Rule for Open Quantum Systems | Jan Dereziński and Vojkan Jakšić |
425-473 | Transport and Dissipation in Quantum Pumps | J. E. Avron, A. Elgart, G. M. Graf and L. Sadun |
475-506 | Magnetic Lieb—Thirring Inequalities with Optimal Dependence on the Field Strength | László Erdős and Jan Philip Solovej |
507-521 | Generalized Hardy Inequality for the Magnetic Dirichlet Forms | Alexander Balinsky, Ari Laptev and Alexander V. Sobolev |
523-546 | Asymptotic Exactness of Magnetic Thomas—Fermi Theory at Nonzero Temperature | Bergthór Hauksson and Jakob Yngvason |
547-570 | One-Dimensional Models for Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields, II: Anti-Symmetry in the Landau Levels | Raymond Brummelhuis and Mary Beth Ruskai |
571-589 | Quantum Phase Diagram of an Exactly Solved Mixed Spin Ladder | M. T. Batchelor, X.-W. Guan, N. Oelkers and Z.-J. Ying |
591-628 | Correlation at Low Temperature: II. Asymptotics | Volker Bach and Jacob Schach Møller |
629-680 | Lieb's Spin-Reflection-Positivity Method and Its Applications to Strongly Correlated Electron Systems | Guang-Shan Tian |
681-697 | Segregation in the Asymmetric Hubbard Model | Daniel Ueltschi |
699-718 | Charge Stripes Due to Electron Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Spinless Falicov—Kimball Model | R. Lemański, J. K. Freericks and G. Banach |
719-738 | Ferromagnetic Ordering of Energy Levels | Bruno Nachtergaele, Wolfgang Spitzer and Shannon Starr |
739-754 | Random Matrix Theory and the Anderson Model | Jean Bellissard |
755-772 | Planar Pyrochlore, Quantum Ice and Sliding Ice | R. Moessner, Oleg Tchernyshyov and S. L. Sondhi |
773-782 | Design of a Nanomagnet | Daniel C. Mattis |
783-813 | Fourier's Law for a Harmonic Crystal with Self-Consistent Stochastic Reservoirs | Federico Bonetto, Joel L. Lebowitz and Jani Lukkarinen |
815-820 | Adiabatic Piston as a Dynamical System | A. I. Neishtadt and Y. G. Sinai |
821-830 | Localization in Infinite Billiards: A Comparison Between Quantum and Classical Ergodicity | Sandro Graffi and Marco Lenci |
831-841 | Minimum Dissipation Principle in Stationary Non-Equilibrium States | L. Bertini, A. De Sole, D. Gabrielli, G. Jona-Lasinio and C. Landim |
843-853 | On the “Mean Field” Interpretation of Burgers' Equation | Philippe Choquard and Joël Wagner |
855-879 | Exact Solution of 1D Asymmetric Exclusion Model with Variable Cluster Size | Ole J. Heilmann |
881-905 | Geometric Analysis of Bifurcation and Symmetry Breaking in a Gross—Pitaevskii Equation | R. K. Jackson and M. I. Weinstein |
907-922 | Total Positivity Properties of Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument | Donald St. P. Richards |
923-931 | Variational Calculation of the Period of Nonlinear Oscillators | Rafael Benguria and M. Cristina Depassier |
933-958 | PDE with Random Coefficients and Euclidean Field Theory | Joseph G. Conlon |
959-1055 | Quantum Equilibrium and the Role of Operators as Observables in Quantum Theory | Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein and Nino Zanghì |
1057-1122 | Electromagnetic Field Theory Without Divergence Problems 1. The Born Legacy | Michael K.-H. Kiessling |
1123-1159 | Electromagnetic Field Theory Without Divergence Problems 2. A Least Invasively Quantized Theory | Michael K.-H. Kiessling |
1161-1180 | The Flux-Across-Surfaces Theorem and Zero-Energy Resonances | G. F. Dell'Antonio and G. Panati |
1181-1187 | Overcoming Nonrenormalizability. Part 2 | John R. Klauder |
1189-1197 | On the Relation Between Strong Subadditivity and Entanglement | Heide Narnhofer and Walter Thirring |
1199-1200 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1201-1245 | Metastable States, Transitions, Basins and Borders at Finite Temperatures | Sorin Tănase-Nicola and Jorge Kurchan |
1247-1300 | Sticky Behavior of Fluid Particles in the Compressible Kraichnan Model | Krzysztof Gawędzki and Péter Horvai |
1301-1358 | Discrete Charges on a Two Dimensional Conductor | Marko Kleine Berkenbusch, Isabelle Claus, Catherine Dunn, Leo P. Kadanoff and Maciej Nicewicz, et al. |
1359-1387 | Displacement Convexity for the Generalized Orthogonal Ensemble | Gordon Blower |
1389-1404 | A Self-Averaging “Order Parameter” for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glass Model | Walter F. Wreszinski and Oscar Bolina |
1405-1434 | Surface Transitions of the Semi-Infinite Potts Model II: The Low Bulk Temperature Regime | C. Dobrovolny, L. Laanait and J. Ruiz |
1435-1447 | Broken Ergodicity in Classically Chaotic Spin Systems | F. Borgonovi, G. L. Celardo, M. Maianti and E. Pedersoli |
1449-1451 | Comment on: Curious Properties of Simple Random Walks | Michael Baake and Matthias Löwe |
1453-1469 | Of Dogs and Fleas: The Dynamics of N Uncoupled Two-State Systems | Ch. Hauert, J. Nagler and H. G. Schuster |
1471-1490 | Thermodynamics of the Farey Fraction Spin Chain | Jan Fiala and Peter Kleban |
1491-1520 | Limit Lognormal Multifractal as an Exponential Functional | Dmitry Ostrovsky |
1521-1544 | Zero Tension Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation in (d + 1)–Dimensions | A. Bahraminasab, S. M. A. Tabei, A. A. Masoudi, F. Shahbazi and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar |
1545-1578 | Do Bosons Condense in a Homogeneous Magnetic Field? | Philippe Briet, Horia D. Cornean and Valentin A. Zagrebnov |
1579-1596 | The Bose Molecule in One Dimension | Joseph P. Straley, Eugene B. Kolomeisky and Stephen C. Milne |
1597-1649 | On Isotropic Distributional Solutions to the Boltzmann Equation for Bose-Einstein Particles | Xuguang Lu |
1651-1682 | Moment Inequalities and High-Energy Tails for Boltzmann Equations with Inelastic Interactions | A. V. Bobylev, I. M. Gamba and V. A. Panferov |
1683-1702 | Replica Density Functional Study of One-Dimensional Hard Core Fluids in Porous Media | Hendrik Reich and Matthias Schmidt |
1703-1706 | Book Review: The Scientific Letters and Papers of James Clerk Maxwell. P.M. Harman, ed. Vol. III, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge | Cyril Domb |
1707-1708 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-25 | Transfer Matrix Functional Relations for the Generalized τ2 (tq) Model | R. J. Baxter |
27-54 | Dynamical Arrest, Tracer Diffusion and Kinetically Constrained Lattice Gases | Cristina Toninelli and Giulio Biroli |
55-76 | Exact Shock Measures and Steady-State Selection in a Driven Diffusive System with Two Conserved Densities | A. Rákos and G. M. Schütz |
77-98 | Multiple Shocks in Bricklayers' Model | Márton Balázs |
99-110 | Stochastic Stability in Spatial Games | Jacek Miękisz |
111-130 | Mean-Field Behavior for the Survival Probability and the Percolation Point-to-Surface Connectivity | Akira Sakai |
131-158 | Is the Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma Exactly Solvable? | L. Šamaj |
159-178 | Translation Symmetry Breaking in the One-Component Plasma on the Cylinder | L. Šamaj, J. Wagner and P. Kalinay |
179-198 | The Potts Model Built on Sand | E. Dinaburg, C. Maes, S. Pirogov, F. Redig and A. Rybko |
199-209 | Relaxation to a Perpetually Pulsating Equilibrium | D. Lynden-Bell and R. M. Lynden-Bell |
211-241 | On Two Kinetic Models for Chemical Reactions: Comparisons and Existence Results | Maria Groppi and Jacek Polewczak |
243-260 | The Bernoulli Property for Weakly Hyperbolic Systems | Alexander Arbieto, Carlos Matheus and Maria José Pacifico |
261-279 | Periodic Homogenization for Hypoelliptic Diffusions | M. Hairer and G. A. Pavliotis |
281-300 | Description of Specifications by Means of Probability Distributions in Small Volumes Under Condition of Very Weak Positivity | S. Dachian and B. S. Nahapetian |
301-341 | Normal and Generalized Bose Condensation in Traps: One Dimensional Examples | András Sütő |
343-375 | Semiclassical Asymptotics for Weakly Nonlinear Bloch Waves | Rémi Carles, Peter A. Markowich and Christof Sparber |
377-379 | Book Review:The Kinetic Theory of Gases: An Anthology of Classic Papers with Historical Commentary. S. G. Brush, World Scientific Publishing Co., River Edge, NJ, 2003 | Irwin Oppenheim |
381-383 | Book Review:Brownian Agents and Active Particles. F. Schweitzer, Springer, Berlin, 2003 | Bruce J. West |
385-386 | Future Contributions toJournal of Statistical Physics |
387-426 | On Large Deviation Properties of Erdös–Rényi Random Graphs | Andreas Engel, Rémi Monasson and Alexander K. Hartmann |
427-452 | A Mixed-Transfer-Matrix Method for Simulating Normal Conductor/Perfect Insulator/Perfect Conductor Random Networks | Xiangting Li and David J. Bergman |
453-476 | Properties of Atypical Graphs from Negative Complexities | Olivier Rivoire |
477-519 | Ferromagnetic Domain Wall and Spiral Ground States in One-Dimensional Deformed Flat-Band Hubbard Model | Makoto Homma and Chigak Itoi |
521-547 | Large Deviations for Quantum Spin Systems | K. Netočný and F. Redig |
549-580 | Exclusion Processes with Degenerate Rates: Convergence to Equilibrium and Tagged Particle | Lorenzo Bertini and Cristina Toninelli |
581-597 | Does the Boltzmann Principle Need a Dynamical Correction? | Artur B. Adib |
599-615 | Time-Reversed Dynamical Entropy and Irreversibility in Markovian Random Processes | Pierre Gaspard |
617-634 | Some Remarks on the Smoluchowski–Kramers Approximation | Mark Freidlin |
635-664 | Dissipative Linear Boltzmann Equation for Hard Spheres | Bertrand Lods and Giuseppe Toscani |
665-680 | Investigation of Stability and Hydrodynamics of Different Lattice Boltzmann Models | X. D. Niu, C. Shu, Y. T. Chew and T. G. Wang |
681-702 | Rotor Interaction in the Annulus Billiard | Péter Bálint and Serge Troubetzkoy |
703-737 | Moments of the First Passage Time Under External Driving | Benjamin Lindner |
739-772 | On the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Piston Problem | Christian Gruber, Séverine Pache and Annick Lesne |
773-774 | Book Review: Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems. Didier Sornette, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2003 | Josep M. Porrà |
775-781 | Program of the 91st Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University, May 16–18, 2004 | Joel Lebowitz |
783-784 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
795-811 | Fluctuations in the Weakly Asymmetric Exclusion Process with Open Boundary Conditions | B. Derrida, C. Enaud, C. Landim and S. Olla |
813-847 | Lyapunov Modes in Hard-Disk Systems | Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Christina Forster, Harald A. Posch and Emmanuel Zabey |
849-881 | The Stationary Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation in a Couette Setting with Multiple, Isolated Lq-solutions and Hydrodynamic Limits | L. Arkeryd and A. Nouri |
883-933 | Alternative Proof for the Localization of Sinai’s Walk | Pierre Andreoletti |
935-971 | Transport Coefficients for Inelastic Maxwell Mixtures | Vicente Garzó and Antonio Astillero |
973-978 | Hund’s Rule and Metallic Ferromagnetism | Jürg Fröhlich and Daniel Ueltschi |
997-1056 | On the Ising Model with Random Boundary Condition | A. C. D. van. Enter, K. Netočný and H. G. Schaap |
1057-1071 | The Cavity Method for the Rigidity Transition | J. Barré, A. R. Bishop, T. Lookman and A. Saxena |
1073-1105 | Classification of Phase Transitions and Ensemble Inequivalence, in Systems with Long Range Interactions | F. Bouchet and J. Barré |
1107-1127 | Infinite Compressibility States in the Hierarchical Reference Theory of Fluids. I. Analytical Considerations | Albert Reiner |
1129-1149 | Infinite Compressibility States in the Hierarchical Reference Theory of Fluids. II. Numerical Evidence | Albert Reiner and Gerhard Kahl |
1151-1261 | The Repulsive Lattice Gas, the Independent-Set Polynomial, and the Lovász Local Lemma | Alexander D. Scott and Alan D. Sokal |
1263-1264 | Book Review: Kinetic Theory of Granular Gases | Carlo Cercignani |
1265-1271 | Program of the 92nd Statistical Mechanics Meeting Rutgers University, December 19–21, 2004 | Joel L. Lebowitz |
1273-1274 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1-33 | Anharmonic Oscillator Driven by Additive Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Noise | Kirone Mallick and Philippe Marcq |
35-60 | On Stability of Some General Random Dynamical System | Katarzyna Horbacz, Józef Myjak and Tomasz Szarek |
61-122 | On First-order Corrections to the LSW Theory I: Infinite Systems | Andreas Hönig, Barbara Niethammer and Felix Otto |
123-164 | On First-order Corrections to the LSW Theory II: Finite Systems | Andreas Hönig, Barbara Niethammer and Felix Otto |
165-196 | Lévy, Ornstein–Uhlenbeck, and Subordination: Spectral vs. Jump Description | Iddo Eliazar and Joseph Klafter |
197-239 | Hydrodynamic Limit for an Arc Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure | Isabelle Choquet and Brigitte Lucquin-Desreux |
241-271 | Homogeneous Generalized Master Equations | Victor F. Los |
273-307 | Microscopic Origin of Universality in Casimir Forces | Pascal R. Buenzli and Philippe A. Martin |
309-329 | A Dicke Type Model for Equilibrium BEC Superradiance | Joseph V. Pulé, André F. Verbeure and Valentin A. Zagrebnov |
331-345 | An Improved Upper Bound for the Critical Probability of the Frog Model on Homogeneous Trees | Élcio Lebensztayn, Fábio P. Machado and Serguei Popov |
347-389 | Mesoscopic Modeling for Continuous Spin Lattice Systems: Model Problems and Micromagnetics Applications | Markos A. Katsoulakis, Petr Plecháč and Dimitrios K. Tsagkarogiannis |
391-425 | Gapless Excitation above a Domain Wall Ground State in a Flat-Band Hubbard Model | Makoto Homma and Chigak Itoi |
427-446 | On Gibbs Measures of Models with Competing Ternary and Binary Interactions and Corresponding Von Neumann Algebras II | Farruh Mukhamedov and Utkir Rozikov |
447-448 | Erratum on “Mean-field Behavior for the Survival Probability and the Percolation Point-to-Surface Connectivity” | Akira Sakai |
449-451 | Book Review: Elements of the Random Walk: An Introduction for Advanced Students and Researchers | George H. Weiss |
453-455 | Book Review: Structured Fluids, Polymers, Colloids, Surfactants: Structured Fluids, Polymers, Colloids, Surfactants | Rudi Podgornik |
457-458 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
459-478 | Saturation of Electrostatic Potential: Exactly Solvable 2D Coulomb Models | L. Šamaj |
479-507 | Colligative Properties of Solutions: I. Fixed Concentrations | Kenneth S. Alexander, Marek Biskup and Lincoln Chayes |
509-537 | Colligative Properties of Solutions: II. Vanishing Concentrations | Kenneth S. Alexander, Marek Biskup and Lincoln Chayes |
539-595 | Anisotropy Effects in Nucleation for Conservative Dynamics | F. R. Nardi, E. Olivieri and E. Scoppola |
597-642 | On the Statistical Mechanics and Surface Tensions of Binary Mixtures | J. De. Coninck, S. Miracle–Solé and J. Ruiz |
643-658 | Kac Polymers | Paolo Buttà, Aldo Procacci and Benedetto Scoppola |
659-675 | On the Convergence of Kikuchi’s Natural Iteration Method | Marco Pretti |
677-713 | Large Deviation Techniques Applied to Systems with Long-Range Interactions | Julien Barré, Freddy Bouchet, Thierry Dauxois and Stefano Ruffo |
715-746 | Large Deviations in Quantum Lattice Systems: One-Phase Region | Marco Lenci and Luc Rey-Bellet |
747-764 | The Fourth Virial Coefficient of a Fluid of Hard Spheres in Odd Dimensions | I. Lyberg |
765-776 | Zero Temperature Limits of Gibbs-Equilibrium States for Countable Alphabet Subshifts of Finite Type | O. Jenkinson, R. D. Mauldin and M. Urbański |
777-826 | Airy Distribution Function: From the Area Under a Brownian Excursion to the Maximal Height of Fluctuating Interfaces | Satya N. Majumdar and Alain Comtet |
827-852 | Fluctuations for Kawasaki Dynamics | Cèdric Bernardin |
853-860 | On the Symmetry of the Diffusion Coefficient in Asymmetric Simple Exclusion | Michail Loulakis |
861-880 | Effects of Field Orientation on the Driven Lattice Gas | Paul D. Siders |
881-907 | Phase Transitions on Markovian Bipartite Graphs—an Application of the Zero-range Process | Otto Pulkkinen and Juha Merikoski |
909-944 | Fluctuation Relation beyond Linear Response Theory | A. Giuliani, F. Zamponi and G. Gallavotti |
945-948 | Book Review: Lectures on the Kinetic Theory of Gases, Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and Statistical Theories | A. Widom and F. Y. Wu |
949-950 | Book Review: Modeling Complex Systems | Michael F. Shlesinger |
951-952 | Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
759-778 | Zero-Range Process with Open Boundaries | E. Levine, D. Mukamel and G. M. Schütz |
779-798 | Spectral Degeneracies in the Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process | O. Golinelli and K. Mallick |
799-835 | Random Tilings of High Symmetry: I. Mean-Field Theory | N. Destainville, M. Widom, R. Mosseri and F. Bailly |
837-873 | Random Tilings of High Symmetry: II. Boundary Conditions and Numerical Studies | M. Widom, N. Destainville, R. Mosseri and F. Bailly |
875-1035 | Instanton Calculus for the Self-Avoiding Manifold Model | François David and Kay J. Wiese |
1037-1100 | Correction-to-Scaling Exponents for Two-Dimensional Self-Avoiding Walks | Sergio Caracciolo, Anthony J. Guttmann, Iwan Jensen, Andrea Pelissetto and Andrew N. Rogers, et al. |
1101-1124 | Inside Singularity Sets of Random Gibbs Measures | Julien Barral and Stéphane Seuret |
1125-1163 | Multiple Schramm–Loewner Evolutions and Statistical Mechanics Martingales | Michel Bauer, Denis Bernard and Kalle Kytölä |
1165-1170 | Program of the 93rd Statistical Mechanics Meeting – Rutgers University, May 15–17, 2005 | Joel L. Lebowitz |
1-2 | Preface: Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science | Manfred Krafczyk, Anthony J. C. Ladd and Li-Shi Luo |
3-35 | Asymptotic Analysis of Lattice Boltzmann Boundary Conditions | Michael Junk and Zhaoxia Yang |
37-48 | Analysis of Lattice Boltzmann Initialization Routines | Alfonso Caiazzo |
49-74 | A Consistent Grid Coupling Method for Lattice-Boltzmann Schemes | Martin Rheinländer |
75-90 | On the Domain of Hyperbolicity of the Cumulant Equations | S. Seeger and K. H. Hoffmann |
91-103 | Nonexistence of H Theorem for Some Lattice Boltzmann Models | Wen-an Yong and Li-Shi Luo |
105-118 | Lattice Kinetic Formulation for Ferrofluids | Paul J. Dellar |
119-131 | Energy-Conserving Lattice Boltzmann Thermal Model in Two Dimensions | Benjamin Piaud, Stéphane Blanco, Richard Fournier and Michael J. Clifton |
133-147 | Voronoi Fluid Particle Model for Euler Equations | Mar Serrano, Pep Español and Ignacio Zúñiga |
149-161 | Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of Particle Suspensions in Shear Flow | J. Hyväluoma, P. Raiskinmäki, A. Koponen, M. Kataja and J. Timonen |
163-178 | Lattice Boltzmann for Binary Fluids with Suspended Colloids | K. Stratford, R. Adhikari, I. Pagonabarraga and J. -C. Desplat |
179-196 | Lattice Boltzmann Model for Free Surface Flow for Modeling Foaming | C. Körner, M. Thies, T. Hofmann, N. Thürey and U. Rüde |
197-207 | Dynamics of Interface Displacement in Capillary Flow | Luís O. E. dos Santos, Fabiano G. Wolf and Paulo C. Philippi |
209-221 | Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Blood Flow: Non-Newtonian Rheology and Clotting Processes | Rafik Ouared and Bastien Chopard |
223-237 | Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Shear-Thinning Fluids | Dirk Kehrwald |
239-255 | A Lattice Boltzmann Kinetic Model for Microflow and Heat Transfer | C. Shu, X. D. Niu and Y. T. Chew |
257-267 | Gas Flow in Microchannels – A Lattice Boltzmann Method Approach | Y. H. Zhang, R. S. Qin, Y. H. Sun, R. W. Barber and D. R. Emerson |
269 | Preface |
271-273 | Introduction for Carlo's Special Issue | Cédric Villani |
275-300 | Half-Space Problems for the Boltzmann Equation: A Survey | Claude Bardos, François Golse and Yoshio Sone |
301-320 | The Development of the Green's Function for the Boltzmann Equation | Shih-Hsien Yu |
321-369 | Vapor Flows Along a Plane Condensed Phase with Weak Condensation in the Presence of a Noncondensable Gas | Satoshi Taguchi, Kazuo Aoki and Vladimir Latocha |
371-399 | Instabilities in the Chapman-Enskog Expansion and Hyperbolic Burnett Equations | A. V. Bobylev |
401-443 | On a Taylor-Couette Type Bifurcation for the Stationary Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation | L. Arkeryd and A. Nouri |
445-483 | 10.1007/s10955-006-9040-z | Sorin Bastea1, Raffaele Esposito, Joel L. Lebowitz and Rossana Marra |
485-495 | Supports of Measure Solutions for Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equations | Xicheng Zhang and Xianwen Zhang |
497-516 | Boltzmann Equations For Mixtures of Maxwell Gases: Exact Solutions and Power Like Tails | A. V. Bobylev and I. M. Gamba |
517-547 | On the Boltzmann Equation for Fermi–Dirac Particles with Very Soft Potentials: Averaging Compactness of Weak Solutions | Xuguang Lu |
549-586 | The Boltzmann Equation for Driven Systems of Inelastic Soft Spheres | M. H. Ernst, E. Trizac and A. Barrat |
587-623 | Hydrodynamic theory for reverse brazil nut segregation and the non-monotonic ascension dynamics | Meheboob Alam, L. Trujillo and H. J. Herrmann |
625-653 | Decay Rates in Probability Metrics Towards Homogeneous Cooling States for the Inelastic Maxwell Model | M. Bisi, J. A. Carrillo and G. Toscani |
655-702 | Cooling Process for Inelastic Boltzmann Equations for Hard Spheres, Part I: The Cauchy Problem | S. Mischler, C. Mouhot and M. Rodriguez Ricard |
703-746 | Cooling Process for Inelastic Boltzmann Equations for Hard Spheres, Part II: Self-Similar Solutions and Tail Behavior | S. Mischler and C. Mouhot |
747-779 | Self-Similarity and Power-Like Tails in Nonconservative Kinetic Models | Lorenzo Pareschi and Giuseppe Toscani |
781-822 | Mathematics of Granular Materials | Cédric Villani |
823-842 | Systematic Density Expansion of the Lyapunov Exponents for a Two-Dimensional Random Lorentz Gas | H. V. Kruis, Debabrata Panja and Henk van Beijeren |
843-858 | Gravitational Collapse and Ergodicity in Confined Gravitational Systems | Lj. Milanović, H. A. Posch and W. Thirring |
859-880 | The Kac Equation with a Thermostatted Force Field | B. Wennberg and Y. Wondmagegne |
881-912 | From Reactive Boltzmann Equations to Reaction–Diffusion Systems | M. Bisi and L. Desvillettes |
913-950 | Diffusion Dynamics of Classical Systems Driven by an Oscillatory Force | F. Castella, P. Degond and Th. Goudon |
951-996 | Some Considerations on the Derivation of the Nonlinear Quantum Boltzmann Equation II: The Low Density Regime | D. Benedetto, F. Castella, R. Esposito and M. Pulvirenti |
997-1040 | Kinetic Limit for a System of Coagulating Planar Brownian Particles | Alan Hammond and Fraydoun Rezakhanlou |
1041-1104 | The Phonon Boltzmann Equation, Properties and Link to Weakly Anharmonic Lattice Dynamics | Herbert Spohn |
513-527 | Single-Site Approximation for Reaction-Diffusion Processes | L. Canet and H. J. Hilhorst |
529-564 | Fluctuations of Power Injection in Randomly Driven Granular Gases | Paolo Visco, Andrea Puglisi, Alain Barrat, Emmanuel Trizac and Frédéric van Wijland |
565-587 | Scaling and Expansion of Moment Equations in Kinetic Theory | Henning Struchtrup |
589-616 | Changes in the Effective Parameters of Averaged Motion in Nonlinear Systems Subject to Noise | P. S. Landa, Yu. I. Neimark and P. V. E. McClintock |
617-655 | Moment Systems Derived from Relativistic Kinetic Equations | Véronique Bagland, Pierre Degond and Mohammed Lemou |
657-671 | Onsager-Casimir Reciprocal Relations Based on the Boltzmann Equation and Gas-Surface Interaction. Gaseous Mixtures | Felix Sharipov and Denize Kalempa |
673-712 | Some Rigorous Results on a Stochastic GOY Model | D. Barbato, M. Barsanti, H. Bessaih and F. Flandoli |
713-722 | Lattice Gas with Finite-Range Interaction Under Gravity | Karl Grill and Christian Tutschka |
723-748 | Quadrupolar ordering of phospholipid molecules in narrow necks of phospholipid vesicles | Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Blaž Babnik, Dorit R. Gauger, Sylvio May and Aleš Iglič |
749-756 | Quantum Entropy of Spin Fields in the Schwarzschild-Anti-de Sitter Black Hole with a Global Monopole | Gu-Qiang Li |
757-772 | Quantum Thermodynamics with Missing Reference Frames: Decompositions of Free Energy Into Non-Increasing Components | Dominik Janzing |
773-788 | Finite-Size Scaling in the Energy-Entropy Plane for the 2D ± Ising Spin Glass | Ronald Fisch |
789-799 | Finite-Size Scaling of the Domain Wall Entropy Distributions for the 2D ± J Ising Spin Glass | Ronald Fisch |
807 | Preface | Joel Lebowitz |
809-832 | Superbosonization Formula and its Application to Random Matrix Theory | J. E. Bunder, K. B. Efetov, V. E. Kravtsov, O. M. Yevtushenko and M. R. Zirnbauer |
833-855 | Symmetrized Models of Last Passage Percolation and Non-Intersecting Lattice Paths | Peter J. Forrester and Eric M. Rains |
857-884 | Wigner Random Matrices with Non-Symmetrically Distributed Entries | Sandrine Péché and Alexander Soshnikov |
885-935 | Correlation Functions of Harish-Chandra Integrals over the Orthogonal and the Symplectic Groups | A. Prats Ferrer, B. Eynard, P. Di Francesco and J.-B. Zuber |
937-948 | On the Proof of Universality for Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles in Random Matrix Theory | Ovidiu Costin, Percy Deift and Dimitri Gioev |
949-1053 | Universality for Orthogonal and Symplectic Laguerre-Type Ensembles | P. Deift, D. Gioev, T. Kriecherbauer and M. Vanlessen |
1055-1080 | Fluctuation Properties of the TASEP with Periodic Initial Configuration | Alexei Borodin, Patrik L. Ferrari, Michael Prähofer and Tomohiro Sasamoto |
1081-1116 | Replica Symmetry Breaking Condition Exposed by Random Matrix Calculation of Landscape Complexity | Yan V. Fyodorov and Ian Williams |
1117-1135 | Non-Colliding Paths in the Honeycomb Dimer Model and the Dyson Process | Cédric Boutillier |
1137-1158 | Pfaffian Expressions for Random Matrix Correlation Functions | Taro Nagao |
1159-1231 | Integrable Structure of Ginibre’s Ensemble of Real Random Matrices and a Pfaffian Integration Theorem | Gernot Akemann and Eugene Kanzieper |
1233-1277 | Noncolliding Brownian Motion and Determinantal Processes | Makoto Katori and Hideki Tanemura |
1-23 | Random Loose Packing in Granular Matter | David Aristoff and Charles Radin |
25-55 | Duality and Hidden Symmetries in Interacting Particle Systems | Cristian Giardinà, Jorge Kurchan, Frank Redig and Kiamars Vafayi |
57-75 | Computation of Current Cumulants for Small Nonequilibrium Systems | Marco Baiesi, Christian Maes and Karel Netočný |
77-85 | Generic Two-Phase Coexistence and Nonequilibrium Criticality in a Lattice Version of Schlögl’s Second Model for Autocatalysis | Da-Jiang Liu |
87-105 | The Structure of Typical Clusters in Large Sparse Random Configurations | Jean Bertoin and Vladas Sidoravicius |
107-132 | A Mathematical Study of the One-Dimensional Keller and Rubinow Model for Liesegang Bands | D. Hilhorst, R. van der Hout, M. Mimura and I. Ohnishi |
133-151 | Stochastic Particle Approximation for Measure Valued Solutions of the 2D Keller-Segel System | Jan Haškovec and Christian Schmeiser |
153-173 | From Discrete Velocity Boltzmann Equations to Gas Dynamics Before Shocks | Florent Berthelin, Athanasios E. Tzavaras and Alexis Vasseur |
175-198 | High-Order Coupled Cluster Method (CCM) Calculations for Quantum Magnets with Valence-Bond Ground States | D. J. J. Farnell, J. Richter, R. Zinke and R. F. Bishop |
199-200 | P. Castiglione, M. Falcioni, A. Lesne, A. Vulpiani: Chaos and Coarse Graining in Statistical Mechanics
1 | Preface |
2-7 | Chaos Theory Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | Y. G. Sinai |
8-19 | A Personal Perspective on the Last Half-Century of Critical Phenomena | George A. Baker |
20-28 | Twenty Five Years After KLS: A Celebration of Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics | R. K. P. Zia |
29-39 | Replica Method and Finite Vol.Corrections | Matteo Campellone, Giorgio Parisi and Miguel Angel Virasoro |
40-50 | On Tagged Particle Dynamics in Highly Confined Fluids | J. K. Percus |
51-84 | Phase Separation in Confined Geometries | Kurt Binder, Sanjay Puri, Subir K. Das and Jürgen Horbach |
85-125 | Congestion in a Macroscopic Model of Self-driven Particles Modeling Gregariousness | Pierre Degond, Laurent Navoret, Richard Bon and David Sanchez |
126-142 | Activated Random Walkers: Facts, Conjectures and Challenges | Ronald Dickman, Leonardo T. Rolla and Vladas Sidoravicius |
143-159 | Growth Rates and Explosions in Sandpiles | Anne Fey, Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres |
160-269 | Deterministic Approach to the Kinetic Theory of Gases | József Beck |
270-290 | Dynamical Aspects of Mean Field Plane Rotators and the Kuramoto Model | Lorenzo Bertini, Giambattista Giacomin and Khashayar Pakdaman |
291-304 | Stabilization of Solutions to a FitzHugh-Nagumo Type System | Danielle Hilhorst and Piotr Rybka |
305-332 | On the Convergence Rate of the Euler-α, an Inviscid Second-Grade Complex Fluid, Model to the Euler Equations | Jasmine S. Linshiz and Edriss S. Titi |
333-350 | Time Ordering and Counting Statistics | S. Bachmann, G. M. Graf and G. B. Lesovik |
351-380 | The McKean–Vlasov Equation in Finite Volume | L. Chayes and V. Panferov |
381-410 | The Speed of Evolution in Large Asexual Populations | Su-Chan Park, Damien Simon and Joachim Krug |
411-430 | Bootstrap Percolation and Kinetically Constrained Models on Hyperbolic Lattices | François Sausset, Cristina Toninelli, Giulio Biroli and Gilles Tarjus |
431-446 | Switching Phenomena in a System with No Switches | Tobias Preis and H. Eugene Stanley |
447-464 | Asymptotics of the Farey Fraction Spin Chain Free Energy at the Critical Point | Oscar F. Bandtlow, Jan Fiala, Peter Kleban and Thomas Prellberg |
465-475 | Modelling Quasicrystals at Positive Temperature | Hans Koch and Charles Radin |
476-495 | Perfect Simulation of Infinite Range Gibbs Measures and Coupling with Their Finite Range Approximations | A. Galves, E. Löcherbach and E. Orlandi |
496-542 | Weighted Graph Colorings | Shu-Chiuan Chang and Robert Shrock |
543-550 | Stochastic Stability: A Review and Some Perspectives | Pierluigi Contucci |
551 | Erratum to: Non Existence of a Density Expansion of the Transport Coefficients in a Moderately Dense Gas | E. G. D. Cohen |
1-10 | Interface Energy in the Edwards-Anderson Model | Pierluigi Contucci, Cristian Giardinà, Claudio Giberti, Giorgio Parisi and Cecilia Vernia |
11-42 | On Random Field Induced Ordering in the Classical XY Model | Nicholas Crawford |
43-57 | Rigorous Treatment of the Liquid-Vapor Transition in a Polydisperse System with Kac Interaction | Kotaro Ono |
58-77 | Low Lying Spectrum of Weak-Disorder Quantum Waveguides | Denis Borisov and Ivan Veselić |
78-107 | Two-dimensional Quantum Random Walk | Yuliy Baryshnikov, Wil Brady, Andrew Bressler and Robin Pemantle |
108-126 | Extreme Value Laws in Dynamical Systems for Non-smooth Observations | Ana Cristina Moreira Freitas, Jorge Milhazes Freitas and Mike Todd |
127-153 | Entropy and Nonlinear Nonequilibrium Thermodynamic Relation for Heat Conducting Steady States | Teruhisa S. Komatsu, Naoko Nakagawa, Shin-ichi Sasa and Hal Tasaki |
154-167 | Local Geometry and Dynamical Behavior on Folded Basic Sets | Eugen Mihailescu |
168-200 | The One-Dimensional Exactly 1 Cellular Automaton: Replication, Periodicity, and Chaos from Finite Seeds | Janko Gravner and David Griffeath |
201-219 | Trajectories in Random Monads | A. D. Ramos and A. Toom |
220-222 | Rashmi Desai and Raymond Kapral: Dynamics of Self-Organized and Self-Assembled Structures